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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. I'm trying to be polite and not paint with a broad brush, thus "certain" hockey fans. Your mileage may vary.
  2. Ask certain hockey fans if they care about our fball team.
  3. We can all step back from the ledge now. All is right with the world
  4. Well this game will tell if the boys are up for the challenge or not. Sucky game like last night and meh, going to be along second half to the season.
  5. Boy, that cyanide pill sure put you in a bad mood. Hangover too?
  6. Follow it with a shot of whiskey and you'll be all right.
  7. I'm not going to worry unless they come out just as dead tomorrow night. Then it's time to take away the sharp objects.
  8. I have to wonder why he wants out of EWU? We would be more of a lateral move than a step up, really. I really have to wonder how much he understands about hockey? We all know that's the horse that leads the cart around here. At this point I'm not sure I like any of them.
  9. Another thing to remember is we didn't build on that championship. Instead, we took about 4 steps backward this year. It's just hard to think of '16 as being all that glorious when we now have nothing to show for it except maybe for a trophy sitting somewhere.
  10. Darell, I love you like a son, but PLEASE stop saying things like this. People are going to think you actually believe it. Mo Valley is nowhere near the SEC. LOL
  11. The sad thing is after we won the Sky championship, we laid an egg in the playoffs. 2016 really would have meant something if we had won against Richmond. Then we would have proven something.
  12. I feel the publicity that NDSU generates actually helps us in the long run. People will notice us when they see NDSU. It sure isn't hurting us when we play them in a few years. Let them win this one, our day is coming.
  13. I'm not so sure they are all that happy with Richman at times either. He made the dance once and has done nothing since.
  14. I'm sorry but I'm not convinced that FBS transfers are going to be the magical solution. I'd rather get good ones in here as freshman and mold them to what we need. I know, I know, transfers are a quick fix, but I'm not believing they are the best fix. It might take us a year or two longer to get to the Promised Land with high school recruits but in the long run it will be better. Flame away.
  15. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    You do it, don't you?
  16. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    Do we know for sure that Ketteringham is a better QB than Zimmy or is it just hoping? Zimmy has flashes of good, there's no doubt about that. I just find it odd to anoint the next QB when he hasn't even played a down for us yet.
  17. That's what I'm wondering as well.
  18. We are just going to have to make the best of what we get and keep working to fill the holes by the spring signing date. Can't get a better team until we get better recruits and can't get better recruits until we get a better team. This just seems to be an endless cycle of tail chasing. I really question Bubba when it comes to recruiting though. Something just isn't clicking and it sounds like that team up stream from us got a few good ones today. No QB signed today is disheartening to be sure.
  19. It won't matter how many are hurt. Don't you know, UND is the only team that loses games because of injuries. Everyone else finds a way to deal with it, including the Bison.
  20. I rather go with good long term help. I not convinced we gain much from transfers. Recruit high school kids and develop them to fit our needs, it's far better over the long haul.
  21. I agree whole heartily with this. I see no reason we should need juco's or FBS transfers. I keep hearing how good NDSU is, and they never seem to go the transfer route.
  22. If we are that bad that we couldn't beat Sam the way they looked last night then this program is far worse than anyone imagined. Sam looked terrible all the way around.
  23. We could have have curb stomped Sam last night as well. For the love of pete, why do the Bison always seem to get easy opponents, or at least teams that forget to show on game day? I'm convinced their run has more to do with luck than any type of talent. But then, Bubba had better start shaping up and getting lucky next year.
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