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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Photo participants L) to R): Non-stalker, Stalker, Non-stalker.
  2. I think you are right Siouxman. I also agree that JPL wasn't one of the 3 stars last night....but I won't trade him in for any other goalie.
  3. Thanks to Bob and Pete for getting the ball rolling on this. You guys are great. I make a monthly donation to St. Jude's, and have given memorials to CaringBridge. They are awesome, and help so many people. This is one of the situations where we all need to "Pay It Forward", for the good deeds Bob and Pete did. I hope all works out and Nick and his family and friends can watch the game tonight. GO SIOUX!!
  4. Not to mention right across the border in Council Bluffs, Iowa, is the Bass Pro Shop. We were thru there this past summer and could have spent hours there...well, more hours than we already did. For those of you that think Cabela's in EGF is nice, you should see this place. Mr. Siouxmama and Miss Siouxmama (Daughter) thought they had died and gone to heaven. And I got a ton of christmas shopping done!
  5. Not too bad of a pick to be "stuck with".
  6. Thats the one. I didnt know the tune was on Guitar Hero. Will have to check that out with the Siouxmama Jrs., and start practicing.
  7. I was thinking more along the lines of that movie with Ned Beatty and Burt Reynolds (?). Never saw it, but heard enough about it................... Can't think of the name of it though.
  8. Fetch, your avatar is halarious!
  9. Subliminal message: MORLEY!! Sioux-cia needs more box wine! MORLEY!!
  10. Keep an eye on her. Her chin will be up this weekend, while she is tipping back those adult beverages. All joking aside. Sioux-cia is a very strong person, she will get through this with flying colors!
  11. Thanks for the work on this Bob. I'm in. Isn't Iceberg the satellite brainiac in the MSP area? EDIT: Looking back in the threads, I see that Psb is a licensed satellite installer in the MSP area.
  12. I dont mind it either, and I wouldnt be surprised if my 7 year old busts out with a couple of Ole's when the Sioux score. We watched the Mankato games this weekend and we had a lot of Ole's going around, between all of us. It was fun, and the kids got a kick out of it. To me, it's something fun to do when your team scores. IMO, it's better than the beer song. The M-I-N-N- etc. Annoying as it is to us, that's just their way of fun for a goal. Possibly the only reason everyone finds it so annoying is EVERY PERSON IN THE BUILDING DOES IT! That and the Gophers scored. That is the point, afterall....get the entire building into it. The Sioux fans (students) need to come up with something here, and we already know that in heaven there is no beer.
  13. Why do we only have the Nike Swift in 1 color? Isn't it a Swift that Mankato was wearing in white this past weekend?
  14. I thought maybe this. http://www.littletikes.com/toys/toys-detai...=Product+Search
  15. Yes, it was hooked up, and I thought it came in pretty good. We put it on full screen and other than not always being able to see the puck, it worked well. Will do it again tonight.
  16. Nah. Chorney is going to get 1 tonight (1 night to late for me).
  17. On the b2 live link AZSIOUX provided, does it matter if we click on home or away?
  18. Oops! I knew that. Just don't know what I'm typing. Thanks for the correction.
  19. Panthers are playing in New Jersey. Zajac scores the first goal with ZPar getting one of the assists. Goal comes about 1 minute into the game.
  20. 65" TV and surround sound........I should lace up the skates now, it will be just like playin' in the game! On second thought, that will really raise he!! with the carpet. Guess I'll just wear my slippers.
  21. Our sound is coming through the surround sound.
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