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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Let's hope it turns out well like Jeff McLean and Kevin McKinnon who left and came back as great college hockey players.
  2. tnt

    Thanks Osh!

    Oshie didn't score 20 goals.
  3. So when his basketball eligibility is up, can he play a year of football ala Chad Mustard?
  4. He is starting to get into that draft range where teams might not be thinking 4 years of development. If he moves up and not down in the actual draft, expectations might be a little higher by the team drafting him.
  5. Toews points per game are just about on par with Kane, and his goals per game are much better, nevermind the fact that he is a great two-way player. That being said, I don't know if all of that will be factored into the equation, and if Toews will lose votes because he didn't play all the games, so Kane seems like a good bet, even though Sioux fans have it all worked out why he should win it.
  6. Exactly! When you have a leader by example like Joe Sakic, and then you have Marian Gaborik as a captain, it's no contest. Sakic is one gritty customer, and Gaborik didn't bring any intangibles on top of not scoring.
  7. I thought when Miller was with Wayzata that he was a faster player, not a grinder like Malone. Does anybody else have info as to what he brings to the table.
  8. Don't think Kunitz is the type of player you're looking for, he is more of a smaller fast player.
  9. It would be exciting, but I don't like deciding league titles and such by who and who can't score breakaway goals. With all of Minnesota's ties, if they would have had Kangas in shootouts against a lot of that competition, they might have finished a lot higher. It certainly would be great for teams with high-end offensive talent and great goalies, but I just wouldn't like it. If they were pressed to do something, I would go to a 4 on 4 overtime first.
  10. Being a Bruins fan, I am unlike Michael Vick in that I have no dog in this fight, but it seems odd that the same people that decry the Sioux, have no problem with a tough guy style of play when it comes to the Wild. The thing about the Sioux was that every game that people complained about the Sioux being rough, the Sioux won, and were responding to what they perceived as cheap shots. On the other hand, the Wild responded out of frustration, with some dangerous runs at their opponent. Not saying that the Avs are completely blameless in the series, but I just find it fascinating that virtually every gopher fan is crazy about Boogard, even though he isn't much of an offensive threat. He certainly was lucky he didn't connect better with his elbow, because that certainly would have warranted a suspension.
  11. I agree to most of the sentiment here. What I would hope the loss to BC would do is to make some of the Sioux fans a little more humble. I realize that it is fun to needle your rival, but to the extent that some people do it and the cocky nature is uncalled for unless provoked. I think what this exhibits is that it isn't easy to win a National Championship, especially if you have an off game anywhere along the line. I know a lot of it is a false sense of security in your team, but I could never be as sure as some people are that the Sioux would win #8. My suggestion is to remember how this feels and don't feel the need to rub it in on others when they are at their lowest. I know that civility goes both ways, but it would be nice not to have to pay for the way other fans act.
  12. Since he has never done it, and as Dagies said he had an experience that he stayed with Lammy and it worked out well, why would he all of a sudden change? If the players see him doing things out of his character, they would tend to panic themselves. Let's face it, you or other fans like you would be complaining today if he pulled Lammy after a few goals and put in Walski if Walski didn't stop the same shots. If we had a dual goaltending system most of the year, more people might be apt to take you seriously.
  13. We didn't lose the NCAA title to the Badgers in Engelstad Arena, we lost in the WCHA playoffs, which effectively ended our chance at an NCAA title.
  14. I thought Hakstol was using those games not as a low point, but a turning point because they played well the whole weekend except for a couple minutes, which of course cost them the Saturday game. Funny Dubay didn't mention how shocked he is that the Sioux are in the Frozen Four, because they really aren't that good.
  15. If Kozek has an inkling of what he plans to do at the end of the season, I certainly have a ton of respect for him for putting that aside and concentrating on taking care of business on the ice. If he chooses to leave and has laid everything on the line in an effort to help lead us to the National Championship, I can wish him well and say thanks for your dedication to the program, and go get'em at the next level. At the end of the season he needs to do what's best for him, and right now he is doing what is best for the team, and that in a nutshell is Sioux hockey.
  16. Didn't we lose 5 players early a couple years ago? Although Spirko didn't go pro, he was an early loss regardless, and a big loss. Zajac, Jordan Parise, Smaby and Stafford also left that year I believe. That's what makes it so impressive to get to the Frozen Four in 4 consecutive seasons.
  17. I just hope whatever they do redshirt-wise in the future, it allows us to put our best possible team on the field for the first year we will be eligible for the FCS playoffs.
  18. Why doesn't the Ralph show it on the video board?
  19. I have 2 packages for the entire tournament in section 210 row 7. I am asking what I paid, which is $65 for each package.
  20. I think that is the point they are trying to make, his stock would be at its highest now. I don't care what anyone says, 16 goals in this league is very good and to diminish that doesn't make sense to me. Could he repeat or better that next year? Maybe, maybe not. It really wouldn't surprise me if he left, but it would be nice to have that shot back next year, especially since they will need to replace some scoring punch.
  21. By the way, is there something different in the way Lucia responded compared to how Zajac cross-checked Anderson in Minneapolis? Oh yeah, the Mankato player was much closer to the boards and in a more dangerous position. Where are the cries for suspension there?
  22. I only got to see the overtime periods in a couple games, but there seemed like a lot of times that Kangas was on his back and being piled into. I also saw the recap of other times, including one where Kangas got whacked in the mask with a stick. Whether any or all of them were intentional, my point is that if the Sioux ran into the goalie that many times, there would be no question in the minds of others whether it was intentional or not, they would be guilty. My knowledge base only comes from these games and our games with the Mavericks, but it doesn't seem like you can hit the goalie that many times without there being some culpability on the part of the Mavs. Hakstol himself said the time for fighting is done, so I don't know how the Sioux would have responded in the playoffs had the situation been the same. I think retaliation would have to come in a different form.
  23. I guess I haven't seen what people at GPL are saying, but aside from the Pohl incident, it seems like Mankato ran into Kangas more times than can be explained away by crashing toward the net. Does anybody else think that if the Sioux ran into Kangas that many times, it would be the big, bad Sioux syndrome applied? I know the Sioux became villains for taking matters into their own hands when Bruess et al. ran into Lamoureaux. Would the gophers have responded in kind if it weren't a playoff game?
  24. "like we haven't seen"? What team have you been watching? You do know that the Sioux play in a tough league and that other teams are out to compete as well. When an 18 game unbeaten streak isn't enough, you know that expectations have gotten to the point of being unrealistic.
  25. I guess the one to ask if Hakstol does it too, would be Aaron Ness then. Because if he were ever to do it, I would think Ness would be the one to approach, especially after all the press about Lucia not developing Okposo. Not saying he didn't develop him, just that the story was out there.
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