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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. No, it was clearly booing lammy that he was replacing Grieco so quickly.. I remember booing the fans around me that were booing at Lammy Anyways, Lammy will pull his weight this year, however I hope one of the other goalies get there chance to prove themself a few times this year.
  2. very true. I guess I agree more of the teasing than mocking part also. But I do recall last year when grieco got the start but there as an obvious plan as soon as he(grieco) gave up a goal, or two that lammy would be coming in. And there was boo's everywhere when lammy came in that game. Yet it was obvious that it was the game plan since lammy was on the ice putting his helmet on even before the other team could finish celebrating. But whatever, go sioux and go lammy!
  3. I hardly recognized him tonight. I wonder why he made the change? He always stood out with the eye tech EDIT: And triple the goals, for the team we have this year, will be plenty
  4. for the fans to clap when he made a save after he let his second goal in was simply sickening. Yeah dont like him, you think he sucks, or whatever, that was wrong and I forgot what goalie got us to the frozen four last year?
  5. didn't know that. Its on the ralph.com so I'll still blame who I want to The value of a dollar should be fullfilled as far as I see it and basically us season ticket holders are paying more and getting the 'quoted' benefits ripped out underneath us.
  6. Lees number has officially been taken over. Malone played very strong, very agressive and wow, for the first "exhibition game" he showed his value for the team for the future. Trupp, holy quick and what a defensive play to save a two on one! (plus a goal) Welcome to the captain spot Kaip, you proved yourself more than enough for one game and Im sure for the rest of the year. The best part was kaips second goal when malone took out the team during the celebration! Four quick goals, looking so easy, is only a glimpse of what this team is planning on doing the rest of this year. And Oshie, this guy is amazing to watch...Watch his stick/skate movement and you'll be more than impressed. He's gained weight(in a good way) and has more balance than ever. Hes definitely a force to be reckoned with this year, wow! He stays healthy and gets the hobey this year! Basically all the rookies this year made an ok, if not great, statement tonight and I think this is a great year to see sioux hockey. Exhibition or not, this team made a statement tonight and I can't wait to be able to compare them to state next saturday. I think sioux dominate. Trupp w/ two goals! p.s. I think Kozek dropping his eye tech and going for the black mask will triple his goals!
  7. way to secretively bring this topic out of the woodworks I was wondering how to do it myself!
  8. The first goal, not his problem. the second, all his fault. haha. Maybe a little too comfortable since its only manitoba!
  9. I know two groups alone who quit the season tickets. To expensive and yet alone they are being very unfair and unprofessional. Long story. Look at the benefits of the coaches club for example. It still shows pregame socials as a benefit, but that hasn't existed for two years. Whoever runs the ralph needs some serious TQM. No offense, well, ok maybe some. The ralph, management wise, is falling apart. unless your a big name of grand forks
  10. So is it possible to take your tivo'd sioux game and put it onto a disc using your computer? (being that you can hook your computer to your tv to watch a webcast on your tv) Or do you simply need a dvd recorder? Id like to put some sioux games on disc this year and looking for input. Granted they would all be home games since we don't often enough see away games unless their webcasts 8o( Thanks
  11. Is tailgating still going on? probably as I type huh? Just got back to town and didn't know if it was still going on or not.
  12. I guess asking redfrog this since he's the man of posting videos would be easier but I'll just throw it out here instead. Do people use movie maker to make some of these videos(especially the ones of different clips put together)? Or what other program is used? Im just trying to mess around a bit taking videos from youtube and such but the files are not in the correct format. This is definitely my weak side of me thats for sure Id like to put something together soon but I guess I'll need some insight/help first. I know I could do it off of my digital camera, but how to change formats of videos that already exist is foreign to me! Thanks to anyone who could help!
  13. Man, where are you from! Do you realize the chance of them predicting the weather 24 hours from now is impossible. Anything prediction of weather over six hours away is not worth paying attention to.
  14. sooooo.. is digital cable picking it up here in grand forks? No more dish network stuff how much. I called once and I think they are idiots over there
  15. So is dish network the same as digital cable? I know they are all pretty much the same as far as channels but what about the service? Like directtv and digital cable are not the same, obviously. Im still relatively new to digital cable(Grand forks) from midcontinent so sorry if this question is, well, stupid. I cant wait for the freebee week of hockey!
  16. Man. talking about ''causing a stir'' before the season even starts..ouch what a hit
  17. yes I saw that thread btw, but nothing about digital cable was in there(i dont think), just dish network, directtv ect.. Not the same thing is it? Midco in GF wasn't sure if they would even have it last I heard but that was quite some time ago
  18. Thought I'd go the lazy route. I have digital cable and picked up NHL center ice towards the end of the year last year at a discount. But what does it cost for the whole year for center ice on digital cable in GF? Around $169 right? Do you make monthly payment like $9.99 or do you have to pay it off in a couple/few months? I did some looking around on the internet and I couldnt find exactly what I was looking for... Anyways. Go sioux! Thanks for anyone who takes a min. of their time to explain anything they can to me 8o)
  19. I pray to god that whoever ran the audio this game does all the sioux games also. It was cranked in there! If they still play the crap music on volume one this year I think I'll throw up.
  20. of course many good seats remain, look at the prices you need to pay for lower bowl on a preseason NHL game.....ureal! why would they not want to sell the place out and make the prices legit
  21. those are some awesome pictures. I couldn't figure out at first where you shot the pictures from but I got it now. I think the tornado is just going back up in the sky from the picture with the black arrow on it. By the location of it, just to the west of that farm outside northwood, is where the tornado had gone back up judging by the damage of the corn fields. I wonder if it fully touched down?
  22. Yeah the cornfield goes from standing to partially standing to completely wiped out as shown here. Very odd to see in person thats for sure. The way a couple of these cars that I saw and how completely destroyed they were, Im surprised that only one persons life was taken. One too many but thank god its not more than that
  23. These cars seriously all looked like they've been crushed in a crusher. obviously they were being thrown around for some time
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