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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. your feed is like two minutes ahead of mine!!
  2. the "lets go sioux" chant is LOUD tonight!!
  3. thats not a joke... we are getting scary thin on the blueline. davidson is a good skater for a guy his size, im sure he could fill in if needed.
  4. frattin getting a shot on the top line and contributes!! sorry to martens and davidson, who may not see a lot of ice time now. lets go sioux... get this one!!
  5. it's not automatic. i know when oshie got his last year, he only missed that game, not the following, same with duncans. not sure what the wording is in college hockey, i don't know if it is the refs discresion for a misconduct or dq? i think even if they tried to give him the next game, the league office would not allow that from the sounds of what a brutal call it was... but that might be putting too much faith in shep and mcclown.
  6. they skated great all period. outplayed cc. bad call on hextall put him out and gave the tigers the five minute pp, but need to kill the rest of it off, then continue to dominate despite the stellar wcha officiating, no surpirse, but don adam is BRUTAL!!
  7. not exactly a gordie howe hat trick... goal, assist, game dq... if the officiating wasn't so brutal, i would bet he would have gotten the true gordie hat trick rearranging some cc face.
  8. don adam trying his damnest to kill the sioux momentum. the announcers all over the officiating. quote "the quicker don adam is out of this league, the better" can they say that on the air?? lets kill this sioux!!
  9. agreed... but i hope hextall gets a chance to do a little face rearranging with cc pretty boy rau. prediction... rau won't drop the gloves.
  10. i have listened to a couple of games on fightingsioux.com this year and has worked fine. i know last year, kfgo.com was a good one to listen to also.
  11. that's good to hear. do you get to see many of these guys at lancers games? we used to live across from the old aksarben rink and go to some games. don't they play somewhere else now?
  12. at least you don't live in ND and have to put up with all of the norm coleman and al franken mud slinging ads from the MN senate race. it is sickening, i will be glad when it's all over tomorrow.
  13. i think the sioux have more depth up front than cc, with four solid lines that have the potential to contribute, although we can't seem to put the puck away. special teams needs a kick in the a$$, pp and pk have been horrible so far. i think our blueliners have been wildly inconsistent, and will need to step it up if we have any chance at all this weekend. eidsness will need to be better this weekend. bachman is a beast, plain and simple, and i don't like him i think he has the potential to carry cc to a national championship... yes i am saying that four weeks into the season, he is that good. 0.960 save % and 1.2 gaa, just stupid good numbers. i don't know how to get to bachman, i hope we figure it out this weekend. i think we can win a dirty one, and think 2 points is a good goal for this weekend, anything more would be a big bonus. lets continue to improve and play a full 60 minutes of hockey each night. GO SIOUX!! anyone for the duncan, vv, gregoire line?
  14. i don't know how much of a ladies man you are, but you do realize that he leads our team in goals? i'm not saying he deserves to play every game, and qb both pp units (am i the only one who noticed miller NEVER came off during our pp?), but it is what it is. and his shot friday night was a thing of beauty. that being said, he is very sporatic, some games looks great, other games looks horrible. i was hoping to see mario lam. this weekend, hopefully gets a shot next weekend, and hopefully finley will be back to stabalize the blueline, it's a little shaky right now.
  15. looks like our guys will be doing the play by play... hopefully we give them a show. http://www.fightingsioux.com/ViewArticle.d...;ATCLID=1614877
  16. \ i don't know about the specifics of how it would work, but i agree with you in principle here. a regulation win should be worth more than a SO win. i like your point spread. i have also heard people throw around... 3pts -- reg win 2pts/1pt -- OT or SO win/OT or SO loss at least that way. there is more emphasis on a regulation win, and like you said, all games should be worth the same amount of points.
