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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. BigGreyAnt41


    What Pluto channel? I can’t find it, or get anything to load.
  2. There should be time left, from what I saw. But if they call penalties on both teams, then the faceoff goes to center ice (right?) and there's definitely not enough time to score.
  3. Is it a new rule that allows you to turn down a PS?
  4. Yup, and it was a bad punt.
  5. Went out for me, too
  6. 22, according to the tv screen.
  7. Yup, that works! Pretty good quality picture, too. Thanks for doing it!
  8. Is Friday's game going to be streamable anywhere?
  9. I've never had any big issues with it, either, but I expected it to look a bit worse and grainy on 120". It's actually really good and totally watchable.
  10. This is the night I've been waiting for since I starting building out my basement. Sioux on one screen, Wild on the other.
  11. Is the quality of NCHC.tv better this season? It looks really good right now. Hopefully it's equally good when they switch to the on-ice cameras.
  12. It’s showing for me on the espn app on AppleTV.
  13. Watchbigsky doesn’t have an AppleTV app, so I’d have to deal with playing it on my phone or tablet and airplaying it. Much less desirable, but maybe necessary.
  14. Well that’s disappointing. At least it’s not constantly buffering so it’s easy enough to follow the play by play.
  15. Never watched on Pluto before but disappointed by the quality. Hopefully it gets better.
  16. Nobody bids for super bowls anymore. The NFL picks the site then works with the cities to see if they can make it work. They just implemented that change.
  17. It's completely ridiculous. Especially since there's $18 in fees on top the $27 ticket. I always prefer sitting upper deck at the X, and I don't like sitting on the ends, so I was really bummed out by the seating/pricing for these games. I found one in the corner, as high up as possible. At least I'm at the end the Sioux shoot twice (they should be the "visitor" team), but I'll probably end up wandering back to the SRO areas once I get there so I can get a decent view.
  18. You could ride the light rail to get there and not have to pay for parking. That’s about it.
  19. CBS Sports Network is part of DirecTV Now, YouTubeTV, Hulu TV and Playstation Vue. So unless you're trying to go strictly off antenna, you have plenty of options.
  20. No upper deck this time? Seems like they've really jacked up the prices. Club level used to be the same price as the upper deck. At least it was back in the 06-07 time period. Now, unless you want to pay $72 you have to sit on the corners or ends.
  21. This is a full intermission and full 20 minute period. They just keep going until somebody scores a goal.
  22. Not your fault. I just need to stay off the forums until I get to watch the game downstairs on AppleTV, which is always much, much closer to real time.
  23. And here I just saw it happen. Roku is only 4 minutes behind.
  24. At least the seniors can watch their senior videos without being fully depressed now.
  25. Did NCHC.tv just drop out for anybody else? EDIT: Nevermind, it's back.
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