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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Heading to Missouri Wednesday to visit my brothers...........maybe I'll stop by Ferguson to see what all the fuss is about.
  2. 45 gun violence homicides in Baltimore in July....highest since 1972. 189 shooting deaths to date.....up from last year's 119 but I see a slow down coming up in the months ahead with the the Confederate flag issue almost behind us.
  3. On side note....in Dickinson on way to MT. White guy in baseball cap drives by in a Jeep. Licence plate on front a Confederate flag. Big sticker on back window say "Hands down. Don't loot". Going say it might be awhile before Dickinson has an incident above similar to what happened in Fargo. Just my hunch. And to my surprise not a single siting of Blue Hawks garb anywhere. Go Fighting Hawks........
  4. Maybe Romo's will work his way to GF...............best Mexican food in the F-M area.
  5. GF would benefit from a Sickie's Garage.
  6. Sorry but had to give you a -1 for that!
  7. Simplification and over-generalization? Explain how "Cecil" is getting more headlines than the Planned Parenthood's mess? Nevermind we both know the answer to that. And to your last statement........good for you and the 4 out of 5 dentists that agree with you but somehow I see you tearing up with Jimmy Kimmel.
  8. Half price malts/shakes after 8 pm...............best cold summr treat deal in the F-M area.
  9. The sadder commentary with today's society and this whole "Cecil" issues is those that are so outraged that a lion is dead are the same ones have no problem with abortion and/or the blackmarket catastrophe that Planned Parenthood finds themselves involved in.
  10. No nickname vs. nickname.....NCAA: fair or bullies.....sanctions vs no sanctions.....violation of agreement or no violation..... At the end of the day does any of this matter? IMO it is all controlled by one person.....Kelley. And if you are comfortable with that notion then I think you and anyone else who has any stake in the outcome of this nickname process should be very worried.
  11. In the late 80's to early 90's when it was a Hardee's was the only time I recall it having some stability.
  12. So in essence it is Kelley just being Kelley. Boy are we glad we landed him to guide UND thru this nickname process.................
  13. jdub27 or 82SiouxGuy? Getting an answer to the 2 posts above would seem to clear a lot of this up. You two seem to have lots of answers so let's hear it.
  14. So to break the tension and go in a little different direction.......what bothers you more: Cecil the lion being hunted and killed or aborted body parts being sold on the black market by Planned Parenthood?
  15. So I'll ask again............what was Kelley thinking putting the just "North Dakota" option (no nickname) back on the table after the committee sent him 5 nickname options? I struggle to understand how the president of the universiy can't or won't grasp what you just spelled out above.
  16. Let's assume your last statement above is 100% accurate and factual......................................could Kelley come off looking like any more of a joke? How could he not know this? For him to bring back "no nickname" as an option flies in the face of your comment above. I'm not good at math but this 2 +2 is not equalling 4 if your post is fact.
  17. Problem I see is SU putting 8 in the box and challenging UND to make plays thru the air. Regardless of the perceived mismatch in the lines it is tough to run when there are more defenders in the box than blockers. Simple math unfortunately.
  18. I for one can only hope it comes down to these options as the final 2 to vote on.
  19. I bet that the over 60 crowd that night at the Pitchfork Fodue prior to the muscial was only talking about condoms..............................
  20. MVC preseason team announced and Wentz isn't the QB? QB from ILS is. Somebody get Kiper on speed dial!
  21. If we were to discuss only things that are 100% true on this site we would still be kicking the dead horse that Hak's F4 record was atrocious and he could not win a Natty...and I think we have all had enough of that. My "in the know" just texted me "Fighting Sioux" might not be dead after all..................
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