  17. if you seriously couldn't tell the difference between the two, then i guess you are just another hopeless goofer fan . this is why kaip couldn't go with bruess - link below -, and i already posted earlier what happened to bruess the following season. the difference is kaip wouldn't pull the !@$! talk or stick work, then refuse to drop the gloves. white won't, or can't, for whatever reason do this. and kaip didn't fight to prove he was tougher, he did it because it needed to be done. this fight against anderson turned the season around for the sioux, as they rolled to the frozen four... that is the difference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6DtM-IUIgE listen to the crowd, look at his team, there was a purpose for that. i am not saying white not turtling and fighting back would have done that for your team, but don't you want a little fight and backbone in your team? you guys are good this year, i'll give that to you, but if you lack anything, you lack toughness. kangas may mask that as i think he is one of the top goalies in the nation, but that was not the discussion here... actually this is a sioux/badgers thread, so sorry sioux fans for the rant. GO SIOUX!!!
  18. that's where you are wrong bucky boy, the only time i have been proud our guy didn't fight back was when kaip was getting fist pounded by bruess two years ago because he knew it would cost his and his team two games. he even looked at hak for the go ahead, but he didn't get it, so let his face get pounded until the linesmen broke it up. that is why he was such a great captain, team first, led by example. and bruess got what was coming to him the following season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv72JVfvKPA im glad you guys think it was the right thing for your team, but sometimes a game is worth setting a tone for the team for the year. fighting just to fight doesn't have a place in college hockey or hockey period, but i think there are times when fighting serves a purpose, and that is an entirely different conversation. don't you guys have a forum for your own team but who would we pick on if you guys didn't come over here
  19. dont sugar coat it... he turtled and acted like a pansy. i know the fighting rules in college hockey are tough, but you don't turtle and back down from a fight when the other guy already dropped the gloves. if he had already had a game dq from a previous fight, and was facing a two game suspension, that would be a different story. college hockey doesn't see many fights because the penalty is so harsh, but still, come on.
  20. yeah, i didnt see the call, but i believe you they were ticky tack or iffy calls. the problem is the refs are adjusting too and are going to call everything out of the gate. lets hope they settle in sooner than later and start calling a consistent game. i think if the wcha officials are able to call the game the way it is intended to be with the rules in place now, wcha hockey will be a much more entertaining style of hockey to watch. the problem is, the wcha officials do not have a very good track record of being consistent, especially the past couple of seasons. i guess we will have to be optomistic and see how it pans out.
  21. i have never been one to praise wcha officiating, but come on guys. we have been complaining for how many years about the obtruction, grabbing and holding that doesn't get called? the wcha, for whatever reason, is trying to do the right thing for the better of the game, give it a chance. there are going to be ALOT of penalties called this season, especially early on until teams adjust. but lets give it a chance, it will be for the better in the long run. as long as the refs are calling it consistently (which is a big IF with their track record), then we need to adjust and enjoy the faster more free flowing game.
  22. if it was the sioux, it would go... goof on the losing end of that one, sioux ejected, goofer given a hug from shep, sioux leading 5-2
  23. i didn't see the game last night, but saw both games against um last weekend, and they played them tough both nights. they are fast and good in goal (with weloski anyway). they are not big or physical, but they never have been. they are built the thrive on the pp, which they will get alot of opportunities at this season. i'm not saying they are an elite team, but they could give the sioux everything they could handle right now, especially if we are in the box all night, which is a very real possibility.
  24. i have to agree with redwing. i watched them last weekend and last night (i was flipping between that and the du/osu game), and unfortunately, the goofs are going to be a force to be reckoned with this year, no big surprise really with the last couple of recruiting classes. kangas is the real deal, i hope his pro team decides to sign him early calling garth snow one other early observation... st. cloud and du are also VERY good this season. we have got our work cut out for us this year, but hey, we're the sioux, we'll be there in the mix in the end. i hope hak and company have ironed our some of the rough spots... cough, cough, power play... speaking of power play, we are going to see a TON more penalties called this year, so special teams will be more important than ever. i hate off weeks GO SIOUX!!! and i hope UW gets their first win of the season tonight, so we don't have to deal with that monster next weekend.
  25. apparently brian lee was sent back to the ahl also... kind of a surprise, i thought the senators we fairly high on him.
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