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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. portrayed in what light? firing an employee who got arrested for illegal drug use/possesion? i'm not saying he will or won't be fired, but KFAN is well within their rights to kick him to the curb if they so choose. and the only reason the thread is this long is because of his public distaste for our team, which this happens to be a forum for... huh, wierd. and please, please don't try to rationalize your argument by putting alcohol and cocaine on the same level.
  2. what a great article i am glad they cleared it up. they just wanted to clear up all the rumors about the meth... it was just coke. coke is great, all the cool kids do it what a joke. horrible attempt to spin this??? and to the puffy apologists, he did this to himself. and i would be very surprised if he stays on at kfan.
  3. you should either know what you are talking about or at least attempt to sound like it if you are going to start ripping posters. even the stronger decongestants, like the 24 hr ones, have under 3 grams of the meth precursor, pseudoephedrine hcl, in the whole package, so not sure where you got the 12 gram information? if you have more info, i'd like to know how, but go ahead and share it. i don't know what he was caught with or if there will be charges, but it was enough to make the cities tv news and paper. i don't know what your love affair with puffy is, and why you feel the need to defend him here, but this is a topic discussing something that was in the tc area tv and paper. i hope he is not on meth, i have seen how quickly that will destroy a person, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it here. he's a goofer homer, which obviously does not make him many fans on this site, but noone wishes that type of addiction and life on anyone here. if he is into meth, he is an idiot, and i feel for his family.
  4. i had heard he may be going to pittsburgh? want to put him with crosby. possible swap for jordan staal.
  5. i agree with the majority about our goaltending situation. walski may be a great kid (which i have heard he is), but he is not a wcha goalie. there is a reason eidsness won the mvp of his league last year, and why he was one of the top goalies selected in his nhl draft class. i say we give eidsness as much experience as possible, and live with the ups and downs. it will only help the team in the future. and we can't give up on this season yet, it is still very early. GO SIOUX!!!
  6. i can't disagree with you. without a solid defensive partner, he becomes a liability, but he is still our best dman (qualifier, he needs finley or jones watching his ass). the problem right now is our defensive corp is struggling, which is not good for our inexperince in goal.
  7. yeah, i heard fienhage's name alot tonight, and announcers seemed impressed. i haven't seen any games from the frosh, but being a freshman dman in the wcha is tough no matter who you are. lapoint has always seemed timid to me, not what i expected from the hype. i didn't see much from him last season, and haven't heard much good yet this season. i thought marto was by far the better of the two last year. i hope he turns it on, because the talent is there.
  8. genoway will be fine, he is still our best dman. finley and jones will be the defensive guys, and i still think marto will impress. am worried about lapoint and the frosh??? lots of question marks. lets hope eidsness will be a pleasant surprise.
  9. anyone have brad berry's number? he always had the pp clicking, but of course he did have zpar, zajac, bochenski, et al
  10. i think he was being facetious, but we need a win tomorrow nonetheless. LETS GO SIOUX!!!!! on a side note, did mario lam. not play tonight? i didn't hear his name, and thought he was one of the bright spots last weekend?
  11. sioux got worked tonight, plain and simple. we need to score on the pp, not get scored on 3 times!! we need to score period!! we better see a different team tomorrow night, otherwise we are looking at a 0-4 start and a long road to travel. msu now 3-0, sioux 0-3, what has this world come to?? lets go sioux, rebound game tomorrow. hopefully brad eidsness will show us (and hak) something.
  12. harrison with a hattrick of shorties!!! that has to be some sort of record, echoing the announcers. bad start to the wcha season.
  13. walski's save percentage notwithstanding... how many goals have we scored in three games now??? not going to win many that way. (the two shorties don't help either whistler)
  14. haha... unlike az, ill go positive were they all top ten hobey finalists? not sure on toews or zajac?
  15. really!!!! give up two shorthanded goals??? sorry folks, but that might be the nail tonight.
  16. we'll break out here. walski needs to shore it up this period. let's get a win sioux!!!
  17. sounds like we are missing alot of breakout passes and passes in the slot. mavs are getting their bodies in the right places. the sioux need to get one before the end of the period.
  18. you will have to wait until the next game... it's down to three left for the first installment i believe.
  19. yes, we do. most of them have proven that at numerous levels. some, like duncan, kozek and vv, at this level. and you're right, we haven't seen it for a while. i would love for them to show all of us what the coaches who recruited them know they can do. i am hoping we see the first of many offensive explosions this coming weekend in mankato. it will take 60 minutes of fighting sioux hockey both nights, which i can't wait to see. last weekend was disheartening for sure, but that doesn't mean these guys can't bury the puck.
  20. like you did last year you guys should have a shot at getting a couple of points from us this year
  21. agree with most of your post, but if we expect a sweep, we should expect 4 points i could be misunderstanding you here, wouldn't be the first time
  22. if we look at martens/miller together we lose one there, duncan, kozek, watkins graduate, and possibly vv leaves early (don't know, just speculation), that's at least 4, if not five forward spots to fill. now we do have an excess here, with two or three forwards sitting each weekend, so if they step in, then it may be only one or two openings to fill, which i'm guessing they would bring in two or three guys. i'd guess bruneteau and kristo are for sure, then a toss up with cichy and fink. maybe both come in? or possible future blue chip commitments step in there (we can hope ). what are the ages on fink and cichy? both fairly young yet i thought, so maybe and extra year of juniors for one or both wouldn't be the end of the world.
  23. i agree, we need to wreak havok in front of the oppositions net. guys like hextall, mario lam., malone, vv all have big bodies to occupy space in front of the goalie. i hope that "switch" flips very soon... like starting friday night!
  24. sioux sweep... 6-4, 6-5 duncan with four points on the weekend, and a breakout weekend for gregoire and marto. the dow above 11,000 would be a bonus ... in fact i'll take a split if that happens way too early to give up hope... the talent is there... lets see a better effort from the pp units GO SIOUX!!!!
  25. i have to agree with sica here. i didn't see the games, and only listened to part of the game online saturday... but only putting up 3 goals all weekend, and i would expect two losses. i don't know what is wrong, that's the coaching staff's job, but the sioux need to be more offensive minded. it's hard to win when you only score a goal or two each game. we have alot of guys who can bury the puck, i'd love to see it come to fruition. guys like frattin, duncan, trupp, kozek, watkins, gregoire, genoway, vv, etc, these guys should be flying around and creating scoring opportunities. the goalie situation is what it is... hopefully one of the guys will step up and grab the opportunity that is there, but if we continue with this anemic offense, it won't matter. i don't see us posting 6 or 7 shutouts like last season, so step it up sioux and play old time sioux hockey!! lets start the wcha season off right with a sweep of the purple cows in their barn!!! go sioux!!
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