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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. CMSioux


    Thanks for the great years Mitch - you were a highlight of the transition.
  2. Actually the SCSU Booster Club is very welcoming. Sioux fans are invited to their pre-game social usually Saturday afternoon - need to check their website for time and location - it's called the Center Ice Club I believe. Have a little empathy they don't have the facility, the history or the recruiting muscle that UND has. They are a perpetual center dweller and probably worse in the new conference.
  3. CMSioux

    SUU game

    Might have been - I'm not great on numbers, since it was a kick-off my memory said Hardin.
  4. CMSioux

    SUU game

    I pointed out a couple of intelligent plays to my daughter: 1. Greg Harden lets the kick off roll out of bounds rather than pick it up at the 12 yard line. The penalty put the ball at the 40, we went on to score, quite often you will see players panic and pick up the ball in that situation. 2. The last play of the game our defenseman whacks the ball to the ground rather than trying to intercept it. He would have gotten the interception stat but the smart play was to end the game with no risk.
  5. CMSioux

    Fire Muss

    Okay just to be clear, no one in this discussion actually believes that this is going anywhere or is in anyway productive - correct. And it has been stated it is probably damaging to recruiting. Yes, you are allowed your opinion and you are allowed to share it. I am also allowed mine. I have to ask how so many geniuses here think they know so much about the coaching staff's methods of motivation, what is said in the locker, their psyche, what they are coaching, etc. At the end of the day it's still the players that have to execute, so then the discussion becomes the staff is doing a bad job at recruiting - really - what are the crictics here credentials on recruiting - I'm thinking it's an inexact science. I'm also thinking the past four years we've actually done pretty well on recruiting quality athletes that for the most part stay out of trouble - not all, but most. Then there are the trolls and the immature twenty-somethings that still talk and think like high schoolers. They love it that this thread is alive because they have no real loyalty to UND. Hey - guess what, what you think will have no impact on if or when any part of the coaching staff changes. But if it makes you feel good to trash our coaches and players annonymously I guess you found the place. Call me old school but I think we have much better and enjoyable topics to discuss than this.
  6. CMSioux

    Fire Muss

    Aren't we around #35 in attendance in our first year out of transition?
  7. CMSioux

    SUU game

    I think someone needs to contact the fire marshall if this information is correct that can't be safe for evacuating the building when the hay stacks are accidently started on fire by the fireworks.
  8. UND's win over Sac State was no fluke, UND was the better team.
  9. CMSioux

    SUU game

    Looking forward to the game - want to show support for the seniors who committed during our transition year and the fight over the nickname. Appreciate their dedication, staying out of trouble and taking on the burden of being a student-athlete.
  10. Ain't it great to have these guys here questioning everything we post. I know they can't take hints and they are here forever since they just can't seem to get over having to make sure everyone here is aware how much better their school is then ours. Sad...
  11. CMSioux

    SUU game

    I will never use the word "sucks" in conjunction with any of our players. They are student athletes, kids really, getting a higher education and playing a sport they love. Grow up!
  12. CMSioux

    Fire Muss

    I think it's been said but threads like this do nothing to help recruiting. This is the first place recruits and their parents will find. Can't remember too many football staffs that have been fired or hired based on chat room experts.
  13. Great then barring cold weather attendance should hold up a little - Must be November 3rd in Minnesota - probably not an impact on attendance
  14. Before we get on a ledge after November 3rd on attendance - keep in mind that last home game is against an inferior opponent, has no play-off implications and I believe it is the opening weekend of deer hunting in ND, which based on history, always hurts attendance. It is what it is.
  15. The conversation always comes up during tailgating. Most agree it's nice to know you will be walking into a nice warm building, some regrets on the really nice days, but a couple hours in the sunshine tailgating usually meets the need. I've never heard big complaints about the building from people who are fans of the team. As far as the building keeping people aways - there's always an excuse, it's a matter of priorities.
  16. tough part with things like "Jump Around" is that it almost has to be spontaneous to catch on - and can come across forced and not authentic or unique to UND. If the students came up with something (en masse) they wanted to do, we'd be all over it. Time to come up with something new for the new era - I noticed that the song that the band plays just before every kick off would really lend itself to having the fans chant "We are North Dakota" while it is playing. Listen at the final home game and see what you think. As was shared, things like this need to catch on spontaniously but have to start somehow. As far as the sound that is played when we score - it might need to be something general for now and change in a few years once the new nick name is selected or if we go with just "North Dakota" as our name just something loud - dynamite, thunder clap.
  17. Yah except everyone including football coaches from around the country who vote in polls confuses su with UND so there really is no advantage.
  18. He can't "Until the legal process has run its course" unless it's a back-up.
  19. Agreed and it's nice that a Bison Fan is willing to admit that all of the Dakota schools are on an equal playing field. Changes are still coming to college football structure though - not sure we'll recognize it in 5 years.
  20. Actually isn't it true there were many DII schools that were unable to fully fund their football scholarships - even within the NCC, while su was. It was when su had to play on a level playing field with the same amount of scholarships that they dropped back into mediorcrity.
  21. CMSioux

    Fire Muss

    There was a huge story in ESPN Magazine a few weeks ago about concusions in football and how when the truth gets out it will bring down the popularity of the game. Story reported that there is no helmet or amount of padding that can protect a brain from the jarring impact of these hits. The hit on Hansen is an excellent example - it was blatent, intentional and unnecessary and there was an obvious attempt to land a hit that would cause an injury - their coach, team and fans celebrated it. The reality is that it is those kinds of hits that are causing long-term damage to players after they are done with their careers. UND should send a video copy of that hit to the conference commissioner for review and there definitely should have been some upset UND coaches and players on the sidelines which I did not see (but it did occur on the NAU side so perhaps they couldn't see how cheap a hit it was.) No excuse for the Zebras not calling a penalty on that hit.
  22. Ran into a few NAU fans - I think we fed them well and made them feel welcome - the cheap shot on our quarterback near the end of the game was tough to take he was on his way down and it was an obvious attempt to injure, (no flag but the intent was obvious) just one player so not holding against the entire team.
  23. What happened to Fargo University (FU) on Saturday is exactly why the game won't happen - the team with the most talent doesn't always win. They can't take the chance on the only sport they have bragging rights to falling to UND - it's what drove them out of the NCC.
  24. Uh you and the "others" prove this point daily.
  25. Ole - can we agree that success is not only measured by won-lost record. Yup I want them to win every game, probably not gonna happen most years. What do I want? A competitive team, players that I can see are working hard and not giving up, no police reports with players names in them, active in the community, good students, better citizens, as alumni they become supporters of UND. Not a cop-out, not accepting defeats just sayin that when W-L becomes the #1 priority things can go "south" in a hurry.
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