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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Any scores from the other games today? Thanks in advance.
  2. Maybe he just grew. "Too Tall Harvey".
  3. Just looking out for your......er...........um......best interest.
  4. I do remember it as being fun, and I dont ever remember my parents complaining that we had to go to Dickinson for a game on saturday and to Fargo for the sunday game, all with a car (suburbans were just work vehicles then) and an extra kid or two.
  5. There were many kids that went to host families. My parents always had a carfull on the road trip, and always stayed in a hotel (usually the Devils Lake teams did stay in a hotel wherever they went). But many times when teams came to DL, they were in private homes and the Eagles Club, Knights of Columbus and Elks would take turns and put on breakfasts and dinners for the teams and coaches. It was a different world then, and it was a good one.
  6. I thought the same thing when I saw it. I was wondering if there is really more than one place for it to be!
  7. Carmen SanDiego, of course.
  8. I saw it too, but was at Buffalo Wild Wings, so I couldn't hear it.
  9. Mid to late 70's. Any other questions?
  10. MikeyPat added a thread in the community section with a video of the President presenting the award to Woodys relatives.
  11. Yes I am from Devils Lake. Spent alot of time traveling with my brothers hockey team. Those were the days when hockey parents took in kids from the other teams (instead of hotels), so we had many different kids stay at out house. Played the team from Carmen quite often.
  12. WOW! She had a great run as coach for NDSU. 3 DECADES! I wish her well in her new position at NDSU.
  13. You are right that it's a step in the right direction. I know that you can't protect them from everything, but as parent you should do what is needed to try and keep them safe. There isn't any balking about helmets and shin pads, etc. This is just another piece of equipment to put on to prepare for a game.
  14. Or it may have been Decorated Wearables. They are good too.
  15. Siouxmama


    I'm using Mr siouxmama's blackberry for this message and its taking me forever compared to using my enV. Nice phone though. Will take more practice before I get the hang of it. Still undecided if this is for me
  16. Same for Sioux-cia and I. We are section 113, rows J and F or G, and usually in Brandt and Prpich jerseys. Always looking to meet more SiouxSports members.
  17. Thats because yellow hair doesnt look very good in photos.
  18. I'd do the same. I think they are missing the boat on not promoting our former guys that are in the NHL.
  19. You're probably right, you covered all the bases.
  20. No. He hasn't missed games....but he sure spends alot of time at Cabela's and Scheels. Although hs is missing one of the playoff games to a ice fishing seminar in Fargo.
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