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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. listening on the net, so didn't see it, but if they both came off, then yes they screwed up.
  2. ppg with only a second or two remaining, so we officially still had a 5-4 for a second.
  3. penalty bulldogs... lets keep it going sioux!!
  4. frattin goal!!! drop pass by duncs!!!! nice to get one there, can't waste those opportunities when you get them.
  5. duluth gets two penalties in the same seqence. will have 5-3 for over a minute and a half! lets go sioux!
  6. msum couple of years ago at the ralph i think... sadly, i remember because it was the last time we left a game early, to go warm the car for the girls... now that was an epic fail
  7. that's ok if your picture is ok, just listen to the sioux broadcast for free on fightingsioux.com
  8. where are you getting hd?? that would be sweet.
  9. believe me i'm not proud, i happen to have one of these twenty something sisters who has decided to use this phrase as a core part of her current vocabulary. believe me i am not spending my free time watching mtv picking up these things. also, i think there should be some differentiation between having knowledge of such things and frequently using them. i knew what mullets were in the 80s and 90s, but never had one
  10. not trying to pick on you here gooferz, but i think the only pop culture phrase of the moment i hate more than this "fail" phenomenon is when teens and twenty somethings try to be like kim cardashian or some other reality floozy by following every sentence with, "right?", "i know, right" had to kill some time, as i also thought it was a 7 oclock start
  11. false... walski has been unable, for whatever reason, to make the saves every goalie should make. neither goalie is lighting up the stat sheet, but only one has a win... and it's not the senior. both have let in weak goals this year, noone will argue that, but the last weekend against uaa, eidsness was quiet and calm between the pipes, which is exactly what a goalie his size needs to be succesful. he moves when he needs to and covers the angles well, which walski has struggled with. sorry dave, but from the responses, you don't have a lot of people in your corner here, and that should tell you something. i'm not saying we'll never see walski again, because i think we will, but it will be very limited.
  12. i would play both frosh over lapoint right now the way he has been playing, but the fact of the matter is we will need all of them, come the end of this season and beyond. i really hope lapoint steps his game up soon.
  13. they do have a younger team than us, and they are skating like they've played together for years. i was watching the afternoon game today on fsn, and that is one well oiled machine, we better be a better team when we play them, that is all i know. this "young team" thing is a pi$$ poor excuse anyway, every team in college hockey has turnover every year. and besides that, we don't have a young team. a junior and senior on the top line, two seniors and a junior on the second line, plus four upperclassmen dmen (if you include miller). now they have kangas, who is a HUGE difference maker, but goalies aside, they whip us top to bottom right now. i like hak as a coach, but if his teams have lacked anything, it is intensity. it has let us down in the frozen fours, and in games like last night, which the sioux should just never lose. it is early, and there is time to right the ship, but it is a frustrating start for us fans none the less. i hope we see davidson and mario tonight, i think they can both bring some intensity to the ice, which we desparately need. i also agree with the previous posters, hextall and gregoire are two of our best players, i love those two. lets get the much needed win tonight, and start a LONG undefeated streak in the first half of the season for a change. GO SIOUX!!!
  14. haks postgame... no intensity. made it easy for uaa. pulled walski for the sake of change, not necessarily anything on walski, but didn't work. better come in tomorrow with a hatred for losing. not giving uaa much credit... bad plays, bobbled pucks, and missed four open nets. makes getting that road win a little easier. he's pretty fired up about the missed open nets, hope this team steps it up tomorrow. LETS GO SIOUX!!
  15. i don't think he was back out there. gregoire could have been hurt on his hit too, but didn't seem affected.
  16. game over. not a good showing for the sioux. hopefully the last couple of minutes carries over to tomorrow.
  17. what's hak so pizzed about? he never gets fired up.
  18. hope it comes to fruition.... wouldn't this be a great one.
  19. i like this hextall kid!!! it aint over yet!!! lets make this worth something!!! GO SIOUX!!!
  20. from his spot, duncs buries it!! too little to late, but keep it going for tomorrow.
  21. hunt for uaa just took a run at gregoire. lets pop the cherry and break this shutout.
  22. why are the freshman the only ones who are willing to shoot (and kozek of course). hextall and gregoire have played well tonight... trying to find a positive. this has been a horrible pp.
  23. wow, great save by eidsness on the breakaway!!! we need to get pucks to the net.
  24. cfb uaa player on toews... dangerous check. should be 5 and a game. we need to capitalize NOW!!! lets go boys.
  25. wow, have you looked in the mirror az... those red bull gooses are getting to you... and i think your eyeliner is running
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