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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. thanks..im on one but dont care for it
  2. Which once again proves how sh**ty the NCAA is and how espn, i wish, didn't exist anymore. They are antihockey for the most part and still have these rights makes me laugh. But im sure glad they have scrabble and billiard sports on all the time!
  3. what audio(link) are you people listening to
  4. Thats what i figured but wow, talking about going out of your way to prevent a couple hundred people from viewing the game...
  5. what is an audio link please. cn8's a joke, once again
  6. amazing game right now. TOTAL playoff atmosphere.
  7. how can cn8 tell where you are located..what a joke.
  8. sheesh the game on yet, im still waiting for it to pop up on cn8
  9. so your saying it may be on yet? or not a chance in hell. When the game starts that is
  10. CN8 Live CN8's live feed is temporarily unavailable because of special event viewing restrictions. Please check back to view our regularly scheduled programming. how can they tell where a person is located over the internet? im confused
  11. due to programming restrictions, cn8 live feed is currently unavailable, please check back soon! wtf does this mean.
  12. So is espnu the only way to see the next game, or doesnt anyone know (yet)?
  13. when basketball allows you to tap someone on the arm and not get penalized, ill start to watch. Or better yet check someone off the ball
  14. so another 40 mins or so till the next game i suppose
  15. yes..keepin it classy, thank god!
  16. well there went that webcast. any hiding out on the net for the BU game coming up?
  17. yeah.. well good thing notre dame got their first NCAA win, itll be their last.
  18. Im betting this webcast wont continue threw the next game?
  19. O WOW..nevermind haha.. im an idiot..long week of classes
  20. I thought it was 7:30 starting time
  21. Ill love you even more if you can tell me how to see the BU game on the internet or digital cable
  22. what are the options in seeing michigan st and BU? any webcast pcm? or just espnu is it?
  23. dumb question but digital cable of GF doesnt have espnu correct?
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