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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. I predict that if we win it will be close and ugly. I just think this team took a punch in the gut tonight and it's going to be tough to bounce back. I'm not betting they have it in them to pull it off tomorrow night. I think they are going to need all of next week to clear their heads and make an attempt to play serious hockey. I'm just not holding my breath on a Saturday win, even with Jones and Cam back in there.
  2. Time to switch from beer to Jack. This is beyond bizarre. Team totally lacks focus
  3. Does anyone know if a TV can be fixed after someone throws an almost full beer at it? Asking for a friend.
  4. Poolman. That's probably the kiss of death for him. I don't think I've gotten past the first round in any game this year.
  5. Anything less than one playoff win should be considered an out and out failure. No way should 6-5 be considered a successful year, those days have passed.
  6. ^^^This. If this team ever gets the consistency figured out they can roll. Hopefully this last series shows them what they need to do.
  7. But then every time someone bitches about Mismash not doing anything he seems to have a good night. Thanks for mentioning Mis not getting it done. Maybe it's a sign.
  8. You're kidding right? Everyone knows it's the GOBC that decides this
  9. Where is the back of the line to jump off the bridge? It sure sounds like that's where everyone is headed. I don't know what to make of this downward spiral. How man SOG did we even have last night?
  10. I agree with the rest, just no enthusiasm, from the players or the fans. Nothing we can do except watch and hope.
  11. 3-1 Hawks. Low scoring, all defense tonight.
  12. I'm starting to think Mussman recruited better than Bubba period. Bubba seemed to win as long as he Muss's players. Safe to say Bubba can't recruit coaches either, Rudy, I'm looking at you.
  13. OK, maybe I overstated that little but I doubt anyone expected Heidelbaugh to be the bust he basically was this year. I sure was expecting more. As to Moleberg, IMO he never lived up to what he should have been.
  14. The other thing about having extra QB's is that you never know how they will turn out. Take Moleberg and Heidelbaugh, both were sold as the real deal early on and never quite made it to the end. In the QB position it's almost a given that you will lose half of them for whatever reason. I hope Bubba knows what he's doing.
  15. That's not saying much for our recruiting process.
  16. Taking a quality QB every year should be an absolute. If we don't need him we can convert to other positions. The very fact that Bubba isn't thinking long term on this makes me wonder what he has planned for himself in say 4 or 5 years?
  17. Yes because a QB might be handy to have in say 3 years, even less if one gets injured.
  18. So what's the deal with a QB? Gotta have something by now
  19. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    So, based on those three we are forgoing a QB in this years class? I can't believe there are any top notch QB's left out there that are uncommitted. My hope is that this doesn't come back to bite us if, that is indeed the strategy.
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