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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. I think this subject is making the hockey rooms smell funny Sioux FOOTBALL!
  2. OOPS! EDIT #2 Didn't mean to say anyone im particular Just anyone who is basically saying that the sioux cannot/will not lose. Thats all I meant
  3. Man o man people, I know some of this is a tad based on sarcasm but your setting the sioux up for the ultimate jinx! A sport is a sport and sheet happens EDIT: you forget that even UAA handled us a little differently than normal early last year so.....Granted yes, this is a different team to an extent
  4. There may be a webcast but if too many people are going to lock it up then no, there isn't one
  5. give kozek the spot! I think he'd kick arse on the Doshie line
  6. We are a division one team, with one heckuva resume, and many of our starters have returned for another year of hockey. The last 2-3 years have been slow starts and I'm betting this one isn't much different. We will start off stronger that the previous couple of years but I guarantee we should not set ourselves up for dissapointment when we do lose one of these 'should win' games. Will Tech be our first loss? who knows! For one, its a sport and anything happens. Two, we do have a few rookies(and others) that need to build chemistry with the rest of the team before we click on all cylinders. These should be obvious signs just after this past weekend alone. If we were to beat NE by 6-7 and Boston bye 2-3 then we have a good argument how 'great' our team is. But this isn't the case, as of yet anyways. One game at a time and try walk away with a 'W' is always good, but Im hoping the leaders of the team do, or continue to do their job and pull the team together.
  7. My guess is that any prediction of score right now is a waste of time If the sioux are clicking on all cylinders(as much as they can being so early in the season) then it could get ugly for the Tuskies. If the sioux play more like they did this weekend, it could be a close game. We need the number one line to step up for the season this weekend and for 'Lammy' to keep playing solid. Tuskies do have a chance if they score first...
  8. THanks. yeah I get the page to pop up and on top it says web page not found and the most I get as an option is entering a username and password plus a HOME and CONTACT US on the top left. WOW ghetto. How are people suppose to find the video link for the weekend
  9. why is michigan techs athletic page go right to xostech.com? is this what I want?
  10. Yeah Im not worried about that. I just turn into 96.1 here in GF and listen That webpage seems very blank, is it suppoe to be
  11. Actually the page comes up but not what its suppose to do I think. Anyone else having issues with this?
  12. haha. No actually Im not in a dorm, but an apartment on south end Grand Forks. Just one laptop(HP pavilion dv2000) and its begging to see a good webcast We have cable connection not wireless if thats what your talking about. So theres ways to change your bandwidth And AZsioux, you said you have TH as backup, do you mean radio? Also that link didn't work that you just put up. No idea.
  13. I dont think this link is working?
  14. I put this on a previous post but Ill try again. What can you do to better your webcasts if anything? Obviously by not running anything else on your computer other than the webcast helps but does one connection better that others. Like I have cable, but should I have something different. Setting your computers settings a cerain way, ect? I dont see how some people could have no issues versus others. Any computer wizzards out there?
  15. Yeah I guess I wasn't using the computer for only the webcast, no other program was open. I know they had to different webcasts, I lost the audio for awhile and then logged out and got back on using the smaller of the two and it worked a little bit better w/ audio. I guess I was just trying to better myself for future webcasts I have a new laptop too so its not like im using a sheety compuer. o'well
  16. Two things: First, Hak is very dissapointed with the players drive. What are they going to do this week to better themselves to be ready for next weekend? I wonder if they'll mix up a coupld of the lines this week? Two. Why do some peoples webcast reception come in way better than others? Im guessing its the connection but... I have cable and last nights webcast pretty much blew. Is digital the best way to go? Or what other reasons are there for bettering your webcast in the future. (Im not a computer wizzard so keep the terminology simple ) I think these programs that are offering webcasts should realize the possiblilty of many people purchasing their webcasts and if their server? isn't capable of handling a high volume of people then they should note this somehow so people dont get screwed out of five, ten buck or however much it is. Which im guessing is the issue last night, just too many people logged on?
  17. So Im taking it that the two USA18 games vs minnesota and vs st cloud dont count next saturday and sunday(towards the tally)? Minnesota has three days of hockey, but I guess they do need the practice
  18. After all that crap last night, now watch this webcast be a joke tonight
  19. New god of NHL. what a effin goal! WOW!~!!!~~~~!!!!!
  20. No, Boston will be all sitting on the bench with popcorn watching the show. So no penalties. And the sioux aren't needy so they decide just to put one in the net.
  21. Kevin Allenspach, St. Cloud Times: I got the impression Michigan State (Jeff Lerg) had an off night in goal. That could work itself out. But North Dakota should be everything they're supposed to be. Kate Crandall, The Gazette: North Dakota's utter dominance of Michigan State. I knew they were going to be good, but not that good. Wow. Every other team in college hockey has their work cut out for them. I'm interested to see what teams, if any, will trip up the Sioux and how they'll do that. Just a couple comments I found on uscho for gameday. Go Sioux!
  22. The turn around from this story is: First a friend called, nobody knew what to do at midco, if the game or even the channel existed. The second time the midco 'guy' could not even find cstv and said its probably only available to directtv members. And Finally, once giving this guy who made all these calls the necesary info(such as channel number for digital cable) to slap midco in the face with " what the heck do you people do over there", He finally got signed up for the game! So thank us for taking care of the dirty work for you. Not knowing certain games are on is one thing, but saying cstv doesn't exist is to, well, umm....What the heck do you people do over there!
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