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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. luapsided

    BC / MSU

    Thanks hockey mom, now im even more happy they lost
  2. exactly. And what sucks about finley being so tall is that it can get him into trouble, as it did during this situation. Even the announcers agreed. Im over it. Its officially spring! minus the weather
  3. Hope he is around for a couple more years myself, and I also want to win the lottery, and I think I can beat tiger woods in golf and..... Hope he sticks around for an/the autograph session he needs to sign my puck to complete my DOT shadow box
  4. cant wait to shake the mans hand! Your the s&!t duncan! pure class and an amazing individual!
  5. How could you miss it?!?! It was clear as day and in the nuetral zone. Even the announcers thought we were getting hosed on penalties
  6. kidding right? If not you need to look into it a little deeper than licking your finger and holding it in the air for the wind direction
  7. You know the funny thing is is that over the past few weeks with sioux vs gophers or gophers and sioux ect. I realized come postseason that it is important that a wcha team representing the championship is important and awesome in the final tally. But I have had the hardest time accepting ever having to root for the gophers in my entire lifetime. But when it comes down to this point and time of exhausting hockey, I could actually see myself rooting for any WCHA team(i think) I honestly am kicking myself that I could root for the gophers someday but this rollercoaster season I think made me see the whole picture. SPORTS SUCK! To think your team is so close, or kicking so much ass and then fall short, or really short whichever it is, is simply exhausting! This will be the first year that I do not watch the frozen four championship~! BTW, Boston, or hockey east for the matter, is in the dumps in my opinion. Talking about a whole different style of hockey! Bunch of babies! Porter makes a clean hit on the board and the guy gets up and act like porter just stabbed him! WTF! Its called hockey buddy! And its NOT the womens league! (yet results in a penalty. Im sure the ref was well lubed for after the game to give boyle point or two about hockey! )
  8. Ill take a little piece from all the past few posts. Sioux did not deserve to win, mainly due to the final 5 minutes. They had their chance but blew it on two stupid penalties so therefore eliminates any possibility from another come from behind victory. Wow, dejavu from last year. 16 seconds left this year, and what 12.2 or so seconds last year to come within a goal. I knew it was over but even for the fact of the matter that this happened again was gut wrenching. Im far from unhappy and Im surprisingly over it much sooner than I thought I would be. From our standpoint of the first several weeks of the season we didn't deserve to come this far, but once again we proved ourselves who we are as a team, a tradition, and as a well talented group of individuals and they gave themselves another chance for a national title, but fell short. The D.O.T line will no longer exsist which is probably the sadest part of all. But still we have hope, or probably little hope knowing the NCAA, that Duncan will receive the hobey tomorrow night. But whatever, we have some kick ass nhl playoffs next week and twins baseball is in full effect. Let the sun shine, the weather become warmer, and the summer begin. Because just around the corner will be yet another kick ass sioux hockey season! Sioux beat themselves at the end and theres nothing they can do about it. Goodnight sioux fans! and fellow trollers, take a deep breath, and just know that your season ended two or more weeks ago wesseyafelleeya!
  9. Genoway for MVP. That man played his ass off! WOW!
  10. gayer than a bag of dicks? anyways. Ill take a little piece from all the past few posts. Sioux did not deserve to win, mainly due to the final 5 minutes. They had their chance but blew it on two stupid penalties so therefore eliminates any possibility from another come from behind victory. Wow, dejavu from last year. 16 seconds left this year, and what 12.2 or so seconds last year to come within a goal. I knew it was over but even for the fact of the matter that this happened again was gut wrenching. Im far from unhappy and Im surprisingly over it much sooner than I thought I would be. From our standpoint of the first several weeks of the season we didn't deserve to come this far, but once again we proved ourselves who we are as a team, a tradition, and as a well talented group of individuals and they gave themselves another chance for a national title, but fell short. The D.O.T line will no longer exsist which is probably the sadest part of all. But still we have hope, or probably little hope knowing the NCAA, that Duncan will receive the hobey tomorrow night. But whatever, we have some kick ass nhl playoffs next week and twins baseball is in full effect. Let the sun shine, the weather become warmer, and the summer begin. Because just around the corner will be yet another kick ass sioux hockey season! Sioux beat themselves at the end and theres nothing they can do about it. Goodnight sioux fans! and fellow trollers, take a deep breath, and just know that your season ended two or more weeks ago wesseyafelleeya!
  11. Amen to that. I just pray for a quick start from the boys tomorrow. That will help ease the tension a bit. I dont think I can handle another michigan beginning I think the guys are going into tomorrow with nothing but high spirits and a fire under their arses! Anyone feel like getting their car washed from valleydairy on the south end tomorrow, its decked out with sioux pariff
  12. ahhhhhhhhhh seive seive seive seive seive
  13. as i said before, worst jinx in sioux sports history in the making The black dont win games, they just look effin awesome! Sign me up for a Nike jersey!
  14. I dont think ill sweat it, ill just come here around (umm what time approx.?) on friday and find out from one of you fine people GO DUNCS! So what time will this be around, seriously?
  15. shouldve started another thread with this Good article~!
  16. so its espnu or log onto sioux sports. how shi&&y! A webcast would be good though
  17. I would like to know the ages of people who are doing the voting here. Im almost betting the people who have watched the sioux for ten or more years longer than some of us are the ones who really dont like the jersey, granted theres a few of you who do like them. I think the jerseys go with where the sport has developed to over the years. Yeah the looks to some of you might not be so appealing but the benefits that these new brand of jerseys apparently have should overtake a couple flaws that you dont like in the appearance of them. If you were to take a huge vote, say nationally, I'm betting the people who like them are far greater than the people who dont in my opinion. But I, myself will buy one in the future, if given the chance. But whatever the case GO FIGHTING SIOUX!
  18. If everyone who said i like them just because we are winning would just say that 'I love the effin jerseys,' this would help clear up any issue Or yeah, poles and strippers! woohoo!
  19. The pole makes it official, we are set up for the biggest jinx in history of sioux sports!
  20. Let the fans wear the green and the players wear the black! Black makes all the other players and fans think 'we're screwed!' I can see/read the jerseys just fine, and wouldn't change a thing BACK IN BLACK FOREVER!
  21. Yeah I always thought the home team chooses, but maybe just not in college Last comment, I agree with the people talking about the jinx now upon us with the 'we always win' with the black jerseys. If you like them say you do if you dont say you dont...leave it at that please
  22. Yeah we are winning with them, but they are awesome! I hope to have the option to buy one in the future. I've only seen them on t.v. so I can imagine how much I'll like them went face to face with the back in black jersey! Two more wins away baby!
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