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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. At the game, torrential rain, lightning, lights out for 20 minutes, waiting on locusts.
  2. Was there, he got up and teammates were helping him then he collapsed, he insisted on getting up and walking off with help. Probably knew something bad had happened and wanted to walk off, if it was going to be the last time
  3. We heard the game is far from a sell out, perhaps that was before the big win?
  4. We are fans so it is okay to be optimistic. There is a reason the ball is oblong, you never know how it will bounce. Upsets happen every week.
  5. Small AM station is St Cloud just picked up bizon football, sometimes stations just need to fill broadcast space.
  6. CMSioux

    UND @ ISU

    Pregame meal in Idaho. Go Hawks!
  7. CMSioux

    UND @ ISU

    Leave no doubt, we are a 10 point favorite - we are the returning MVFC champions, everyone here should be just as confident as they are over at the Idaho State board.
  8. This is the 2021-22 team not a team from the past and certainly not the team that traveled through a blizzard and got little sleep the night before the last game in Pocatello. It's also a team with much more talent and different game schemes (and some new coaches). I believe what I see - I say it's UND by at least 2 scores. 24 - 13 (and I'll be in the stand to see it happen).
  9. Went with James Madison, probably not as big of a move up as those who were whispering in his ear were promising.
  10. Road trip starts this Thursday at 9 a.m. So many quotes from the Blues Brothers are apropo. "It’s 1007 miles to Pocatello, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbF29c_FpV8 "We are on a mission from God! - bringing Grainbelt to those who have never had the pleasure" Gonna be epic!
  11. If you want to stop human trafficking then you need to punish those who are creating the market for it. Lots of assumptions that "it's the woman's choice", the reality is even those that claim they are in it by choice really aren't - they are in because of lack of choices, they stay in it our of fear. Abuse and physical violence in the industry is rampant.
  12. Here we go again - yes science does change, because scientists/medical experts learn more, the more they study things. Those that are deniers will never be convinced otherwise, example "I'm waiting for CDC approval" is now "The CDC rushed their approval". Not going to get into it, but when someone throws out the old "99%+ survival rate" myth, their credibility ends right there.
  13. The biggest disappointment is that there are leaders on this campus (somewhere in a closed meeting room) that thought this was a good idea and spent a great deal of time and money to create this statue, then within a week some other leader(s) made the decision to remove it. Just a bad reflection on all sides. It just shows that one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Sounds like we need some investigative reporting.
  14. It is if you believe in Science not Memes.
  15. Plans are set for a double header - Idaho State and Utah State with plenty of mountain hikes in between. I am taking personal responsibility for flipping the home field advantage .
  16. Enjoy one yourself - go UND!
  17. If alumni are accosting players and students for wearing Fighting Hawks attire (which has been shared here) that is making them choose a side. If people here are alluding to vandalizing a statue of the current mascot that is making players choose a side. Sioux forever in my heart but accosting current students and student athletes for supporting what was handed to them is making them take sides. I'm not going to be angry about this for the rest of my life - I'm going to enjoy the game(s).
  18. It doesn't bother me. I was never a Fighting Hawk as a student but every student on campus is. The football team has embraced the name let them enjoy their time as a hawk. What value is there to make the current players have to choose a side?
  19. We've grown a bit from 11 years ago. Are you the guy that keeps Mayville State in his back pocket for basketball cheap shots :).
  20. Waletzko - another example of not getting too concerned about how many offers a kid gets.
  21. Well I just heard a national medical expert today say what I shared - that everyone's antibodies are different and the safest option, even for someone who had it, is to also get vaxed. (Here we go...)
  22. Please stop with the FOX headlines. There is so much more to this than just headlines. We had a thread that tore our comradery apart we don't need to revisit it every day.
  23. I would like to hear your source on this because every medical expert that I have heard has said those that "got it" still need to be vaxed because everyone's antibodies are going to be different. I do not want this to start a string of myths and memes, just want to see the source.
  24. Utah State is picked to finish 6th in the Mountain Division of their conference - so let's start believing. Super excited to be making the trip.
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