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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. i believe that bob declined the generous offer and instead asked that anyone who wished could make a contribution to St. Judes research instead... post #19 of this topic has a link. hope all is going well for bob and family!
  2. bob, will and family, keep fighting and you will beat this. draw strength from each other and know that so many out here including myself have you in our prayers. bryan
  3. im sorry to play devils advocate here, but since you chose to use this as your example, i think it is fair to point out you are wrong. not one study has ever linked the mmr vaccine with autism. here is a link if you care to look, many useful links to answer the questions surrounding this issue. there are many things i concede to the more educated on, but with a sister who is a special education teacher specializing in autism, and an aunt who is a pediatric nurse practitioner, i happen to know more than i care to on the subject... http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/vaccines.htm http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/...m_factsheet.htm
  4. he never had the "c" to lose, that was kaips all year, and for good reason. and as to why tj lost his letter, i'm not sure but that is not something hak would do lightly or without reason. i agree that the media and this forum jumped to conclusions, and i am glad for tj it is resolved. he was one of the good guys and we will all miss him in that sioux sweater this season.
  5. after sifting though all hate and animosity the last 8 pages, it is obvious that there are some strong feelings on both sides of the line here, and both sides make some valid points, but the pro-smoking ban has my vote here. it seems the pro smokers feel they are having their rights taken away as are the business owners, but as has been stated, smokers can do so outside if they choose, and as for the owners, everyone is on the same playing field, no bar is being given this "smoking advantage" over others, so i guess my opinion is things will adjust, and they will. also people are playing the "it is legal, so why can't we do it in a bar or other public place?" card, my simple answer to that is sex is legal too, but that doesn't mean you can do it in a bar or library or the waiting room of your hospital. smokers had the same outrage when smoking was banned in airlines and restaurants, now it seems absurd that smoking was ever allowed there. the "pro smoking" group on this forum have been jumping all over sioux-cia and oxbow when they bring up health care issues, but they are very valid points and belong in this discussion. you guys seem to dismiss the public health argument, or the overwhelming affect smokers have on health insurance with the "its my right" argument, but rights no longer are yours alone when they affect others, and this is what is going on here. i know it sucks that you guys can't go sit in a bar and have a smoke and a drink, but if that is really what you want, do it at home. i would venture to guess alot of you don't even smoke in your own home, but yet you find it silly to ban it from a public place. if you love going out to the bar, smoke outside when you need one, i have a feeling alot of places will have covered patios with patio heaters to accomidate just like bww in fargo has now. the final point i have is that this went up for a public vote and passed. that is how laws like this are passed in our democratic society. like it or not, the majority has spoken and there is no longer smoking in the fm area. i am looking forward to it as i can actually go to a bar close to my home and not smell like a damn chimney when i go home or have a smoke hangover until noon the next day. i know it was my choice the few occasions i did go to a bar, but the only non smoking bar close to west fargo was bww which was always packed, and once in a while i like to donate to my local charities (aka - blackjack ). society will adjust to this change, as i believe in the next few years it will spread across our state and nation, and i think it is for the better.
  6. so is it just the same wishful thinking about malone being on that roster too? im guessing he will be back? he would be a big loss, he is built alot like vandy, just needs another couple years of seasoning.
  7. shattrick... you just got deaned and we are all now a little more stupid for having to continually read his "witty" retorts i would tell dean to go back home to gpl, but it is actually more enteraining than bunnytown, which is what my daughter has on tv right now
  8. that may be true, but that doesn't mean the butterfly plays with the snakes
  9. i live in fargo, and attitudes like this make me sick. fargo is a great place, i love it here. i've also lived out west and love it there. people outside of fargo need to get over this inferiority complex thing driven by idiots with these attitudes, and people with this "fargo" attitude need to quit being idiots and giving the rest of us a bad name. north dakota is a wonderful state and a great place to live, and we should support out entire state instead of bickering about who's city is better or who has the bigger... well nevermind. i do have to say though, i miss the scenery out west.
  10. duncs wears the "c", no question i can see finley, watkins, vandevelde and kozek all wearing the "a", but obviously they can't, so my guess is that watkins is the odd man out.
  11. this is awesome. now i can go to a bar for a beer and not have to shower when i get home. long overdue, and i would guess the rest of north dakota will follow suit, although it may take years.
