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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Guess Ron His Horse is Thunder forgot about that quote too, as well as many Native Americans of his time.
  2. I could have been happy with a form of that and just be Peregrines. You could still have a Falcon logo, but have a unique name that has a few ties locally. Yes, Peregrines doesn't sound right initially, but all unique names need some time to grow on you.
  3. I have 2 tickets for each night versus Wisconsin, Section 302 A, Row G on the aisle in a short row above the entryway on the end the Sioux shoot twice. $45 per ticket. PM me and I will get back to you.
  4. If they blew this whole thing up and kept names that weren't offensive like Nokes and Arrows we could have at least had unique options to choose from. True, some people would still hate them, but after what we've been through, I would take something like that in a heartbeat.
  5. So the question would be if none reach 50 percent, and the last two are close, then what do you do? Now it would be better to use the Herald voting idea. Now see Jim brought up this possibility. How would the other two feel if they were close but ousted by Nodaks to get to the runoff. They would be asking why close isn't utilized in this round. They sure set themselves up. Why do they keep acting without thinking?
  6. So Jerry York just starts calling around that are already committed elsewhere, and does what he does.
  7. ... but your orignial point was that the old Ralph had a huge home ice advantage. Yes, in years they are winning it did, but when they weren't, not so much. So far we haven't really seen that in the new Ralph, and with the recruiting tool of the building, hopefully we don't anytime soon. So if we keep on top and keep seeing packed crowds because of the advantages it gives us in recruiting, I would call that a bigger home ice advantage.
  8. ... and for this I blame the committee and the consultant for pushing things forward that had no basis if they would have adhered to their own criteria. Don't give us the "unique, tied to the state, source of pride" crap if you have no intention of using that in your evaluation.
  9. Except those fans weren't rabid during the lean years in the early 90's In other words it was an advantage when you were winning, which is probably the case with the New Ralph as well.
  10. So according to some, we can't vote RR because of Ron His Horse is Thunder, and Hawks because of Kelley, so Nodaks is the only ... wait, I heard Don Lucia loves that so he can show his disdain for North Dakotans, for that matter most of their fan base. How about voting on merits of each name.
  11. You know for someone who is so certain of just about everything, you sure do go round and round on things. And I don't think you are swaying any votes with your "a vote for _______ is a vote for Kelley" mantra.
  12. Weren't you the one that said his decision was going to favor Rough Riders?
  13. Can you tell the students at UND that? " Oh, look, a neat logo, let's be that!" If only they knew how other people like yourself and others think about the less than imaginative name. The fact that the consultant pushed this through and convinced the committee to make it a finalist is a joke as well. Like I said, don't make criteria for selecting a nickname if you have no intention of following it.
  14. Logical? Logical? Wouldn't it be logical to follow your own criteria for choosing a nickname and eliminating names that don't remotely follow that criteria? Wouldn't it be logical in any election to have a firm policy, and follow it? I cannot for the life of me believe that any of these people have any sense whatsoever. If this is what a degree at UND or anywhere else gets you -- I have to believe college isn't that beneficial after all!
  15. I was going to ask him to find out from them what a closeness of the vote will allow for this time? Where would have that threshold been in the last round? Kind of arbitrary isn't it?
  16. Sounds like a good way to handle it, but that means that it won't be done. When given a chance to wrap this up in one vote and bring about a little more fair play in the final outcome, you would think they would jump at it. The fact is that Kelley just doesn't seem to care about the consequences behind his off the wall decisions. It is apparent that he is content to leave his legacy as a nickname that doesn't have a consensus legitimacy.
  17. Perhaps, but there was a Thunderhawk, and that may be the reason that was left off. At least that would have differentiated us a bit, as we could have been T-Hawks for short. Don't think we'll be the F-Hawks for short.
  18. O.K. since they can make variations to the names given, are there any variations that would entice those not enamored with Rough Riders because a high school has it, to vote for an offshoot like Range Riders or something of the sort? Then you would be calling one Rangers for short, and the others Riders for short. I know, too late in the game for it, and the powers that be would be the ones making any variations anyway.
  19. Like I said, you shouldn't have that dilemma to deal with. You should be able to vote your conscience and have another vote if nobody reaches 50 percent.
  20. Tim Hennessey said he was going to vote for Fighting Hawks but said he would just shorten it to Hawks. Hate to listen to him during a Frozen Four with U Mass Lowell Riverhawks and Miami Redhawks if he is going to shorten them.
  21. Just said that he appreciates the feedback. Didn't get anything back from Kelley though.
  22. On second thought, he wouldn't squirm. It would just be business as usual for him with his making it up as he goes along philosophy.
  23. I'm thinking Kelley would have been inclusive if it were even in the 200+ range, but you're right, it would be nice to watch him squirm in that scenario.
  24. I wrote this on the other thread, but why don't we do a vote, assigning points to your top two picks. It would at least give some idea how the Nodak or Roughrider crowd would vote if it came down to Fighting Hawks and one of them.
  25. You have a lot more faith in them than I do. If they want to get it down to one more vote, then have each person pick their top two favorites in the order they like them, then assign points to them. If Hawks had a lot of first place votes but just as many 3rd place votes, it would be a better representation on how a third vote would go.
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