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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Is it or is it not the players' decision whether they red shirt or not, or is a combination of both coaches' decisions and players'? Thanks in advance if anyone has insight on this.
  2. He fully understands it and appreciates it. I spent a good deal of time chatting with Dr. Kelley and Marcia at Saturday's women's basketball game against Montana , just as I've done at many other games before that. He gets it. But despite what I say here, we are all going to read something different into his actions and decisions as president based on our relative biases about the man -- good or bad. He will continue to make decisions about athetics based on its impact on the institution as a whole. That's his responsibility as president of the entire University .... Not just the athetics department. I am sure there are some in the arts and sciences and fine arts at UND that believe his administration is hostile to them, too, based on what they perceive as true or not. That doesn't make it so, though.
  3. The first two sentences are patently false and do not need to be dignified with the myriad reasons why.
  4. Anyone one can submit such a request, even you.
  5. He's an aviation (air traffic control) major, so it might pay for a couple of training flights. ( : I think his dad is/was a NASA astronaut out of the Houston area, so the family might not be hurting financially.
  6. It was a "bad win." LOL! Long road ahead of us, though, and lots of improvements needed offensively and defensively if we're going to stay in this.
  7. I think we all just want UND to do as well as expected all the time. Nothing wrong with that.
  8. Once again, we all want to debate on the extremes, because that's where it's more fun. But the truth is somewhere in the middle. We all know that the OOC schedule is NOT unimportant, but at the same time, no one believes the Big Sky slate is the end all be all, though winning it is the most logical path for any team to get good position for the conference tourney and a chance at getting into The Big Dance. But back to the extremes, 'cause it's more fun. What I think is not debatable is that any low to mid major that tears it up in the OOC portion of the schedule and completely falls on its face in the conference has somewhere close to zero chance of getting into the NCAA tourney. Whereas, an abysmal OOC showing, regardless if it's filled with Power 5 teams or D II cupcakes, followed by a winning conference effort, gets a team in position to make a run for The Dance. What OOC games are good for for most teams outside the P5 is tuning up, working out kinks, snatching an occasional upset if you can catch them napping, and finally, positioning the conference's collective ranking in such a way that it might get the eventual auto-bid conference winner as high a seed as possible in the NCAAs. But we all know, whether we admit it or not, that the realistic path to the NCAA tourney begins this afternoon in Bozeman. We are 0-0 in the conference, and our no-show against SU, collapse against SDSU in Brookings and our failure to adjust in second halves against P5 teams, mean very little for the next two months. What I think is completely debatable is the Xs and Os and coaching decisions that lead to these various outcomes. Carry on.
  9. The poster wrote "good start" not "good win" -- big difference. Although I don't think there's such a thing as a bad win.
  10. Too early to tell, he's only played 11 minutes of one game.
  11. All tied up. Denmark goalie's game save % is north of 93 percent. The Czech's goalie is around 72 percent for the game on only 11 shots.
  12. Oh, c'mon ... Jones can get him to turn. Shay has connections in Fla, not?
  13. Gotta get on this guy! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1551073235136386&fref=nf
  14. Caveat: I have absolutely nothing against fan criticism of UND players, coaches or teams. I personally don't believe it helps a program in the least, nor does it keep a program from settling for mediocrity any more than I believe a more positive pie-in-the-sky (or the favored term here, "delusional") outlook is a bullet-train ticket to permanent stagnation. Bottom line: what we write here or what the media writes anywhere has very little bearing on the direction of the program. The real pressures are applied from much closer distance and from much more powerful strings ( no, not the %gobc) than a fan message board. Ok, that said: If Tom were to consistently write in a negative, glass-half empty way about UND teams the way some on here bag on UND teams when they're struggling, he'd be quickly labeled as another UND-hating, Bison-loving, McFooly-cloned media hack. Not that he'd care in the least. I have seen Tom write some pretty downright negative stuff about the UND program on occasion. But I also like that he balances things out with some fact-based and numbers-based positivity now and again. I want to read about the good and the bad. Tom and Wayne do a nice job walking that tightrope. Not even The Strib and PiPress sports columnists (opinion writers who are not dependent on access to players and/or coaches, mind you) write scathing, hatchet jobs all of the time.
  15. Pat Bohnet, the most powerful employee at UND???!!!
  16. I drive by the site everyday on my way to work. The photo is a bit deceptive in its size and dimensions. The floor is dug down quite a bit from ground level -- no idea exactly how much. But, by my estimation, even with layers of foundation support, concrete, padding and turf, the kickers will have plenty of room to practice their skills.
  17. Yeah, I suspected this was coming based on some recent tweets that have been posted. Anna will be missed.
  18. Brady Oliviera: this is just fun to watch regardless of the quality of competition. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6fb7rLd8Rs
  19. In case our SiouxSports friends in the Twin Cities didn't know and would like to take part, there will be a town hall meeting of the UND Nickname and Logo Process Recommendation Task Force tonight in Bloomington. Karl Goehring will facilitate. Details in the link below. There will be a similar meeting in Denver on Dec. 11. http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_27059004/und-holding-nickname-town-hall-minneapolis-thursday?source=rss
  20. No, it's just fun humor, pure and simple. If they thought it was bad, they wouldn't have shown any logos. No controversy here, unless it's manufactured.
  21. KFYR-TV in Bismarck produced a fun video about good ol' N.D. (even references UND hockey and SU football) to the tune of that incessantly played "Happy" song. Thought I would share for no particular reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lz34llO_XI#t=149
  22. He did not. For eff's sakes.. He did say, however , that having the emotional leader and the floor general off the floor didn't help the situation. He listed a few other contributing factors to his team only winning by 7, including that ASU is a pretty darn good team when it wants to be..
  23. Well, at least our info was consistent! ( :
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