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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Thanks for the link, AZSIOUX. Mr Siouxmama worked ALL DAY TODAY ( ) to hook up the computer to the TV. Now we can watch the game on a 65" instead of a computer screen.
  2. Overtime...........but you can't sit and drink free.
  3. Let's hope Matt is in good shape and back with the Oilers soon.
  4. Last season at the series in Alaska, I was sitting behind our bench when Fabian came in with some cramps. His entire body was shaking from pain. OUCH! I thought maybe I'd have to jump the glass to assist him.
  5. There's some memories. Found some pics of Mose, ND. As a kid, a bunch of families would go there camping. My parents friends had some land in/at Mose, and we spent many weekends there. I do recognize at least 1 of those pictures as a building on their land. Until now, I thought Mose, was spelled Moe's. I learned all about snipe hunting at Mose.
  6. That's my combo too. I'm so glad I'm not the only perfect one around here. I have a little Irish thrown in there too.
  7. Thats nothin. My lab drinks scotch and water.
  8. You're good here mike, I read that too. Don't know for a fact if that's the way the clock works, but I read it somewhere.
  9. YOU first. I'll gladly follow. Would the "we" possibly mean you are the forum owner (don't think so, though), or TJ's Dad/family. Sorry you are done here on this "worthless forum". You won't be able to follow up on your request.
  10. This is way past the point of being worth while. I'm done.
  11. In another thread (tickets), I was going back and forth with someone about tickets they had for sale and he (or she) went back and deleted all of his posts. Made it look like I was talking to myself.
  12. Are you just waiting for someone to bite so you can use the "report" button? Show me EXACTLY where there is bashing in this thread. I don't see it.
  13. For those in GF, Overtime will probably show the games there. They had the SCSU game on last saturday, and that was a B2 broadcast/webcast.
  14. I guess I'm not following you here. Show me the Radke bashing in this thread you are referring to. Lee, Bina, JT,Greene and TJ are just beng brought up now, so lets leave them out of it.
  15. Chest thump vs jersey pop. I'll take the chest thumping any day.
  16. Does anybody know what WCHA officials are paid per game/series?
  17. I agree with Redwing. It was a fun contest. Thanks AZSIOUX, and congrats to Big A HG.
  18. Is it healthy to stalk more than 1 person at a time?
  19. From what I heard on TH's post game recap, was it's just left as an oops. They are saying, "Yes, we made a mistake, but we can't (or won't) do anything about it".
  20. I'm not sure if you are referring to the posts on the 1st page of this thread or not, but I dont see any Radke bashing there. If anything, I saw some support for him, because it looked like last night he was going to be in a fight, and I figured that it was only going to continue on to tonights game. Look at most of the series, if a game is chippy on friday, it usually isn't going to be any different on saturday. From the looks of last nights game, I was very surprised that no gloves were dropped tonight.
  21. I'm with you AZSIOUX, that Radke is gonna drop em tonight. Maybe I should wear my Radke throwback for support.
  22. I saw that. The ref must have figured it was an OK hit, because the guy came over to Zach and apologized right away.
  23. Good for Brian. I am very happy he is having success in the AHL. Congrats to him on being selected to play in the All Star game. That smile is worth a 1,000 words.
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