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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Wild win tonight in a shoot out (2-1). Wild tied up the game at 5-5 with about 48 seconds left. Didnt watch the entire game, as I was surfing the Center Ice channels, but they managed to pull it off. Gotta love a shoot out.
  2. He gives a good interview. Not alot of "Ahh's", and you can understand him. Zach said he didn't know the selections were announced tomorrow, and if he doesn't get picked, he'll take a vacation.
  3. Mr Siouxmama is at the game and he cant find him on the roster.
  4. Mr. Siouxmama will be taking in some games. He will go to as many games as he can, while I take the young'un to Tiger Cubs tomorrow night.
  5. As long as there is (was) Roseau/Warroad talk on here, is the Fabian kid playing for Roseau, Erics little bro?
  6. Thank you. Why is it, after talking about it so long, even though you know you are right, you start to doubt yourself? I did know that the game times are sometimes adjusted (I also think this is dumb) to accomdate a certain team.
  7. Siouxmama

    Final 5

    I had a "discussion" with someone yesterday about the Final 5. Please clarify for me. 1: Is it a WCHA event 2: Is it ALWAYS the top 5 teams in the WCHA at a certain point in the season. 3: Are exceptions ever made (like if the Gophers are in 7th place, they get to play anyway, because it's in St. Paul) OK. I think I know the answers to all of these, but I need back-up. Another question. Did TJ play in juniors, or come straight to UND?
  8. When does the bus return? Sat after the game or on Sunday.
  9. It appears he was picking 1 person out of the crowd.
  10. Cheap. At least he got the extra 2 minutes for it.
  11. Thanks for posting that. I laughed so hard I scared the dog.
  12. If I knew how, this is where I would insert a link to SNL's Chris Katan (sp) as Mango and J Lo's skit/fight. That was one of the best.
  13. I thought about writing that, but didn't want you to lose your upstanding citizen image.
  14. RedFrog......calling RedFrog.
  15. I saw it. Sioux-cia and I were at Overtime to watch the game, sitting right in front of a TV. I read his lips and looked at Sioux-cia and asked if she saw it. She didn't, but I was almost possitive thats what he said. Very classy, coach.
  16. I think the refs were there to cheer for them, if they would have EVER thrown a punch!
  17. My son didn't see any protestors, but they were there somewhere, some other friends of his saw them.
  18. Yeah, those are my gameworns. My son was the one in the Finley jersey. Glad to hear they were behaving. Remember kids...............parents really do have eyes in the back of their heads. Not only that, but we seem to know what you do, no matter where you are! A video would have been good!
  19. Yes Goon, there is a reason to be positive.......... I can now purchase a pink Taser! Don't Toews me Bro!
  20. I agree they need to get it right. But lets go back here about 1 year. Not once did you ever read that Bina opened the cop car door, pulled them out and then they make a run for it. Time to let it go.
  21. You should think twice about getting your facts straight before posting your words of wisdom.
  22. Thanks for the example. OK............back in my day , we went to games dressed in all sorts of things. The guys would all show up to BB games wearing hunting gear (camo stuff) and wore hard hats with flashing lights, etc on the top of them. They also brought in duck and goose calls and used them throughout the games. Made for a very fun atmosphere. Did lotsa of stuff that I guess cant be done anymore. Too bad, thats what gets everyone fired up. As long as it isn't hurting anyone. Remember, it's only fun till someone looses an eye.
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