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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. Sweeping the badgers on their home ice will make up for any of the bads things we have said about our team up to this point
  2. I think their goalie made some key early saves. If we score a couple quick ones then it changes the game but once they got momentum that was that. Also we didn't hit at all on saturday. Thats the key problem that I think cost us the game if I had to choose. Lammy played well once again. He backs up his team too much and its time that sh*t gets reversed!
  3. Everyone was hungover from the football game
  4. Tough loss. Got out-played the whole night. Ducan, Oshie and Lammy cant beat any team by themselves so the team needs to quit partying after a win and play serious hockey for both nights and help these three guys out. I think the key to this loss was all do to lack of physical play. Absolutely no hitting going on which helped out CC tremendously! Lets just hope we can turn things around and get at least one in Wisc. next week. Bad team to play after this loss in my opinion.
  5. hands down the best first period a team can ask for tonight. The defense broke down twice and thank god Lammy made the spectacular saves to keep them from scoring. Other than that the team was 100% solid for the first period. I think my buddy from above who's funeral was today was looking down on us cause wow, there was fire on the ice for the first 1/3 of the game. I saw the stats/penalties for the goofer game and wow, what the hell is going on in minneapolis!?!?!? Is there a meth problem over there? 30 penalties total? sheesh Can't wait till we light up Denver now. joking. one game at a time..
  6. basically if something happens that has any relation to the sioux/sioux sports and its been ten to fifteen minutes since something has occured, chances are its been posted on sioux sports. Heck. A sioux goal is posted before it happens here
  7. Bonchenski is on the ice for Boston tonight! And Stafford! On the same ice sheet!
  8. A goalies job is the most difficult one out there, so for Lammy to hold on to whats going on right now all year long is basically impossible, however, if the impossible were to happen then I think he has more than a great shot for it. We have seen his inconsistency over the past couple years and his size alone is at a small disadvantage in keeping his solid start to the year going, but you just never do know what could happen. But to think of an award winner right now is basically pointless. Too many things can happen.
  9. who threw a big yellow bogger on the screen?
  10. completely pointless to have the #1 ranking. its a burden if anything. I think being around tenth has been ok the past couple years
  11. Back in black! I love those jerseys! When are they going to wear them for a home game? Never I assume.
  12. Anyone else watching the opening for the Devils game? They just had a phenominal introduction for their new arena. KICKASS!
  13. I hope sioux redefine 'powerhouse' tonight. At least two of the leaders of the team better step up and make some key plays and/or goals. Something needs to happen tonight to give me a better feel of how good are team is suppose to be, cause right now, having a bunch of our 'verterans' back, doesn't mean squat.
  14. Sioux suck Im buying all the WCHA jerseys so I can jump on the wagon for any team thats beats the sioux. No, but really, if Tech wins tomorrow I WILL throw up Time for the'veterans' to show up. I hope we drop down to tenth, then Ill feel comfortable.
  15. The name changes so do rules. The native americans pay tuition as typical student do and they have to pay for the changes needed to alter the name(such as the changes needed in the ralph). It sickens me to know that sioux members out there totally agree with the name but others out there do not? ITS INSANE that this issue is even an issue with that alone! I dont like smoking in bars, others dont mind. Its not exactly the same but it does represent the idea of conflicting ideas and beliefs that everyone faces on a day to day basis. Its one thing if all sioux indians have the same beliefs but the fact that this ISNT the case so the subject should be thrown out of the picture. Ill make damn sure that everthing I buy from here on out has a big ass sioux head on it. I wear it with pride and with no negativity what so ever. EVER! Ill hold my breath now......
  16. Yes, if you can pass the word, please do! There were plenty in our section alone who made little jokes(had to be there type jokes) about siouxp. So good! Now the only place in town that can even come close to it is the tortilla soup at ground round
  17. Ok, most everyone who has either been to the ralph or is a regular at the ralph like myself, loved the soup lady.(a consession that existed on the main level) Anyone here what happened and/or if she's coming back Yeah its a little off subject but hey, whatever. She had the best chicken tortilla soup ever! Even though she was replaced with the leinenkugel stand so its not all that bad.
  18. When do they normally know about the lineups each weak? Im sure they are already posted somewheres but im too lazy:P Im curious how Haks going to 't' it up this week.
  19. shhh. we dont need any freezing up now do we:)
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