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About BigGreyAnt41

  • Birthday 01/03/1983

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    Lakeville, MN

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  1. And he watched it 15 times!
  2. Am I the only one who thinks that’s referring to a player as “that kid” is a bit disrespectful and a sign of being bad at your job?
  3. Some of these plays really remind me of the 01-02 season.
  4. Yeah, I guess I didn’t know unrelated penalties like those could be “coincidentals”, so I assumed it would lead to 4-on-4 (if the goalie was in net). I thought only matching roughing penalties, or the like, would keep teams 5-on-5.
  5. So confused why this is 6-on-5 instead of 5-on-4.
  6. Three assists for James tonight.
  7. That’s not what happened though. They called a minor on the ice. Then reviewed and got rid of the penalty. It was the right call but I didn’t know they could that.
  8. I didn’t know they could overturn a penalty call that was made on the ice.
  9. Hard to tell from the only angle they showed us. On first look it seemed like he was falling down before contact was made.
  10. You called it!
  11. Not as likely anymore.
  12. Well, I decided I was going to pull the trigger and sign up for another month of Midco Sports Plus to watch tonight's game, but their website is apparently broken and it won't let me re-subscribe. This sucks. Update: I was able to add the subscription though the Apple TV app.
  13. The only streaming option for this is the same Midco Sports Plus plan as the MSU series, right? It’s the $25/month plan, but this time for only one game
  14. I thought that was Jordan. Surprised they didn't comment about it on the telecast.
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