  12. i think the main difference is most ushl refs are very young and some are using the league as a stepping stone to move up. they may make some inexperience mistakes, but are continually working to get better to move on to the next level. the wcha refs are older and not going anywhere. we don't have the refs who are working towards the ahl or nhl (at least not most, possibly some of the younger guys have those aspirations?). the problem is that where as the younger guys are in "training" and know their performance affects their future, the guys who are comfortable and have no ideas of moving on don't have that added incentive to do better. especially when the head of officials constantly ignores gross incompetence as long as you are part of the shepard and mcleod club.
  13. dean is not a sioux fan, we all know that, but it apparently amuses him to portray himself as such, then bash the sioux and the sioux fans on this forum.
  14. i agree with redwing here, clarke was a longshot, but at least we know very early on he is not coming now, so the coaches can plan for that. i don't know much about the three situations that redwing mentioned, other that what has been mentioned here, but all three seem to be very similar... they were not ready to play at this level, or were outcompeted for a spot. sports is a competition people, and it should be that way. we don't want players thinking they have a spot "reserved" because they have played before or were given a scholarship, that breeds laziness and apathy. we want the players competing at their highest level all year long, including practices to earn their spots. it makes them better come gametime, and instills the mindset successful athletes need to have. do you think jpl or oshie or duncan quit practicing hard because they knew they were starters? no, they just worked harder to get better, that is what makes them elite players. again, i don't have much info on these particular situations, but if they were not ready, or someone else outworked them to take their spot, tough !@$!, then they needed to work harder. one of the things i love about sioux hockey is that the entire team works their a$$es off to be the best they can, even the ones who don't suit up every game. look at radke and davidson this last season, or even martens when he wasn't playing all the time. they just practiced hard every week, and played hard when given the opportunity, that is the epitome of sioux hockey!
  15. that may or may not be true, red is a good coach who is easy to hate if your not a wolverine fan, but that doesn't explain why you are on a sioux hockey site trying to stir the pot? don't you goofies have anything better to do with your time? or you could just talk about it here... http://gopherpucklive.com/ at least there you can tell each other how much better you all are than us idiot sioux fans, and noone would argue. goodbye.
  16. yeah, it won't be the same team, but they will keep a majority of their core in place. like you said, sid and fleury are locked up for now, and maybe gonchar and whitney? but they have a lot of work to do this summer. it seems the first one out will be hossa, unless he takes a significant pay cut, which won't happen. i think i heard malkin has another year on his contract, but they want to get him signed long term this summer. the big ones would be if they could keep malone, staal and orpik. chances are they will lose one of these also with hossa, but we will see how savvy lemieux is this summer. like you said, with a cap in place, there is only so much you can do. i hope the pens keep on rolling and we have a game 7 to watch this weekend!!
  17. i think redwings advice reguarding the trolls and idiots is the best course of action. ignore them, they obviously want a response, like a child or dog acting out just for attention. so ignore them and they will go away or get banned trying to get the attention mommy didn't give them.
  18. i know its a long offseason, but i prefer silence to some of these idiotic posters. not naming names, but... and why do you say "our" team? we all know you are not a sioux fan. go back to gpl where you will find yourself in like company.
  19. really? thats going to be your argument, of all of the ones you goofies choose to use??? didn't mchale win NUMEROUS titles with the celtics? im not a bball fan, but i know he won a few. as for the twolves, they just plain suck
  20. duncan can't be drafted, he is too old. he will get a free agent contract after his senior season. he may or may not play in the nhl, because of his size and speed (or lack thereof), but he is a great hockey player and will have a career in hockey if he chooses to. you take a talent like toews off a line, and of course the other team will be able to focus on duncs and osh, but that doesn't mean they are not great, because they are both great and on the list of the best to wear the sioux sweater.
  21. rylan is one of my all time sioux favorites, and it will be sad to see another player wearing #17, but wish him all the best throughout his career. hope he gets a chance to prove himself, because he will. good luck rylan, and thanks for the great four years!
  22. from what little i know about the two... it seems macwilliam is more the type who could step in now, where as gleason could put on some weight and muscle in a year of juniors before coming in. i think both will be solid dmen which ever way the coaches decide to go.
  23. so should we talk about joe finley or the 08-09 schedule in this thread to keep up with the trend of being (and staying) off topic i agree with the docs sentiments here, it's only a great rivalry if both are great programs, and we have many in the wcha, we should be thankful for that.
  24. and as has been talked about previously, i dont think brady and his family parted ways with und on the best of terms. some on here speculated bradys father felt the coaching and training staff mishandeled his injuries his sophmore year, but who knows.
  25. is that stafford and jordan parise? if so, i don't know what is more scary, that video, or the fact that you knew where to find it
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