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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. correction... i think you were the only sioux fan who drank after the game, i was drinking water you should be hung along with the team (if the laughing icon didn't give it away for our slow learners, i am kidding) any way you slice it, a game like that is a !@#!$ way to end the season, but takes nothing away from the great season the sioux had, and the type of players and coaches we have, which are top notch all the way!! go sioux!! ps - i'm telling bob
  2. this topic needs to be on the top to bury all the negative ones. this was a great group of young men, and were fantastic to watch all season long. thanks to the four outstanding seniors... kaip, radke, jpl and bina... you guys are what sioux hockey is all about. i will admit that friday and especially saturday in denver were not what we were expecting, but still had fun. to the guys who will be fighting sioux next year, go get em!! #8 in 2009!! go fighting sioux!! most memorable moment was after anderson makes the no goal call in the championship game, the sioux fans start the "we want shepard" chant, and a nortre dame fan is just clapping along and smiling, then turns to her husband and asks what shepard is little did we know, that shep was the one in the booth that made the call go whca officiating
  3. dear dean, you are obviously a slow learner since this is not the first time you have gotten these responses for your personal attacks on goon. do us all a favor and stop posting here. you have nothing to contribute to the forum other than personal attacks on your man crush, which the moderators and jim are trying to eliminate. GO SIOUX!!!
  4. actually i wouldn't be too surprised to see oshie on the roster, along with parise when the devs get eliminated.
  5. USA hockey named 17 players to its roster, and ex-sioux Matt Greene and Drew Stafford both made the team. http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app/?service=page&a...rticleid=359855
  6. you can make it, make sure you spell sacrifice correctly, as our own ss.com spell check police so politely pointed out see you at the pepsi center, hope to see you saturday with the sign, make sure you put fighting sioux on there.
  7. has he been anti-sioux lately? usually he is pretty good about pointing out the strengths of the wcha teams, even the sioux.
  8. i must really not be a bouncy ball person... championship in ot, and i start a new thread for the chn articles i should have known you had a spot for these az, but thought they were worth the read. i love the part about watty's stache getting him the fourth spot in the article
  9. CHN is usually not one of my favorite college hockey sites, but they finally got some stories going for the frozen four with each remaining teams four defining moments and four players to watch... Kaip's revenge, love it!! http://www.collegehockeynews.com/news/2008/04/07_ff07-08.php Three obvious ones, and nice to see Watty get some recognition for his hard work and his stache... http://www.collegehockeynews.com/news/2008/04/07_ffnorth.php Lets go Sioux!!
  10. ice cold beer mm 15:85 free ice cold beer mm... 25:75 national title #8 with all your fellow sioux fans tearing up denver 95:5
  11. siouxdini says ss.com not equipped with spell checker...
  12. the next two sport athlete? jon knows hockey... jon knows baseball... jon knows guitar hero?? bo didley might be a little beyond the new generation
  13. Emotion displayed Sacrafices made Pact upheld National title #8 might want to save this one until saturday damn this is going to be a long next couple of days!!!
  14. i have to agree with jive here mafia, there will be tickets... as much as we all love college hockey, there won't be 18,000+ fans at these game without a local team in it. hope to see you there. if you make it, i'll buy you a beer (mafia man 18:82) on a side note... too bad the avs didn't get home ice for the first round of the nhl playoffs. we could have had semis on thursday. playoff game and hobey ceremony on friday, then sioux winning #8 on saturday!!! i realize they probably wouldn't have had the game on friday, but what would they have done?? taken away the home ice because of the frozen four?
  15. we could all tell the first time he stepped on the ice donning a sioux jersey that the osh was special. it is cool to read a little about his background. sadly this will be the last weekend we get to see him in the best sweater in hockey, but at least it wil be in person . thanks for three great seasons keeway gaaboo, and best of luck throughout your professional career and life. your sioux family will always be behind you.
  16. just read the update on inch or chn, and the seniors on the teams still in it have been replaced. couple of denver guys and kilpatrick from cc. im sure it will be a bittersweet night for those guys, especially so close to home.
  17. they will have by friday
  18. his comments should get him suspended... that should shut him up for a couple of weeks
  19. dean, we all see you dislike goon. good for you. go back to gpl or post something worthwhile that is not a direct attack on goon.
  20. wouldn't be too useful to me as i stand on the other side of the ball and im not bored with my g5 yet. looks nice though.
  21. i've said it before, dubay is a complete tool. everytime i see him or gorgo on fsn, i mute it. i agree with the previous poster, that hak was talking about giving up two multi goal leads in the third, not an elevator incident im sure it kills puffy that the sioux are in the frozen four, again, and his boys playing with themselves in their dorms wondering what it is like to be a real team love to hate the goofs. half my family on my fathers side is in the tc area, so it is fun back and forth. the goofs will be back to form next season, especially with kangas in net, but for now it is on to #8!!! go sioux!!!!!
  22. Toews was tougher to get off the puck also... he just made everything look easy. He was ridiculous. However, TJ is the hardest working player on the ice, and usually the most talented (now that Toews is gone ). I can't wait to watch TJ play in a Sioux jersey two more times, he is my favorite Sioux to watch since Prpich left, and we should feel lucky we got him for three seasons. One of these days I will get to cheer for an ex-Sioux on my favorite NHL team. I've been a Pens fan since the days of Lemieux, and they're fun to watch now, but I find myself rather watching teams with ex-Sioux on them. Let's get #8 next weekend! GO SIOUX!!!!
  23. !@$!, i think i deleted that email accidentally, but the pregame is somewhere at the pepsi center, no charge to get in with food and drinks available for purchase. i'm sure someone who is less of an idiot than me can give you the specifics
  24. i believe the flight is leaving at 8, which means very early departure from fargo. the kids are usually up by 6:30 or 7, but this will be even earlier than usual but not complaining, because this trip is going to kick a$$!
  25. anyone know the severity of the injury? possible ligament damage? hopefully it is not too bad, but sucks for him if it is keeping him out of the national tourney. any possibility of keeping him out of gf for another year? i know we are stacked at forward, but i don't think david will be a four year guy, so defering him another year means one less year in a sioux jersey
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