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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Are the jerseys OK? Everything must have turned out fine............I didn't get a call to bail anyone out.
  2. A win is a win. It counts now.
  3. Before I can even vote, can you explain what you are getting at here? Can you give an example? Thanks.
  4. Let's get those guys with the C and A's on their chest to stand up in the locker room and spit some fire and have their eyes glow. Something has to get the team jump-started.
  5. It's those other 19 that killed us.
  6. A game is 60 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 40. We need those 3rd periods to turn around...and quick. Here's to tomorrow night.
  7. AZSIOUX....you guessed it! Mom...3 kids...employer............I have to have super human powers!
  8. He does know that it's fault, doesn't he? When I was pregnant with kid #1, I was overdue and had my husband take me out ice fishing, thinking the driving around on the ice would bounce the baby out! Didn't work.
  9. And they can't watch....they are all in GF shopping!
  10. I think you shout when you post.
  11. Everyone that is going to the games, have a great time and cheer loud. I've already instructed my son and his buddies to NOT SAY ANYTHING to the protestors! Don't need them to have anything extra to twist around to make UND look bad.
  12. Except for these 2 parts. Don't lump everyone into a fair weather fan category. You can only speak for yourself when it comes to deciding who is a fan and who isn't. And..........I'd feel much more blessed if kids like TJ came around more often. Not knocking TJ, but we always seem to have someone on the team that is a gifted player, and for that, I feel blessed.
  13. Doesn't look much different than most drivers license pics.
  14. Thats funny AZSIOUX. I played that video and learned that my 10 year old daughter can sing along with Vanilla Ice. She didn't get it from me.
  15. Are these on TV...................yet?
  16. Did you notice that the Pens goalie had a snowflake paint job on is helmet? Just where did the Pens come up with the blue color scheme?
  17. 1/2 way thru the 1st, the zambonis come out. I thought I heard there was about 1/2" of snow out there on the ice.
  18. 21 seconds into it Pittsburgh scores! Edit: 73,000 in attendance
  19. I am looking to either trade a saturday ticket for a friday, or to sell a saturday ticket. Section 202 Row 16
  20. Thanks. I didn't even think of NBC.
  21. Does anybody know when the outdoor game between Buffalo and Pittsburgh is tomorrow, or what channel to find it on?
  22. It doesn't matter if you make $25,000 a year or $100,000 a year. Your lifestyle adjusts to your paycheck. If you make $100,000 chances are your house and vehicle are going to be much different than if you make $25,000. Look around GF and Fargo, I'd say some of the people that have built new homes are living paycheck to paycheck.
  23. Does anybody know of other hotels around the arena (or not) that my son (poor college student) and his friends can afford?
  24. Early in the voting, but so far I am the only vote for Duncan's Hober Baker win. Being there at the ceremony, with the MC saying "The winner of the 2007 Hober Baker" is.......you could hardly breathe. I just wanted to stand up and scream at the top of my lungs "RYAN DUNCAN"!!!!!!! When he finally did say his name there was a HUGE outburst of screams and applause in the arena. That very moment was so full of emotion (maybe it's a Mom thing), but you just couldn't wipe the smile off your face. That was so awesome.
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