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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. I think we can count on Kozek being here, as well as Duncan.
  2. That just made it to easy for you to duck out on this! I like Hit Squad also. The puck in the glass is cool too, and a saying, something like what franchise listed, would be good on the back.
  3. Darn firestations. Thanks for the thought though. Is there anyone out there to record this for me?
  4. I'll take Duncan for Saturday.
  5. I am unable to attend the Sunday game this weekend, but would really like to see it. Is there anyone out there that would record it for me, so I can watch it later. I have DirecTV so I cant record it myself. I havent missed a home game since Oct '06 when I attended a family members funeral (but did get to watch it on TV...Loss againt Maine). This sunday my Tiger Cub son has his Blue and Gold banquet. Cant hardly miss that. Please reply to this post, or PM me if you can help me out. I live in Thompson, so I'm in the GF area. Thanks
  6. I do like the font that Diggler used on the front of the T. If you want blood dripping off the 08 on the back, it would work better with a "chunkier" font with more width than height, to have more area for drips. Nodak Hocey fanatic, I like your grim reaper, but that would have to be made into a design with less detail, in order to work as a screen print. I think it would be better to stay away from anything SIOUX on the sythe. That could get us labeled as hostile and abusive.
  7. I can honestly say that we did not start each of those brawls. Wheeler takes a poke at Finley. Manino takes a shot at Finley. etc., etc., etc. These guys want to start something, they better be prepared to back it up, and not cower behind their coach.
  8. It must have been effects of the lunar eclipse last night.
  9. Or, it's a nice opportunity for girls who chose not to play hockey, and play basketball instead, to go see this. I love hockey, but I will be taking my daughter to the basketball games.
  10. They send them away (to Lee's Pro Shop near the cities I believe). There is a store in the GF Columbia Mall, right next to Sears, that does name plates.
  11. That great mind of yours can't be right all the time!
  12. Did anyone see Brian Engblom in the 2nd intermission of the Detroit and Colorado game? He was talking about fighting in hockey, using Toronto and Edmonton (I think those 2) as an example. He was quite animated, and even stood up on the set to demonstrate. The guy next to him thought he was going to bop someone! I hope Lucia and Gwoz were watching! EDIT: I think it was in the 1st intermission.
  13. As much as the 23 of us that picked him in round 2 would like him again in round 3, you can only pick a player 1 time per Sioux Survivor game.
  14. Let's see. It's tuesday down under. Send that GREAT idea right back to monday!
  15. Hunter thought he'd be playing another year in the BCHL when he got the call from UND. The team had lost a few from the prior year and needed to fill some spots, and Hunter was on the list. Once here, he didn't feel that he was getting the playing time to develop like he wanted to, and thought it was best to make the move back to the BCHL. So far, he has been doing a great job in the BCHL. It was a good move for him.
  16. In addition to that, I think everybody throws in the drinking. I dont think the guys go out and party every friday night like people say they do.
  17. I heard her say that too. She was shaking her head with pure attitude when she said it. I talked to one of the players mom and told her about it and she just laughed when I mentioned the remark about meeting the team. Meeting the jersey buyer is about the last thing the guys need to start doing.
  18. JERSEY! Just kidding. Better get those student loans out of the way.
  19. For some of those jerseys...it may never happen! For me either.
  20. I agree with you 100%. I was there at the end of the bidding, and it seemed to me that she really got caught up in the moment, making sure that everyone knew she was an alum, etc. I'm not sure she even was totally in control of her thought process, since she bid herself up by $500. Whatever, she is the one writing out that check this week. Nice $$ for the Sioux program.
  21. Oshie's jersey $7,000 + $472.50 tax = $7,472.50 J-PL's jersey $1,500 = $101.25 tax = $1,601.25 $9,073.75 That's alot of $$$$ to drop for something that she will never get her money back on.
  22. Well, he does have his Mom in town
  23. That goal was awesome. I laughed as hard as I cheered, because I didn't think I was going to make it past the 2nd round, and then to advance with a "blind" goal!
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