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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I hope Miami doesn’t have weekly shootouts like we do, they would just be there until the goalie becomes exhausted. But they do have weakly shootouts!
  2. But good old Gino Parrish thinks it is the best goaltending in the history of the game. How about you see what is happening and go off the board like Christian Wolanin!
  3. Brock Nelson wins the most accurate shot competition at the NHL All Star skills competition. Our other Brock won it too.
  4. Just curious if Fufeng will be allowed to build elsewhere in the U.S., as if they are that dangerous, you would think they shouldn’t be in the country at all.
  5. Yes, I can't remember if it was Travis himself or one of the other on the hockey broadcast team that mentioned it, but they said the perspective part was especially pertinent to Travis since his kid had gone through cancer I believe.
  6. I recall Travis mentioning at one of the last home losses about how we need to take the game into perspective in the whole scheme of things. Sadly, and ironically, this is just another example for the rest of us. We, myself included, often bicker about the most trivial things like it is of utmost importance, but even though sports can make life that much better, in the end it isn't a life and death endeavor. Condolences to all of those that were close to Travis.
  7. That said, we need to take care of business as a league when we play them then. I do think our league will once again represent better next year. Omaha, St. Cloud, and Western all lost a ton of guys from last year, and Omaha and Western took a bit to get going, but now are playing well. UND's non conference record certainly hasn't helped the league that much, but had Omaha and Western not had to basically start from scratch that would have helped our league standing immensely. It just goes to show that those early games that don't seem like they will affect your season that much (Arizona State), can play a big part in the end. A game here and there flipped by each of us becomes huge in the grand scheme of things. I think of Denver getting swept by UMASS early, while outplaying them, as a huge factor in the Eastern teams pairwise.
  8. I'm sure St. Louis could use a Snuggerud as well, but given his ties to the Minnesota program, he will most likely stay at least a second year. With McAllister being an overage guy, does he take advantage while his stock is super high?
  9. The sad part looking at the top 25 or so, is the two UND players on the list are the only ones with a negative plus/minus.
  10. I don't care how they get there, but I think everyone can agree, we just need to get there. NDSU has been able to navigate the Summit quite nicely in men's basketball, so we just need to start finding a few diamonds in the rough to flip the scenario and give UND the ability to get more of the regions best players.
  11. Would say more than anything we need to keep the puck out of our net. We need to be better five on five, but the goals per game is enough to win a lot if we tighten up defensively and in goal.
  12. Yes, and the positive is that now the NCHC has 4 teams in the top 15, so there will be opportunities to move up the rest of the regular season and playoffs. We play 3 of those for sure, but it has now become put up, or shut up. Time for talk has long since passed.
  13. Can someone pull up the Loheit hit against St. Cloud tonight?
  14. Just getting that game to overtime against Duluth last weekend would have been nice.
  15. Yes, we took care of business against a team we should beat, so from here on out they need a bunch of signature wins.
  16. Just curious, was he out there with the rest of the number one unit, or was he out there to reward him a chance at the hat trick?
  17. We just need to take care of our own business and hope the other teams above us beat each other up.
  18. So the league is a total joke, Loheit launched himself at the St. Cloud player and looked like a vicious hit high, but a two minute penalty. If no league suspension comes it proves the league is a joke.
  19. …and Western is up to 8 in pairwise. Where are we if we win that game?
  20. They said he didn’t challenge it. The refs must have decided that, which left Berry the opportunity to challenge the kicking without getting a penalty with a wrong challenge. One thing is crystal clear, they need to fix the challenge situation after this year. It is way too much, and coaches abuse it because sometimes they have nothing to lose.
  21. Let’s not forget the late hit on Schmaltz that put him out of the game.
  22. After what happened at the end, if UND comes out soft and uninspired tomorrow, then I would say there isn’t a lot to look forward to the rest of the year. Take control from the opening faceoff and leave no doubt!
  23. …and the same gopher fans that decry UND because of their perception that fights only happen when they are involved, go nuts and are cheering wildly for the fights! Hmmm.
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