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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. I was in the stands for every one of the games UND beat su in during the last 10 years they played and every year I had to hear the pompus su fans sharing how they were the better team, no on UND's team would see the field if they were at su and guess what when the game was played - not so much. UND - owns overall win-loss record UND - owns win-loss record for the last 10 years the two teams played UND - won the last game played between the two team for the Nickle Trophy
  2. What you don't understand is that a message board for a specific team is exactly where you should be making off-base homer statements only su fans feels the need to monitor the site of a different school, which they claim they are no longer interested in, in order to correct every off-base homer statement they perceive is being made.
  3. Listening to Minneapolis radio station this past week. Stories about UND are about the school working with NASA, stories about NDSU are about foodtball players de-frauding the goverment. Gosh I hope they stop mixing the two schools up.
  4. Uh They were not busted, how difficult would it be for coaches to find out about an all team annual party? They were probably warned about doing it in advance, but college kids being what they are didn't listen and now they are suffering the consequences. Swift and specific. If the police were there, there would be a paper trail - you can't cover that up even if they were trying. They were suspended for the first regular season game that happened after the event came to light. Some bison fans obviously feel like the administration should have picked a specific game so it was against a tougher opponent? Really? Every day the su football team continues to have its reputation dragged through the mud. Now they are trying to focus the blame on the petition gathering companies? Really? They committed fraud. They did it on purpose. They took money for a job they did not do. They signed a legal document saying they did not commit fraud. They are still playing football, they were not suspended. No comparision.
  5. My thoughts weren't about students tickets, it's the families that have to work a budget.
  6. The biggest difference between the two venues is that UND has hockey. When a UND fan (non-student) is budgeting their entertainment dollars they have hockey, basketball and football tickets to consider with hockey being the biggest bite out the budget. If you have to choose because of finances football and basketball is going to be the odd ticket out. When an NDSU fan (non-student) is budgeting their entertainment dollars they only have two choices - football and basketball - niether of which carries the ticket price of hockey (driven by more home games and higher prices). Of course we are now in a whole new world for football and basketball with bigger named schools and bigger excitment around who is coming to town so I'm hoping my anology proves wrong. If the product is good and it's the place to be in the fall people will find the money. It's only 6 home games.
  7. Careful - the guy who lives in the Sioux Sports basement is coming home from work soon.
  8. well of course you have to think this way to continue justify the actions of the AC administration. Bottom line is they did the right thing and held them accountable - and guess what there is no "day in court" and they still did the right thing. SU is the Chris Farley of college sports.
  9. Well at least they weren't out getting petition signatures Are there any legal charges pending?
  10. He Hey everyone - the strange boy who lives in our basement is home from work.
  11. It will all work itself out in practice. The better quarterback will get the playing time, the other is the most important player on the sidelines. Isn't it great that we have two quality quarterbacks getting quality educations at UND? Seems like we were facing the same issue last year and it ended with a conference championship lead by the back-up quarterback. Nice to know we have depth in so many positions. The unanswerable question is where would Joey Bradley have fit into this equation - my opinion is he made the right decision to move on - just didn't do it in as classy a fashion as he could have.
  12. 1. They did knowingly forge signatures on official state documents. They made the decision to open phone books and other sources and copy names, addresses and phone numbers. It was not a mistake. They did it on purpose. 2. They signed an affidavide stating that they gathered signatures from people, witnessed the signing and that the signatures were legitimate. Unless they can't read they signed this statement knowing it was not true. 3. They accepted payment for gathering signatures and when they accepted the money they knew they had not done what they were being paid for. 4. When confronted by goverment officials they refused to sign a follow-up affidavide stating they gathered signatures in a proper manner. 5. They admitted they committed this fraud. One of them admitting that 100% of his actions were fraudulent. 6. As a direct result of their forgery two state-wide measures were unable to meet the crieteria for making the ballot and allowing the citizens of North Dakota to vote on these two issues. These are not only issues of law, they are issues of integrity and honesty. What of the above can be deemed untrue or dismissable because "they were not properly informed", or "the company was using a payment format that could be deemed unlawfull (still under debate)"? Regardless of these issue they still committed fraud and forgery. How is this an issue of UND fans being jealous of the NDSU football team?
