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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. Also this field use to be probably 8 foot tall corn field completely farmed out by the tornado.
  2. its simply amazing the destruction that this has caused. cars are in balls of metal across the highway from where they once were covering the flattened corn fields. I cant imagine...
  3. OK, this 2007 NCAA hockey does not exist right? Im never here, or at least till october, but I haven't heard of anyone getting this smart to come out with such a (could be) fabulous game!
  4. Yes, obviously, since they said they were already! Hence the dumb thread comment
  5. yet another dumb thread. wow. Enjoy the rainy day all
  6. Everyones gone! The Sioux are no longer the sioux! NOOOO! Enjoy the summer all!
  7. now we wait with toews decision..............
  8. It was rained out for the most part, but other than that it still looks like a great time this year
  9. Guaranteeee a goal there, bad call! The puck needed to go about 1/4 of an inch to cross the line in view of the camera but then the pad came in to block the view. But you could still tell the puck was moving towards the net for a fraction of a second before the pad connected with the puck, plenty of time to move that 1/4 inch and then some. Granted you couldnt see white ice before the pad entered but still its an easy call to make under review. That cheap ass rink couldn't afford a camera on the corners of the rink like most do?
  10. good to come home after a long day and get a good laugh in
  11. luapsided

    Idol Fan ?

    60 million viewers for this goes to show why our country is so luapsided/messed up, no pun intended. Talent yes, but the music stinks
  12. Wow, put this picture as a background, effin awesome! with zajac blurry but quite readable
  13. Thats a legend pass right there. Meaning, 'a future legend.' He keeps this up hes on route for an amazing career. He knows where to be, when to be there, and has a constant smell for the puck. And I do agree, what a weak reaction by Vanek not to even recognize that the pass was twice as pretty as his goal was. seive seive seive. And as the announcers put it game one, "NORTH DAKOTA POWER HOUSE!"
  14. Aneta, turkey days, nothing beat it!
  15. Yeah... cause I couldnt go through every single thread here and count at least 50% of it having nothing to do with the topic So might as well continue the siouxsports tradition.
  16. I don't ever recall this type of thing happening before, at least for the fighting sioux. Im so use to players leaving after their first or second year, and not newpaper articles saying that such and such a player is going to stay another year(at least not more than one player anyways ).........This coud make for some intereting news (obviously now to) down the road if the team really can open up a can of whoop-a$$. The fact that these drafties are sticking around to show what they are made of and how a team can truely develope together is awesome! All the other years, and being a broke college student, its so hard to commit to the final five and especially the frozen four, not wanting to pay a ton of money and not being able to watch my team. But the way things are going, I think I could make my decision now. BACK iN BLACK!!!
  17. Whats still funny about the club memberships is that it shows pregame socials as a benefit for coaches club!!! Even though they haven't existed for a couple years! What ever happened to the value of a dollar? Ive written two or three times to that chick who runs the clubmemeberships and such, but I never seem to get a response. Maybe they can take all the extra money they will be getting in interest since we have to pay in sooner and finally get back the pregame socials(food) and wipe off my seat every once in awhile. Someone is going to run that arena to the ground in the next five years or so. Ralph haters must be running it
  18. Hey do you all know that we landed on the moon!
  19. wow this is still being talked about
  20. obviously no degree in sales to this individual
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