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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. have faith, lets get one early, then hopefully the ralph will be rocking for the next five hey, we have to stay positive until the buzzer , but they sure stunk up the joint that period. lefty is quite the character, wish i would have been there to see a game in the old barn!
  2. 5-3... lets get two!!
  3. oh yeah, i'm with you, wasn't accusing you. i haven't been impressed with lapoint to this point in his career. i hope he turns it around. of the two frosh dmen last season, not many would have told you marto would be heads and tails ahead of lapoint, which i think he is.
  4. nice hustle by hextall. another pp, really need one here.
  5. not a good night when duncs cant finish from his spot.
  6. i'm not throwing anyone under the bus here, but he just has no confidence out there. not what i expected with all the hype coming in.
  7. lets go pp!! lot of time, lets get one now!
  8. whens the last time the sioux pulled a goalie?? eidsness now in.
  9. we need to score soon. sweeney is talking about old time westerns
  10. another good kill, we need to create offensive opportunities and put them away. GO SIOUX!!
  11. i'm not defending walski here, as i am just as dissapointed as you in the score here, but unless he was 7' 6", he wasn't seeing over the two guys camped right in front of him. and as we speak (type), uaa gets another pp opportunity.
  12. uaa was controling the play in our zone better after their pp was up. big letdown for the sioux. we need to get it going here.
  13. crap! 2-0 seapuppies. walski didn't see it. looked like a nice deflection. lets go boys!!
  14. great kill for the sioux. lets get one in now. i bet anyone a tall beer at the ralph that uaa doesn't stay atop the wcha in pp all season
  15. careful, we are only allowed to use that excuse once a week we are skating well, but damnit, we need to bury the puck. LETS GO SIOUX!!!
  16. end of 1. 1-0 seapuppies. sioux need to pick this up!!!
  17. maybe only 3 points, but it was the turning point of the season, saturday night especially.
  18. that was an awesome series. hopefully this weekend lives up to it. lets get four points and the first sweep of the year. GO SIOUX!!!
  19. i think the best solution is quit posting links to his site, and all of us quit going to it and talking about it. he is an idiot. an idiot who is craving mommy's attention. the great thing about his blog is... we don't have to read it. then he can just be an idiot ranting to himself. he obviously has problems and is looking for a reaction, so don't give him one. it would be fun to read the post series blog if we sweep however, he is running out of original put downs for north dakota, and it is getting a little tired
  20. alaska is scenic, and for me worth the 6 hour flight across the frozen yukon of canada, but there is a reason it is so vastly underpopulated. it's dark half of the year (yes, even darker than us, quite a bit actually), it's cold (like us) and frozen most of the year, but unlike us, not even remotely close to anything and does not have much to offer if you are not an outdoorsman or ex-con trying to get away. and to say nd has no scenic value at all, you must be very limited in what parts you have seen. fargo and grand forks are not scenic, noone's going to argue that. travel west of bismarck once. it is georgeous out there, especially in the medora, teddy roosevelt natl park, badlands area. even garrison dam/lake sakajawea is beautiful (when it has water ) it's not for everyone, and i'll second goon in saying, thank god, i like it that way. nd is not high on many people's lists of "have to see", but it is still a great place to be, i chose it over 49 other states, and don't regret my decision... except in february when i have to travel i29 after a sioux game driving on the glare ice with a 40 mph wind .
  21. i've been to alaska, its beautiful... and full of ex-cons and idiots like donald there. he rips on north dakotans for supporting our team so strongly, yet he has a blog dedicated to the worst team in the league?? lets take four points and send the seapuppies home with their tail between their legs.
  22. and... that's not going to happen. we are stuck with anchorage until they willingly leave and/or find another willing conference. with their new arena, bemidji makes sense in the wcha, and like sportsdoc said, we already play them every season, why not get points for it and open up for another non conference series? i know that playing um, uw, wisco, cc, etc. fewer times is not a pleasant thing, believe me i don't like it, but if they bring in bsu, they will try to bring in a 12th team. uno is a good program, also i think air force would be a good fit, especially with du and cc being right there. and if it happened soon, we could have the lamoureux bros. facing off
  23. wow... need to kill the negativity tonight dar, duncs is an elite player, done and done. he is the best player on this team, give the guy a little credit. i would think a sioux fan would understand what he brings to the team night in and night out.
  24. completely agree... he's great. makes not getting video ok.
  25. whos this bachman character, he is lousy. keep it going sioux!!
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