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NDSU grad

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Everything posted by NDSU grad

  1. The only reason I mention the ties to UND is because you may be able to get away with not having to pay as much. Also, a guy like Brooks Bollinger may not take any other FCS head coaching job other than UND because he's from the area, understands the culture, and knows what the program could be. Let's face it, North Dakota (the state, not the school) can be a hard sell for somebody to move to who's not familiar with the area.
  2. That have ties to UND and would be in your guys' price range?
  3. As an outsider looking in I think Faison has already had conversations with Brooks Bollinger and he he will be your new coach. Why else would Faison word it like that?
  4. The answer to your question would be pretty easy to find. The Big Sky went DI-AA in 1978. This link http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/history-of-the-fcs-playoffs/ shows the playoff history since that time.
  5. But I think winning brings out a lot of that passion and excitement. I've never been to the Alerus and I haven't watched much of UND football this year so I can't speak about Mussman's demeanor. But I can guarantee it wouldn't be an issue if you guys were 5-3 right now.
  6. Meh. In that same video you see Roger Thomas joking to his guys about it snowing and telling his players to relax before a Bison-Sioux game. Every coach has his own personality and as long as he's winning fans think that's the "right" personality trait for a coach to have.
  7. Yes. NDSU guys. Skyberg was a 4 year starter from 95-98. He's the one about 600 yards behind Kleinsasser in the video of the "catch". Walter was part-time starter at cb from 02-05. I don't think McKinnon was ever a starter but played a lot at lb in the mid-90's. This is all from memory so I may be off in the details some. Where's Bison06 when you need him?
  8. Wow. Nice memory. If I remember correctly he was a top recruit for NDSU when Babich was here. The rumor was that he got his scholarship pulled when Bohl took over so he spent a year at NDSCS before transferring to UND.
  9. Doesn't ring a bell. Could be though.
  10. Scott Walter. Sean McKinnon Aaron Skyberg The last two are a little farther back than 15 years.
  11. I hate to derail this thread any further but NDSU athletics has pretty much done everything it could to distance itself from Lakes. I know at one time he was banned from NDSU sporting events, including football tailgating. Of course he's been banned from Bisonville (not an easy accomplishment) so he had to start his own website. I know you guys know this, but he in no way represents NDSU and I am personally embarrassed we cheer for the same team.
  12. I have to admit that would be pretty awesome. Are you thinking UC-Davis, Portland St., Cal Poly, and Sac. St. would still be in the Sky for football?
  13. NDSU grad

    Ed Schultz

    Helping others in a time of need is not a liberal concept. Unsustainable social programs that accomplish nothing other than to perpetuate generational poverty is.
  14. Just started snowing in Minot. No accumulation yet. Looks like Bismarck is getting hammered though.
  15. The XDSU's will pretty far down the list for entrance into the MVC. I don't like it, but that's the way it is.
  16. Ok, that I agree with. But I would add that in order to take that next step (which I think NDSU is doing) you have to expand that footprint and get guys who wouldn't have been able to find Fargo on the map if NDSU were still d2. Basically guys like Lawrence Alexander, Kory Brown, Taylor Braun, and Trayvonn Wright.
  17. Ummm, no. We didn't have quick success out of the transition. SDSU really struggled their first 4-6 years out of the transition. The 04-05 team, which I previously mentioned, was full of D2 players and was absolutely terrible. The Woodside class would not have been assembled the way it was if NDSU would have remained D2, and even that team didn't hit full stride until they were seniors, so I am not accepting your premise that the XDSU's were immediately successful out of the transition.
  18. This I would disagree with. The players NDSU has now are nothing like the players the Bison had in the DII days. Out of the current roster probably only Mike Felt and possibly Marshall Bjorklund would be on the team if we were still d2. If you want to take a look at a D1 Bison team with D2 talent look at the 04-05 roster, and that was possibly the worst Bison basketball team in the last 30 years.
  19. LOL. It appears the thread has veered slightly off topic.
  20. I just think it would be interesting to put the numbers on what it costs to deliver education via traditional and online methods, and then fund accordingly. It looks like the legislature is looking at differet funding models for higher education (again), hopefully they can make hash out a funding formula that makes sense.
  21. I'm not well-informed enough to give you an exact breakdown per student credit hour, but can provide a little insight into how the numbers are different. My wife is teaching 6 credits worth of online classes this year at MiSU. She's getting about $2500 to do that, or about $416/credit hour. My major adviser at NDSU had a 10% teaching appointment, which required him to teach 3 credit hours per year. If you take 10% of his $90,000 total salary that comes out to $9,000, or $3000 per credit hour. Also, you have to take the facilities into account, as there is opportunity cost there. I want to be clear I'm not discounting the value of online education, I just wish the funding formula would distinguish between online and traditional students.
  22. The only problem with that is the cost of delivering education to an online student is much different as compared to a traditional student. Yet state funding does not distinguish between the two.
  23. Adam Keller (our kicker) was very good, 1st team all-conference.
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