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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Mr. Placebo sounds like Weird Al Yankovik.
  2. Thats a good idea, and I think everyone should be wearing them. For the record, I thought they should be required equipment before the Zednik accident. The kids wear all the other required equipment without complaining, and this shouldn't be any different. As parents, we do all kinds of things to keep out kids safe. Carseats, cupboard locks, bike helmets, life jackets......the list goes on and on. Hockey parents, add neck guards to your list.
  3. The Canes fans are going to have to ship all of their red wigs and robes to Ottawa.
  4. You scared everybody away with the blood comment. What a terrible accident. This just makes me think that neck guards should be a mandatory piece of equipment. Get started with the young kids. I think that they are required in Canada. I talked with a Mom from Canada and she said that the kids just put them on...just another part of their uniform. Start now, and use the grandfather rule, like what was done with helmets in the NHL. Actually, I looked at it twice, but it doesn't show that I did on the "Views" counter.
  5. Geeze! I forgot about that one. Other than a bad case of lip syncing...it's a good one.
  6. OK UpperDeck, this is for you. But remember it only happens 1 in 5,000 times. I admitted a patient that had some difficulties after his snip, and the only think I can compare them to is a football. Now that was painful.
  7. Nice. Doesn't matter what you look like. It's about saving someone from a very serious or possibly fatal injury. You wear a cup don't ya?
  8. From denverpost.com : (emphasis is mine)
  9. COJONES!.........come on say it!..........COJONES!!
  10. Cant you "medical redshirt" if you have played in less than 20% of the games? I thought I was told that once by a player.
  11. Welcome aboard Dr. Kelley. I hope you and UND are a good fit.
  12. Say Jeff...........I think you still have some splainin' to do.
  13. I'm right behind that goal as well. It wasn't pretty. I was glad to see that he was able to come back from that. I remember the article that was in the GFH, it interviewed him and his parents. They had nothing but good things to say about GF and Altru hospital. It was a scary moment for all of them. I think that article also talked about his brothers accident.
  14. I think they are afraid that the people would vote in favor of letting UND use the name and logo.
  15. Isn't there a store in the Columbia Mall that does names/numbers on jerseys?
  16. So let the entire tribe vote. There is more to these reservations than Ron and Myra. I think we may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
  17. I hope someone will be posting some updates of the game on here. I'll be in Bemidji, but am interested in the outcome of the game.
  18. My opinion on this is, if it goes to a vote, and the entire enrolled population of Spirit Lake can vote, it will pass. There are a few that don't want the name and logo. Myra Pearson is probably the most known, since she is the tribal chairperson. However, there are many more that favor it.
  19. He did throw something.........almost threw his middle finger out of joint. Good for Hak for getting fired up, but didn't like what he did. Good for Hak for coming forward right away and sending out an apology. 2 game suspension for Hak, whatever. We have 2 other coaches that can get the job done. With Eades at the helm, we should be playing Wisc, maybe there'd be a bench clearing brawl!
  20. Not cheering for either DU or UMinn. If we want to win this thing the guys have to work their butts off.
  21. That sucks. 7 seconds into the game. Good call by the refs though.
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