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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. thanks for the great three years. you are one of the best to wear the sioux sweater, and the most exciting player i ever saw in person. good luck in st. louis, you will have a long and sucessful career.
  2. not to rain on your parade, but you do realize that is the student section, which is much larger than ours because it is two huge schools and its at a stadium that seats probably 80,000. it would be great to see our student section unified like that and all chanting together, but again, i think the students must take the lead on this, and the rest of the crowd will follow. you want to see impressive, check out the red sea in lincoln at any home huskers game, that is pretty cool, and it's the entire stadium, not just the students. i think you (students) have started something that will hopefully take hold and grow.
  3. did he look like this?... http://www.winnipegsun.com/Sports/Hockey/2...01/5441561.html sounds like he would be a huge pickup if he goes the college route
  4. i hate to burst your perfect world bubble ya, but universities, athletic programs, and $100 million rinks take money to maintain. why do you think every university has at least one full time fund raising/alumni relations coordinator? because it is a big and important job. just because und got a crapload of money from the englestad foundation, did they stop raising money for the athletic department? no. it takes money to maintain the new ralph, and i would bet good money quite a bit more than the old ralph. it takes money to employ the people who work there. it also takes money to fund an athletic program with all of its sports now transitioning to division I. sure it would be great if tickets were $10, but its not a reality, and wont happen at the ralph. so we either pay what the ticket prices are, which are the same for everyone, or don't buy them and watch them on tv (which i believe every home game is televised). my mind is far from weak, i am just pointing out why things are the way they are, sorry you are so bent out of shape about it. im not going to get into the economics of this with you, but to expect a $10 ticket for a sioux game at the ralph is unrealistic. i have no problem with the students getting in for free, they pay tuition to get their education there, but that isn't my decision. oh, and "buy" the way, i believe they can set their ticket prices independent of my attitude, or yours for that matter.
  5. actually it would be more interesting if they made the drivers have a drink every pit stop kidding, i do not condone drunk driving... or nascar for that matter
  6. match what they get in ad revenue and write them a check i agree with most of what has been addressed here, but unfortunately it is a business at the ralph, and some of these suggestions are not going to happen. some of the suggestions are legit and i would love to see the crowd rowdy and more into the game. i also agree that untimely announcements and bad music/timing really kill the crowd energy. get the students to lead, the rest of the crowd will follow.
  7. that is where you are wrong. textbooks, encyclopedias, or other factual information sources ARE checked for validity. they are written by authors who specialize in that area of study for the most part, and checked for factual reference by editors. i don't think the author of the latest edition of organic chem or early world history are just some average joe who may or may not know anything about the topic. i said in my original post that alot of the information on wikipedia may be true, but there is no way to verify. under the topic of the earth, i could put "it is flat" and quote some random made up source. not saying this happens frequently, but there is no way to know. i apoligize if i offended you or the creator of wikipedia, but was just stating my opinion on the matter
  8. hate to agree with a bison fan, but i agree with hammersmith here. noone is saying the holocaust is funny, and noone is admiring hitler here. the video is mocking him, and in my opinion, is pretty damn funny. due to the recent events at moo-u, the author of the video removed it (and rightfully so) but i don't agree that this video was done for any other reason than good natured school rivalry. on a side note, people need to quit using wikipedia as a source. there is no checks or validity to it, it is not a true source of factual information. anyone can put anything they wish on wikipedia without reguard to its validity. not to say that most of the stuff on there isn't true, but it's just a website where people can put whatever the hell they want [end rant]
  9. i agree with the scores of other games on the scroll. also some actual hockey highlights rather than all the ads would be a nice change of pace, but i realize that it is all about the money. i disagree with the majority here on the "o canada" being sung, unless it is against the u of manitoba. i realize we have many canadian players and coaches, but this is a us college hockey league and we play against strictly other us teams (other than the previously mentioned, in exhibition). do you think the whl, ohl or bchl play our national anthem because there are american players on those teams? i have nothing against canada or its citizens, in fact my most enjoyable trip each year is a fishing excursion up south of kenora on lake of the woods, but it is an american league with all american teams being played on american ponds, which is why they play our anthem. i wouldn't be offended if they decided to play the canadian anthem, but just don't see it happening.
