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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I thought this was a funny clip from the game story in today's Greeley, Colo., newspaper, especially the quote form UNC's Lexington Smith about Jer's size: When Taubenheim wasn’t splitting the uprights, Garman was running wild. He scored his second touchdown of the day late in the third quarter on a 2-yard run that was set up by an interception by Domo Blackmon. “I think the difference for us today was the size of their offensive line and the back (Garman),” UNC senior defensive lineman Lexington Smith said. “Those boys were pretty tall and when (Garman) got past the first level, I couldn’t see him. I had to chase him down.”
  2. Overcame an 18-point deficit against a young UW-Milwaukee, and broke through a 17-point deficit against a very veteran St. Francis-Brooklyn squad. Don't want to make a habit of it, but I love the resiliency shown so far!
  3. He may be the one to pick a new one or he may accept a proposal for stakeholder groups to make a selection, or it could be some other way of whittling it down and eventually selecting a new one. No one knows at this point. But, yes, we do all have our notions, ideas, skepticism and opinions about what is going on or not going on. I, myself, doubt anyone one or any group has any one nickname or short list of names ready and waiting at this point and time. But my opinion is as valid as yours, right now, at this point in time.
  4. For the 10,000th time everyone -- the Task Force is not selecting ANY list of potential nicknames -- not 1 not 100 not 1,000. They are simply tasked with recommending a process to the president of UND. This is Step 1, and any list of possible nickname and logos wouldn't come about until Steps 2,3,4,5 etc.
  5. Well, since the task force is not the one picking a new nickname and is only recommending a process to potentially pick a new nickname, I don't know how I feel about this whole thing. I can say that the only place, in recent years, that I have seen the lame nicknames ideas that you've listed even mentioned or suggested (albeit, as bad ideas) has been on Sioux Sports.com. I am as interested as anyone to see how this all plays out, but my love for the University and its athletes has and always will transcend any nickname and logo.
  6. The Task Force is in the biggest damned-if-they-do-damned-if-they-don't situation I've ever seen. I feel particularly bad for Chuck, Karl, Sheri and Matt -- former athletes I know who wore the old nickname and logo proudly, still love the idea of it and have always bled UND through and through.
  7. A Lot of fans who left when it was an 18-point deficit missed a pretty good show in the second half.
  8. Yes, he played. He did not show much to warrant mention. I was surprised how slow he is up and down the court, unless he's hindered by some minor injury.
  9. Looked like Tyler and Salmonson were rehabbing some minor stuff.... Shanks just did not play. Maybe he can't per NCAA rules.
  10. Antwi shoots lights out against lower division teams and in intersquad games. Free throws are still a struggle Nash and and Crandall were probably co-MVPs of the day Kraig Shields is going to be a special player as he grows into the college game. Cashman looks really good... but the mental side of the game is still a challenge for him. He is out of position a lot of times. de Rouen shows flashes of skill but it's very inconsistent He plays with emotion but sometime is overcome by it and makes silly mistakes. Coleman played good defense and stepped back and knocked down a couple threes. Didn't stand out other than that. James Richman is a big North Dakota kid that is doing his best to keep up .... he could grow into a solid off-the-bench player later in his career. Hooker played ok but seemed to be frustrated by some of the physical play especially when matched up against Crandall. When he and Crandall played on the same team, the offens really clicked. Other than that ... not much to say. I always find it hard to take much a way from these early season intersquad match-ups. Salmonson, Shanks, Tyler did not play.
  11. It could be a challenging year. And that's not all on the freshman. Let's hope for the best as usual. One note: I've seen shirts lifted on players with less talent than Crandall. He was a young floor general today and looked impressive. He's one to really keep an eye on.
  12. Thanks for the inside scoop JackJD.... we both are lucky to have such nice facilities to utilize moving forward. I have no idea what they are saying about you or us on BV because I do not have an account there nor do I frequent it in any way. I like to worry about my own backyard.
  13. It went both ways. I was there. PSU just lostt their composure in the fifth set.
  14. If anyone is interested, the Herald's higher education reporter, Anna Burleson, is live tweeting from the latest nickname task force meeting. @AnnagatorB.
  15. Trystan Hanson? Hmmmm? Just speculating nothing to base it on.
  16. I just noticed that this injury discussion is in the wrong thread. gfhockey says the %gobc has learned that RJ McGill is done.
  17. Totally forgot about Dev..... yes, he would be huge to get back. I think the game is beginning to consistently slow down for him.
  18. Meh. Maybe? I dunno know. If that's the case, that's even more miserable than a curmudgeonly fan of UND.
  19. Me thinks that "MJ23" is just another one of our professional contrarians who get their kicks on being "realists" and "pragmatists" when it comes to UND success or UND's road back to success. It really must be miserable to be that kind of "fan." I would much rather be someone, who, at least, hopes for the best and speculates on what could be, instead of a total glass-half-empty stick in the mud all the time. I mean, I realize there is a time and a place to be realistic and not pie-in-the-sky, but, sometimes, just sometimes, it's fun to be a fan (short for fanatic) and dream a little. I will call a spade a spade from time to time, but usually, it's after something happens and there is definitive evidence of sloppy play, whatever, etc. But I will always hold out hope for better days ahead, and that includes the next game on our schedule and beyond. It just makes things more fun. If I wanted to be a realist instead of a fan of UND sports, I would get a job as a sports columnist at the Forum or maybe some kind of a media analyst outside of Grand Forks. Edit: Before anyone gets the bright idea that I am poo-pooing critical thoughts or analysis by posters, that could not be further from the truth. Keep them coming! I simply am defending those that hold out hope in the face of adversity. Go UND!
  20. Others that I don't know the status of are: Shaugs, Cummings, Edmunds, Walker (has he fully recovered from whatever was ailing him?) and Cerrentino (although, he should be ok as he came back into the PSU game, but it sounded like Doc Mann had to do some serious manipulation of his fingers).
  21. I think he did some of that off season stuff in Grand Forks years ago with the UND sports acceleration folks, unless I am getting him mixed up with another former Cincy player.
  22. Done went and got concussed.
  23. Maybe your thinking of Labat, the other DL guy both teams were looking at that year.
  24. 96.1 The Fox Clear Channel Grand Forks KQHT
  25. I was there, too. Davis didn't know what hit them, and O'Sullivan just looked bewildered. Funny, after the disparaging comments he made about having to go to Hicksville for a playoff game.
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