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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I wish I would see a little pissed off emotion, just to know they are still into it.
  2. That’s what I think, especially when first down didn’t gain. If we want him to be a game manager, then he needs to run and give us manageable 3rd downs when there is room to run. I would rather he fumble moving forward than getting it swatted away scrambling in the pocket.
  3. Kind of surprised that we are ranked that high by others considering we don't return any defensemen, but I guess if they can gel together, the talent is certainly there.
  4. I'm guessing some have changed as things have become more analytical over the years. I am sure there are some base tests that have remained constant.
  5. No, but it’s another thing to think that those few plays didn’t give UND a bit of cushion that kept NAU just out of reach. But that’s what good teams do, make the plays necessary, and capitalize when the other team doesn’t. Let’s be honest, if we were on the other side of those plays we would be pointing to them as turning points that kept us behind the eight ball.
  6. I don’t know, if NAU doesn’t turn the ball over down deep in the first half, and give us the two point conversion, I think the third and fourth quarters play a lot differently.
  7. I am not part of the consensus, especially when it comes to big schools. We have seen in other sports that some of these programs are of the mind that if you aren't cheating you aren't trying. I would hate for a sport like hockey, which has always been fairly good at playing by the rules, to be dragged into the cesspool that has been NCAA basketball and football. But ultimately if there could be money involved, I imagine a lot of these schools may be entering the picture, so as stated, UND better have a plan in place to be competitive with the changing environment.
  8. No, they still do that, but somehow it is different if they have older players.
  9. Personally, with how Hastings ravaged his former team, I hope he flops. I know, he has to do what he thinks is best to win, but I don't think all of those guys he took are must haves when he has the ability to recruit more high end guys at Wisconsin.
  10. …and they wonder why we have so many apartment buildings? Not very attractive to new families and retirees.
  11. Wonder if all the other high end talent BU has coming in could cause concern about ice time in certain situations.
  12. No, since they allowed another paid position, the volunteer is eliminated.
  13. Well, he can’t be a volunteer assistant anymore.
  14. Yeah, makes you wonder if our faceoff proficiency could suffer a bit. Puck possession is huge, especially on special team units. Love to have Simpson back, but will genuinely miss what Ulmer has brought to the program.
  15. Would love to see Slipec and Klee take the next step this year. Will be nice to see how Littler transitions to a full season in the USHL.
  16. But if a stud goalie is sitting because another stud goalie took the net and didn’t relinquish it, they may transfer out, causing us to be forced to do so, so you never know.
  17. We haven’t had success keeping freshmen of the year around, but nice that Tyree is back.
  18. Good point, he will also be very relatable with the players, and maybe a good go between when issues arise that could derail a team.
  19. If he can get the players and especially the defense to play with the passion and love for UND that he did, I'm good with it. Maybe it would have been nice if he had coaching experience somewhere, but I think he has a good background of knowledge and maybe some connections through his dad, and I sure wouldn't mind someone with his personality and passion talking to a recruit's parents. I think Nick Oliver only had Junior assistant coach experience before St. Cloud hired him as an assistant, and that was with two full time positions, so I think you can see big time coaching potential before you have much experience. I'm sure Smaby would have been preferable, but some guys that have that experience aren't going to take a pay cut unless they might be the next man up if you know what I mean.
  20. ...and could be they wanted a defensive player to have representation in the leadership group.
  21. Was hoping Hensler would have waited to commit so a nice defensive coach addition would have enticed him. Oh well, still a lot of guys that are desirable that will probably be around a little longer.
  22. tnt

    ASU to NCHC

    ...and let's not forget how this whole nickname fiasco got started with professors and such on our own campus that pushed their agenda. So we might have to kick ourselves out!
  23. Since they are looking for someone to work with the defense, I would think Smaby and Simpson are probably good guesses.
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