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Everything posted by tnt

  1. But I think that Teddy got his reputation as a rough rider when he came to the Badlands and gained people's respect for being a tough character.
  2. I should add, that this is exactly the kind of personality we should want to replicate with our athletic programs, that of having nothing handed to us, but earning the respect of others through our actions and diligence.
  3. So people that spend time at UND that credit it with becoming who they are isn't relevant. Guess we shouldn't have Engelstad Arena or claim Matt Greene, Ed Belfour, etc. as something related to UND since they only spent a little time here, regardless if they might not have achieved what they did without their time here. Why are so many alumni that aren't from here even concerned about a new nickname, they shouldn't be if they only spent a small part of their lives here. Maybe the only people that should get to vote on the new nickname are people who have lived in North Dakota their entire life and have ties to UND.
  4. Where do you think he learned to become a Rough Rider. No North Dakota, no Rough Riders. Cowboys meeting Roosevelt for the first time at roundup took him for a weakling. “You could have spanned his waist with your two thumbs and fingers,” one rider recalled. Roosevelt didn’t help matters with his fussy gear: toothbrush, razor, bedroll and spectacles. No self-respecting cowboy wore eyeglasses. “When I went among strangers, I always had to spend 24 hours in living down the fact that I wore spectacles,” he wrote, “remaining as long as I could judiciously deaf to any side remarks about ‘four eyes,’ unless it became evident that my being quiet was misconstrued and that it was better to bring matters to a head at once.” At the roundup, he told one Texan who called him “Storm Windows” to “put up or shut up,” either fight or be friends. The Texan opted for friendship. When the cowboys learned Roosevelt could ride 100 miles a day after a full night in the saddle and spend 40 hours on horseback while wearing out five horses, they came to respect him. Roosevelt explained years later, “As with all other forms of work, so on the roundup a man of ordinary power, who nevertheless does not shirk things merely because they are disagreeable or irksome, soon earns his place.” After 32 days and a thousand miles on the trail, the other Badlands cowboys accepted Roosevelt as one of their own. One tough ranch foreman’s assessment: “That four-eyed maverick has sand in his craw a-plenty.” Roosevelt even received public acclaim in the Sioux Falls Daily Press, which wrote of him, “When he first went on the range, the cowboys took him for a dude, but soon they realized the stuff of which the youngster was built, and there is no man now who inspires such enthusiastic regard among them as he.”
  5. Agree, you don't know what you have until it is tested. Buxton is taking a few lumps for the Twins, and he was the #1 prospect in baseball. Adjusting to a new level is always tricky, and you never know when the light turns on for different individuals. Nice to have a great defense to fall back on during that learning curve.
  6. I may be wrong, so if I am let me know, but aren't you the one who was pushing for Einherjar as a nickname? If so, the argument falls on deaf ears for so many reasons.
  7. If I were to take a bird name based on the logo, it would be Fighting Falcons since it would roll off the tongue nicely, and you could create a similar type logo.
  8. This is the kind of entitlement that is wrong no matter who gets it. People who truly need assistance is fine, but those that choose not to work so they can surf all the time, both on the web and in the ocean, that is where the government needs to take notice.
  9. Anyone outside of Grand Forks won't care about Roughriders, and it is the state motto, and doesn't add any redundancy.
  10. ... and I find it interesting that they picked one UND student's opinion who still wants to hold on to the "Fighting Sioux" nickname. Funny they don't talk to any alumni that have the opposite opinion.
  11. While I think this list has plenty to be desired, I think as previously discussed, a ton of names would look funny. As for people laughing at us, if names like gophers, jackrabbits, tigers, bulldogs, huskies, etc. were on the list and not already taken, I would be laughing at them just as much. Not many names look good when you had such a proud name like Sioux. I always wonder how you could take pride in a mascot like gophers. In the end, the pride is actually in the school itself and not so much the nickname -- except if you are called the Sundogs, then all pride is out the window.
  12. ... and let me guess, he thought Sundogs was the bomb.
  13. You really thought there would be two or three we would be fighting over? If you go through the threads from day one, someone would suggest a name, and there would be some that like it and some that hate it. There was no way that a name like Cornhuskers, Hoosiers, Sooners, or the like was ever going to gain traction because they don't sound right initially. Do you think anyone would have chosen a name like that if they were available? It is even harder when you had a great name in place for so long. Do you think a name like Badlanders or Sodbusters would ever be able to muster up enough support to move forward and have the chance to become popular down the road? I don't think any unique name was going to gain popularity because those names like I mentioned just sound odd until they become synonymous with that school.
  14. You mean the "Bully Pit"!! So many possibilities with Roughriders. The hockey teams new motto could be "Walk softly and carry a big stick"!
  15. But many of the people that don't like the nickname are hoping for no nickname, in which case we will be spending that money all over again years down the road. If it's all about the money, then where is the common sense in that?
  16. Not an early departure, but good for him for getting a chance to play in the top organization of the Blackhawks.
  17. Was wondering if they thought that was a problem because their radio commercials said "We hear you Grand Forks, some times a big burrito is too much", or something to that effect, trying to get people in with the smaller burrito. Can't eat that food often and maintain weight, unless you are in high school or college, which you think would have been their main business.
  18. You know, now that I think about it, UND got this process all wrong. They should have had the same group they are going to let vote narrow the choices down to 3 or 4, then had the committee pick the name. At least then, you wouldn't have the possibility of getting a name that just about everybody hates.
  19. I'll tell you this, if you thought petitions and protesting was crazy for the Fighting Sioux nickname, just wait to see what happens if they somehow narrow it down so Sundogs gets picked. I don't think most people would stand for that.
  20. Just talked to a supplier I deal with from Minneapolis and read the list of names to him. He couldn't believe how poor of choices there are, except for Roughriders. He thought it was odd that North Stars would be on the list, and thought the two Hawks names sounded like community college names. He said for being one of the two big Universities in the state, they sure didn't come up with very acceptable names.
  21. Channel Susan Powter, and "Stop the Insanity"!
  22. Yeah, then we could lay further claim to the state. We are already the flagship University, then we would have the state nickname like those others you listed as well. After all, nobody refers to North Dakota as the Bison state.
  23. Hey, if we were going to be the "Force of the North", we just could have been the "Stars of the North". Sure it's semantics, but it wouldn't actually be North Stars. O.K. then, Roughriders it is!
  24. Just curious, during this meeting, did the consultants bring up any concerns about the Urban Dictionary and Sundogs? When the consultants are done here, are they going to talk to the State of North Dakota about changing the Roughrider Award and state motto? Phil Jackson is pretty PC, and he was the one who originally suggested Roughriders when we still had the Sioux nickname. Get the consultants out of the process - NOW!
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