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Everything posted by tnt

  1. The fact that many have accepted Roughriders as a viable choice even though they weren't enthralled with it in the first place, might indicate that it would be less divisive than choosing any of the other names on the list. If they want to pick a name that would require less time to gain acceptance and prevent discord, then perhaps this could be that choice.
  2. Now I think I know how all of those other schools came up with lame bird and color names. The consultants talked them into a generic name that couldn't possibly offend anyone. Sounds like they should just have asked the consultants to pick out a name, because they obviously are such elite minds. Unbelievable that we are paying these guys and that Sundogs is still on the list.
  3. I'm thinking that we will at least have one or two names that can be voted on. Hopefully the next narrowing of the field doesn't do a complete 180.
  4. So if the Hawks hold on, who is the Conn Smythe winner. Keith? Crawford? My bet is Keith.
  5. Was recruited for football team and was injured. Ended up trying out for hockey and was kind of plugged into defense as depth so only played one game. Not sure if he quit football and was fully healed somewhere down the line and decided to give hockey a try, because I think originally it was a neck injury that wouldn't allow for the specific contact required in football. Others might know more of the exact situation. Was more of an intimidator for the Penguins and did his job well. Believe he is a personal trainer in Pittsburgh now.
  6. Who knows, but they do recognize Geoff Smith who played for UND a little over a year then left for Kamloops of the WHL.
  7. ... and it would lend itself to so many jersey combos. You could have Teddy charging on the front, and the horses as arm patches, or vice versa. More jersey combos, the more people will find one they like and buy it.
  8. Was thinking the same thing. Go with whatever wins, and if there is a problem, then it reverts to the next in line.
  9. You do realize you were in the minority on thinking Flickertails was a suitable name, while many thought that was garbage.
  10. Since the consultant seems to know what is right, I am sure we will see some variation of "Hawks" in the final vote because as someone said there isn't any possibility of controversy, except for Thunderhawks. How lame would it be to be spoon fed another generic name, as the other schools in the same situation did with all the bird and color names. Despite the criteria set forth, I am guessing they will ignore it and put this generic option before us for a final vote.
  11. Hate to tell you that there have already been petitions about it just staying North Dakota and how it would leave people with Sioux as the default name. I have no appetite for going back and forth for the next 10 years with people bickering about that again. Pick a name and move on, or we will be right back here again shortly anyway. And if you are in the crowd that says screw them, well, they said the same thing about people that were against the Sioux nickname. The NCAA will react to that minority eventually, whether you think the previous settlement allowed us to remain just North Dakota or not.
  12. I think more Red River grads like it than not. It is the Central grads I would think that would be predisposed to disliking it, and I guess I can understand that. It is a shame that there aren't the options we were all hoping to have.
  13. Which means it won't be one of the finalists when it comes down to a vote, if this list is any indication of their ability to choose wisely.
  14. ... and I have been a proponent of Roughriders from the start, but the fact that they can't provide a viable alternative to that name for someone who has issues with it, is to me unbelievable.
  15. No, they are saving that logo if they choose "Pride".
  16. I'm assuming Trailblazers is trademarked, otherwise that would be better than Explorers for the reason you gave.
  17. Isn't that what got us here in the first place -- some people interpreting the Sioux nickname as hostile and abusive rather than the intended source of pride!
  18. Roughriders and North Dakota are the only two that have any weight in my eyes, and everyone knows how I feel about us being right back here in a few years with the latter.
  19. When your rivals are urging message board people to vote often on online polls for Sundogs, you know what others think of that as a joke of a nickname. Will someone please put the brakes on this joke!
  20. We were told that unique and pertinent to the state were traits they wanted in the new nickname ... and this is what they came up with. Remind me why they paid a consultant all that money! No respect at all for committee members.
  21. Don't know if I'd feel that way if they went somewhere else.
  22. It is amazing about a lot of the stuff behind the scenes that Hakstol has done and was not common knowledge. I had no idea that he is the one that pushed for a series like "Through these Doors". He also gave the fans more access to the inner workings of the program with Dan Hammer's weekly TV show about UND Hockey. That will be huge going forward in giving exposure to the program, and will help with giving us a recruiting advantage going forward over most programs. Like him or not, he has moved the program forward by leaps and bounds on giving the average fan access to the program.
  23. I'm sure Minnesota fans would have loved to see Mario Lucia in a gophers uniform even with the issues that could arise with the Father/Son relationship. I think it is the same here. True, the perception is quite different about favorites or what not, but I think fans question who is in the lineup and what roles they play regardless, as do players, I'm sure. I think Hayden Shaw has the potential to be a great player, just like Troy Stecher, because they both have dad's that are coaches, and when a player with ability has the bonus to think the game like a coach, you can often times get an elite player.
  24. It is so great to have all those guys back next year. With LaDue, Stecher, Thompson and Poolman all staying we will have a formidable defense to say the least. As lucky as we were this year, all four underclassmen could potentially leave after this coming year, so could be pretty green the following year. Can you imagine if Schmaltz would have stayed? Would even be less experience the following year. The expectation is that Ausmus would stay through his Senior year, but he has a game that a lot of teams would love to have as well. Guess we just need to enjoy what we have next year and can make a run and possibly finish it with some hardware. That would make some of the probable losses easier to deal with.
  25. It isn't 12 years at the professional ranks, it is 12 years coaching experience at NCAA, Junior or Professional. Still requirements are pretty lofty.
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