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Everything posted by SiouxFan100

  1. i would be very surprised if we laid an egg today. If we lost I would not call it an upset - I would say that we don't have a good team.
  2. This feels like a game we should win. Yes, we have been here before and have been disappointed. Not today! Enjoy the day. Enjoy the anticipation. Good luck to the Fighting Hawks today.I think we have a good football team and today leave no doubt. Play to our abilities and avoid injuries. Should be a fun game to watch. For me that means watching on Midco2 at 8:00 Central.
  3. From the GF Herald concerning today's game. The game is on Midco but nobody told the Herald. Too bad because I wouldn't have know about the game being on Midco except it was mentioned on this site. The UND website doesn't list the game being televised either. UND's facebook mentions the Midco broadcast
  4. I am not sure how we expected the season to go but I am disappointed so far.
  5. Remember that we looked forward to this all summer. It’s supposed to be fun.
  6. I don’t know what you mean?
  7. So would you trade mankato’s players for ours? Would you trade Mankato’s coaches for ours?
  8. We have a chance the way we are scoring.
  9. Showing some fight and pride now!
  10. All those drafted players
  11. The uniforms look familiar but I don’t recognize our team
  12. Will a forward/wing who weighs 165-170 pounds be able to guard anyone? I am excited for the possibilities for this years team. Hopefully, they are fun to watch at least and surprise a few teams.
  13. UND 38 - Sac 10 This is one of those games that we need to dominate from the start and give no hope.
  14. SiouxFan100

    2018 Season

    Are centers and nose guards similar in body type and foot speed? Could they be interchangeable?
  15. 2019 or 2020?
  16. I was wondering how section 215 (my section) came to be. I would be for opening up another similar section for non students. Do this along with reducing prices in the four corners and moving students over one section or reducing student seating by a section.
  17. I have mixed feelings about blaming anyone who doesn't want to be at a game. Who am I to say someone else should be at a game that I am into only because I am into it? That said, there could be fewer seats available for students but we aren't selling out anyway. Same with cheering. Who am I to tell the guy next to me that they should be standing more often and screaming? Ideally, the product sells itself for the most part.
  18. Watching the replay I now see all the empty seats behind the Montana side. I sit behind the opposing team. The stands looked pretty good behind our team from my side.
  19. Noticed we only have two back to protect our punter. Looks like we need three as you say.
  20. Replay on midco 7:00 pm today Sunday
  21. It’s there you go to sports click the “older” button the football game stories are on page two of the sports you are right that the herald should prioritize the football stories and put them on page one of the sports section.
  22. Did our receivers have any dropped passes yesterday? I don’t remember any but missed parts of the game.
  23. Do I dare to say that there are many times that UND hockey has become boring for me. We don’t seem to have what we used to have. I don’t know what e are missing but we are missing. It just isn’t as much fun for me anymore. sorry to say. Fire away
  24. Yes i forgot to mention the daughter dad national anthem. That was one of the best I have ever heard. Loved it also. great day with lots of great efforts and performances
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