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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. i think the yotes have a bright future if their young talent develops like it should. is doan locked up long term? i remember you saying their d-corp is pretty solid, now with mueller and turris to add a little firepower should be fun to watch.
  2. yeah, i figured he wouldn't stick around, but wow! did gretzky have the contract in the dorm room for him after the game?? at least he didn't okposo the BADgers turris is a great player, im glad we won't see him in a badger uni next season, but it is fun to watch that type of talent in the wcha. should have picked the green and white kyle, you could play for a national championship before skating in the desert
  3. should have planned further ahead like you tix out of fargo are around $1000/person and there are no times that work well. i'm in the same boat as you oxbow, hope it works out the inlaws are watching the kids and the wife and i are excited to go (just need to get there now )
  4. if trupp is ready to go, i think radke may be the odd man out. he took a couple of ill advised penalties, and i don't believe he saw the ice after the second period. if lapoint is ready, im not sure who plays, him or marto? either way, the boys have two weeks to heal up and win two more in denver!!!!
  5. damn that was fun to watch (at least the third period on) the best players played their best. oshie and duncan and kaip led this team through this regional! jpl is the best goalie in the country and showed it! bc, mich and the "other" nd better be scared that hobey duncan has found his shot again. thank parise kozek is back where he belongs. just win baby, see you in denver, hope to meet some of you there GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i knew this would happen... they went back to the miami/bc overtime. bunch of bs!!! whoever can give updates, much appreciated.
  7. apparently they like "the force of the north" over fighting sioux
  8. Taylor Chorney I am watching the replay of yesterday's game on espn u, and it is just as much fun watching them win a second time let's finish off the badgers now in their own barn. keep riding the mustaches to denver!!!!
  9. i dont have the game, so updates please. one more this weekend sioux, and the wife and i are off to denver GO SIOUX!!!!
  10. four... porter sealed the envelope last night, but he's still no oshie
  11. first... we all know this second... i havent read all 150+ of your posts, but i have never seen a positive one three... alot of us question if you're even a sioux fan, so why even post here?
  12. did you just reply to your own post with a blank post? here is my answer to your question................................. honestly though, i couldn't tell you, some of the sign ideas are pretty funny, so i hope they allow it
  13. I agree with you completely. I think Miller gels nicely with the third line, where as Kozek seems to be non existent except with that top line. I was just responding to your question of why Miller is on the first line. Obviously Hak knows what he is doing, and I was just answering your question based on what I thought most likely would happen, not what I thought worked best. I agree we need our first line to play well, but there is no reason we cannot roll four lines and get contributions from all four lines. Hey I'd be happy if nine different players from all four lines scored on Saturday either Miller is doing things in games or practice that us armchair coaches aren't seeing, or Kozek is not doing things in games and practice that is keeping him off that first line? Either way, I think flip flopping Kozek and Miller has been more productive this season, but based on Hak's comments, I have a feeling Miller will be on that first line again.
  14. Someone had pointed out he doesn't have the physical presence to be on the 3rd and 4th line, and I don't think the VV/Kaip/Watkins line will be messed with, so that basically puts him with Duncs and Osh. Miller is fast and has offensive skill, and maybe by puting him with our two best players offensively, we maximize what Miller can do. It's a game of what works best for all 4 lines, not just the top line. I agree with the majority, that I think Kozek and VV did more with the top line, but maybe that doesn't work best for the big picture. I disagree with the notion that we shorten our bench this time of year. We have a very deep team, and I think rolling four lines will wear our opponents down come the end of the game. In my opinion, we are not compromising when we have our Malone/Radke/Zajac line out there, that is a hell of a line no matter what number you put in front of it. When/if Trupp comes back, we may see Kozek sniping with D and O again, with Trupp back with his old linemates, but until that happens, here's my uneducated guess at our line pairings... Duncan/Oshie/Miller Kaip/VV/Watkins Frattin/Kozek/Martens Malone/Zajac/Radke Finley/Genoway Chorney/Bina Jones/Marto I hope LaPoint is ok, I was watching when he took that hit and he went pretty hard into the boards, and came up a little shaky. Does anyone remember if there was a call on that hit? Boarding maybe, i know there was no cfb?
  15. seems like a great well rounded kid. heck i can even (halfway ) root for the goofs to come out of their region beating our playoff demon and the paper tiger. i think a sioux/goof tilt in denver would be a hell of a game. if it does happen, i hope tom is able to make the trip to denver with his team.
  16. By the way, I couldn't care less, but it should be "i couldn't care less" And we all know the WCHA is the cream of the crop as college hockey goes, but Michigan is tough this year. I just hope when we meet them in the national championship game, someone reminds Sauer how the Sioux dropped 8 on him last year as we ended their season
  17. gooferz, you seem to want to be reprimanded, so I will bite. who has been to more frozen fours the last 3 years? really? or how about who won more national championships between 1987 and 2000? as for wheeler v. oshie, don't even pretend to be serious. oshie is the best player on the ice everytime he steps on the ice, period, even when he is hurt. wheeler has good games and bad. he is big, and should be a decent pro someday because of his size advantage, but he is not even in the same category as the osh.
  18. apparently the highlighting class is lacking
  19. another breakaway du, another penalty sioux. du controlling the tempo right now. hak needs to have a talk with the boys in the locker room.
  20. good kill, but need to get something going offensively. lets go sioux!
  21. penalty chorney, stopped moving his feet. big kill here.
  22. miller back with martens and frattin... that was a short lived experiment. lets get a g-damn goal now!!!
  23. pstar, why are you on this board? don't you have some goofer friends you can talk to, or don't they like you either?
  24. end of first. 0-0. still have 40 secs of 5 on 3 when we come back! go sioux!
  25. this will take a while to sort out. they have a lines talking to gwoz and anderson has been at the scorers box for a while now. they still have the und pp on the board, but i have a feeling that will be going away. osh, vandy, and genoway all for unsportsmanlike, right now they have us on a 5 - 3!! lets go sioux!
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