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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. I'm well aware that it is used with "private" money. However, how many people are diverting money to the lawsuit that otherwise would have gone to other university funds? People only have so much money to give, and they'll cut back somewhere else. As a poly sci major, I know it's not in the best interest of the college to generate a lot of negative publicity. The name change is hurting us, I say get it over with before there are only a handful of colleges left that will play us.
  2. Many of my posts made no mention of NDSU. I'm a UND alum, slightly disgruntled about the way things have been going. What irks me most is the money wasted on this stupid lawsuit when it could be put towards better purposes. Maybe being a poly sci major makes me look at things a little differently.
  3. Winning the public relations war where? Every time some team refuses to play UND, that just makes things worse. The fact that there is so much controversy over the name is proof that the name needs to go. Even if UND wins the first round of the lawsuit, the NCAA will appeal. More headlines and more publicity. Change the name and get it over with.
  4. I too, feel that it is time to drop the Sioux name. The list of who won't play us will only get longer. How long before NDSU uses the name as an excuse to go along with the snub the Sioux gave NDSU during their transition. I can well imagine trying to get into any conference with this hanging over UND's head as well. I say change it and get it over with. Even with the lawsuit, UND could well win the suit and still lose the war.
  5. Something better happen pretty soon on verbals. I see NDSU is picking up prime players every day. Is someone in the front office not letting any info escape, or is UND being snubbed by the high school seniors because of the D1 move and no play offs?
  6. I think you have to remember the fate of past successful Bison coaches who left. There was Jim Wacker who eventually when to Minnesota and was fired for miserable teams. There was Don Morton who eventually went to Wisconson, only to get fired for miserable teams. There was Earl Solomonson who went to Montana and was never heard from again. Why leave a succesful program?
  7. When I thought the NCC should move up, I was thinking about the 4 Dakota schools, Northern Colorado, and UNO. I think UNO made a mistake going to BSC, look what's happening to them. It's not all the fault of the BSC, but it sure didn't help them either. A college the size of UNO in a city the size of Omaha certainly can support a D1 team. but then, it's all water over the dam.
  8. I would say the SU's will go to the Gateway if asked, and I'd say it's highly probable they will be asked to join. As to the Great West, I guess UND/USD will again make it a 5 team conference and that's where it will stay in the short run. UND doesn't have to worry about an auto bid for the playoffs, since they will be ineligable anyway for 5 years. By then, the bigger question will be, who is left in the Great West? The California schools could find something out on the coast, and that could be the end of the Great West. I can't imagine the SU's wanting to stay in the Great West even if they do expand. the Gateway is just too tempting. It's where they do their recruiting, and it's closer then going to California, plus they have the auto bid. The biggest mistake made was by UND/USD in not pushing to move the entire NCC up to D1 when the SU's wanted to do it. Had they done it then, all schools would be eligible for an auto bid in a year and a half. I have a feeling UND will pay dearly for that decision.
  9. I doubt UND would drop football, if for no other reason, that's the only sport that will be in a conference (Great West). As to becoming a basketball power again, not the way the guys are playing this year. They are pathetic. Add to that the fact that conferences are going to be hard to find. Forget Big Sky, it isn't going to happen. I doubt anyone is going to drop out of the Mid Con any time soon, and there is nothing else out there. I imagine they will keep plugging along, pumping money in, and hoping for the best. But I see tough times ahead.
  10. I think it's time to give it up and change the name. There are going to be more and more people opposed to the Sioux name, and it's time to move on. It certainly isn't going to help get a D1 conference with this hanging over UND.
  11. Hawkster

    next season

    Anyone who has seen the mens basketball team knows what I am talking about. One has to wonder about the level of committment UND has to going D1.
  12. Hawkster

    next season

    I have serious doubts about UND's ability to perform at the D1 level for the foreseeable future. Football team was good, but not overwhelming, and recruiting is going to be tough for the next few years. The men's basketball team is pathetic. I see disaster ahead.
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