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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. Hey if you could, get a puck signed by DUNCS! Only kidding! I cant believe the week is here! now bring on thursday! What time is the announcement made on friday? I guess ss.com will be my answer also since I dont get espnu
  2. Thanks for the help btw. I thank both of you
  3. We play 60 min and play physical, we win. We play soft for even a period it could get ugly. However, I like us to score an opening two quick goals, making it difficult on the minds of the BC players. No need to even compare last years to this years team. Ill take this years team, where than stand now, anytime over last years frozen four appearance. The sioux will come out on fire, I have no worries. The worst thing about all this is we have to wait ANOTHER DANG WEEK!
  4. He's an idiot, and blew his chance with his ten minuter last saturday night He knew he blew more things than one after he made that mistake.
  5. Thats a hell of an offer, so if they dont make these available online ill for sure take up on that offer.
  6. yup. just looked at that, but no pucks yet
  7. oops. disreguard my last post haha. Really?! there is no way i cant get them online myself to save anyone else the hassle. Im thinking about building a shadowbox for this year and would think a puck to the box would be perfect. I live in grand forks btw.
  8. ive asked this before but does anyone know when they'd have things such as pucks and stuff available for the FF, they just have a couple things right now
  9. Yeah great, I feel great about myself right now! Nothing like paying $45 for it to find out I could get it for that much cheaper. O'well
  10. nope:( im kicking my own a$$ trust me!
  11. uscho.com fightingsioux.com theres 2 options
  12. oh oh mafia, sounds too good to pass up DO IT!
  13. I would also like to purchase a puck or something this year, so please, when some new shet gets posted, please let us know! (or ill just have to search myself! )
  14. just typed in the last four digits of my card for one myself, so they are nice i take it? i hope so!
  15. true but i think this is the goal he was talkin about is all
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTzERSAHwEE
  17. does it matter right now, or should we still try voting?
  18. He blew his shot with he ten minuter on saturday idiot!
  19. ahhh! Makes sense. Wonder who got it?
  20. What that guy trying to be an arse with the hat comment right as the dunc, phil, and porter were leaving. And porter says pass it on? I guess I musta missed something.
  21. luapsided


    I thought about the comment toews made awhile back. Saying the main job for him right now is to help take care of business this year as a sioux, and not to think about what happens after. We all know that he will be gone but the fact that the business is gettin taken care of before he does so is remarkable! I hope he gets to go out with a bigger bang than he already has so far! GO SIOUX! BC, be ready!
  22. Yeah i basically set myself up for the worst in overtime, on edge for about 3 hours, and had at least 3 hearattacks. I didnt even see the puck go in the net but I knew it went in and I unleashed a ton of emotion. Now that is what you call a hockey game! whoa!
  23. Im bleeding out of my perma grin right now.. and its GREEN!!!!! What a bEAUtiful day!
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