  13. Inferiority complex, often used to mean low self-esteem, is a feeling of intense insecurity. An inferiority complex can be seen in negative or "useless" reactions. These reactions only serve to guard one's self-esteem. It is often seen as comparing individuals or groups as one being superior to another, it more closely describes how one deals with a fear of failure. - team wins national championship, player says "Sioux Suck" at national championship pep rally (ever heard an Alabama player do that?) - fans cheer "Sioux Suck" at national champions pep rally (See above) - fans cheer "Sioux Suck" at games not involving UND (never happened at UND) - fans frequent UND chat rooms and continually try to point out how NDSU is better than UND (yawn...) - fans frequent other teams chat rooms with intent to put down UND (it ain't just Lakes) - fans constantly compare their school to UND, looking for any little statistic that will make their school look superior to UND (see annual attendance threads) - fans can't wait to comment on perceived UND shortfallings (watch thise week and be amazed) - school has a president that morgages the university's future and its integrity in an effort to build attendance, again because of comparisons to UND (then leaves for Colorado) - fans feel the need to discount UND's hockey team accomplishments (perpetual) - fans feel the need to revise history in an attempt to show superiority (It was UND that ended the rivalry, you folllowed us...)
  14. Well as usual the trolls have turned this into a pissing match. Look what's been keeping the NDSU president busy http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/ndsu-coach-bohl-says-companies-involved-in-fraudulent-petitions-are-targeted/. Isn't it nice that the football team has dropped this turd into his lap so he has to spend his time responding to indignent North Dakota citiziens.
  15. Back at you with NDSU's perpetual sense of inferiority. As supported by your need and several others to be here. Thanks for coming to a UND Board and sharing your opinions. Must be tough not to have a place of your own to talk about a team you support.
  16. It's already been stated this thread should be titled: Petition Fraud in ND. But Okay based on your comparison - UND hockey mills out millionaire hockey players that often return for their degrees and fund scholarships for the school, SU football mills out college drop-outs that take $9 an hour jobs defrauding the citizens of North Dakota and bringing humiliation to SU? Guess I'm not seeing where the jealousy would come in?
  17. I think we have recruited the talent like they have, we just finished our transition and look at the higher level of talent we are already putting on the field. Bottom line during transition it really doesn't matter what your record is you aren't going anywhere at the end of the season (of course if your ego demands it you can claim a ficticous title and hand out ficticious rings). If we stop allowing others to compare one teams transition to anothers we had a very good transition record. Every day it becomes more apparant we don't want to be compared to "that" team for many reasons.
  18. UND Hockey develops players for the NHL and other professional hockey leagues, What league does su football develop players for? Oh I know the penal league (pun intended)
  19. I apologize, it's tough to know the "tone" of a text post. Many of us are just tired of having to deal with trolls that come here and ruin discussions with pompous comments and constant smack. Not saying yours was in that category. If we were face to face at a tailgate with a beer it would be more enjoyable to give each other some guff about our teams.
  20. Oh at that rate they probably DID have their degrees.
  21. Weren't there at least two former su football players gathering forging signatures in Petition-gate? Part-time work at eight dollars an hour for a college graduate - oops that assumes they graduated.
  22. Hopefully our special teams make a play or two to turn the tide. Another aspect of the Sioux game is blocking passes. There were a couple of times when our defensive ends stopped rushing and just waited for the pass to come so they could knock it down.
  23. You are welcome here if your purpose is to have an intelligent discussion on the game, if your ultimate plan is to get snotty and pompus we already get enough of that from posters from teams we seldom play and are in a different conference. Win or lose our team does it talking on the field.
  24. Sorry but the position of constant posting on su issues has been taken by several other perpetual defenders of the herd that can't seem to get enough of UND. Many of us aren't interested in revisiting the revisionist history that is perpetuated by so many su boosters.
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