  10. little article about the trio on nhl.com http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app/?service=page&a...rticleid=361280
  11. three really good candidates this year. i listen to home ice on xm quite a bit, and the guys there love toews. i don't know who the people who vote for these are, but most people with a good hockey mind realize the type of player toews is, and don't look strictly at points. backstrom may be playing with ao, but he is still a hell of a player, and made ao that much more dangerous. this is a tough one to call, but of course us sioux faithful give it to toews in a landslide
  12. duncs wears the "c" watkins, kozek, genoway wear the "a" then they make up a special letter for the osh when he decides to come back for his senior season
  13. shouldn't this discussion be going on here... http://www.gopherpucklive.com/portal.php actually, i don't really care. i enjoy all hockey talk, but we have to give some crap to the goofer fans who spend their time on our board
  14. and his posts are just what you said, noise. if you have to shout to be heard, then the message is lacking.
  15. the "im as big of IF NOT BIGGER fan" card is an old one. congrats, im sure you are a bigger sioux fan than all of us here, even though you missed the fact that this was kozek's junior year, so unless he gets some special ncaa aproval, it would be tough to see him "shoot the puck for two more years at REA". it may be good business for him to take his money now, but if he is not ready, and he doesn't perform well when given chances by atlanta, that would not be good business for kozek.
  16. team nd lost to mass 7-4, record now 2-2, not sure if they will play any more? to answer your question gf, only going by stats since did not see any games, schaefer and vigan did well, posting points in all four games i believe. arnason did not fare so well in his outing. you can check stats at the website seeboys posted in the first post of this topic.
  17. i know you have not been here long, as breakin face anyways, but it is obvious you are trying to get reactions without adding anything worthwhile. kozek may or may not go pro. he also played and benefited from some very talented linemates, but that does not take away from the player he is, and that is an nhl caliber player. proclaiming yourself a guru and martyr is not winning you any points either. the majority of us on ss.com come here to talk about our team as we wait for next season to start, but pointing out the players flaws and weaknesses, and why they should go pro because they would suck as a sioux player next year should not be what this board is for. i personally hope ak is back next season, but would not be surprised to see him in the ahl. ps - it's geoff
  18. ok, i'll bite. you lost me. what does this have to do with former players?
  19. 76% save percentage?? i thought he was the best goalie in the state (or world ) i kid, i kid. tough outing for arneson. hopefully wont effect his chances of playing college hockey too much, but im sure it won't help.
  20. in the post game, murray talked about lee making a few mistakes, and needing a little time to learn the nhl game at full speed, but he talked very highly of him and the organization obviously thinks the same. he is a smooth skating, puck moving defenseman, which is a rare commodity in todays nhl. brian will be up with the big club for the long haul i have a feeling. we sure could have used another puck moving defenseman this season but we all hated lee
  21. why would they have an interconference matchup for the HoF game? seems to me that game is usually scheduled against a non-conference team, and usually a decent one. not saying this is untrue, but why use the extra game for another wcha matchup... we get enough of those.
  22. don't underestimate the boys coming in or the ones returning. i think the sioux will contend again next season, and would not bet against them being in DC in april. i will not be going to DC if it does happen, but hope the sioux travel there as well as we did to denver, that was awesome to see. go sioux!!!
  23. no hockey, but no refunds. you are still allowed to go to the ralph on friday and saturday evenings. the concessions and beer stands will be open, and each seat will have a computer with internet access. that way, everyone can go to the ralph and get on ss.com and bitch, and the school doesn't have to refund the season ticket holders
  24. any news on mcwilliam? sounded bad. hope it isn't life or career threatening. wish him a speedy recovery so he can wear a sioux sweater next season.
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