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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Well, let's not kid ourselves, if NDSU wasn't winning titles in FCS and UND was still in Division 2 and winning multiple National Championships, there would be a lot of people down south that would belittle those titles. Similarily, if NDSU moved up and all of a sudden UND won FCS Championships, there would be those that downplayed it by saying "Yeah, but at the level below us". It's all part of the game. The fact that the NCAA doesn't seem to care about the competitive balance and "home field" advantage or seeding nationally at the FCS level shows that they are hypocritical when they talk about not allowing regionals to be played on "home ice" in hockey, although if NDSU wins a few more championships I wouldn't doubt they would institute an "NDSU Rule".
  2. One even has to wonder about Hartzell's mindset when he is looking at the program because wasn't he passed over for coaching positions before? Not saying he has an axe to grind, just wondering.
  3. ... and greatly exaggerates things. He seems like a lot of Minnesota fans, spouting off on things where he doesn't have a command of the real facts, mixed in with half truths. I suppose many of their fans deserve a dose of their own medicine. No doubt many still use the tired 25-year old Canadian routine when talking about UND.
  4. I'm not saying we will have a down year, just saying that the fine line between making the tournament and not making the tournament is the bounce of a puck in any one given game. We know that all too well with needing Wisconsin to have a miraculous comeback against Ohio State in order for us to make the tournament a couple years ago.
  5. They were in the National Championship game a few years ago and made the tournament and lost to a good Duluth team last year. They had much worse years before Guentzel came back. They are a pretty young team, and have played decent teams pretty well lately. True, we have a young team too, but if we had the same record we would be saying this is the time of year we come around. Be careful how bad you say they are, as if we lose who we probably lose at the end of this year, there is a chance we will find out next year that their demise is much exaggerated. The fact that we have been the exception to the rule thus far doesn't mean it can't or won't happen at some point. There will come a time when making the NCAA tournament isn't a sure bet for us either. Just look at some of the teams on the bubble year in and year out. Providence turned out to be the best and they were the last team in.
  6. They should have Loadholt and Sullivan back, which should help, but they obviously need to have better depth.
  7. You either have to go for it, or trust your kicker. If you go for it on first down by passing and the pass is incomplete, then you leave over a minute for Russell Wilson to get into field goal range for a game winner.
  8. Would Hastings possibly want to leave Mankato? Not positive Guentzel would leave Minnesota unless it is clear he won't be the man after Lucia leaves.
  9. Were the 49-22 shots for St. Cloud totally not reflective of the game?
  10. Heard Red is employing a hypnotist to ensure that this same kind of Dylan Larkin repeat doesn't happen. If that doesn't work, then physical detainment is the next step.
  11. Not sure they tried. Didn't Schlossman say they weren't recruiting him?
  12. Don't agree we have only played two games against decent teams. I think Denver and Duluth both have teams that could make it a long way if they get it going. That is what it is all about, getting it going at the right time with great goaltending and special teams. We have seen even teams that barely make the tournament can go all the way.
  13. They did beat Colorado College. Maybe the person that included CC in the NCHC should be fired? When you play in a league as tough as ours you need some teams that aren't quite as strong every once in a while. That said, remember U.S. International, especially when you don't have your top guns.
  14. I'm of the opinion that it is much like other things in life, once you stop obsessing over it, that is when something happens for the positive. It seems like every year that is the first thing people say, "this is the year for #8". It seems they have come a few times when people least expect it. Hence there is no way it happens this year!!
  15. ... and continue to work on finishing on his chances, although a quarter inch or so here or there and he could be close to leading the team in goal scoring as well. Maybe he thinks he is playing pick up hockey and needs to hit the pipe to score.
  16. Is there somewhere you can purchase a hard copy of the media guide?
  17. I know this kind of thing could happen elsewhere, but I worry about the reputation of college hockey getting dragged down if some of these big time schools get involved in college hockey with the philosophy "if you're not cheating, you're not trying". What might some of them do to get themselves in the national picture sooner rather than later? I think we can all see how corrupt college football and basketball has become. I would like college hockey to stay away from that reputation.
  18. That makes more sense, because if you were to assess the two hits, Seeler's looked more blatant.
  19. Yeah, I totally didn't get that. Downing at least had some semblance of a hit albeit high, while Seeler down right clothes lined the St. Cloud player. It really smacks of a "we can't be hurting players in our own league" philosophy.
  20. The picture on Fox College Sports isn't high definition though.
  21. I recall people saying the same thing last year when they were further back. They are 20th in the Pairwise now, so beating teams like Penn State and Michigan, along with Harvard possibly, sure wouldn't hurt. I can't figure out how they are ahead of Duluth now when Duluth has a better record and swept them in a home and home series. Four of seven wins coming against Northeastern and Ohio State isn't exactly the elite in college hockey. They have a combined 5 wins.
  22. I seem to remember several times when UND needed late goals or overtime to beat Bemidji State and Air Force where there were pile ons. A win is a win, and if they can't get excited, that is where I would be concerned.
  23. The more I see guys like Santiago, Golloday and Schobert not get multiple scholarship offers, the less I am concerned when a recruit isn't rolling in offers.
  24. Hope so too. After the students did that the first few times I thought this is going to get old fast. It did. If it keeps up past the next series or two, I think they may need to double down and start announcing the goals as "Fighting Hawks scoring" as well as a deterrent, as sad as that may seem.
  25. Do any of the Major Junior teams have Olympic size sheets? I certainly wouldn't want to be a team with Olympic ice. Just another reason for an NHL draft pick to be moved to the minor leagues earlier. Would you rather have a guy develop playing 50 percent or so of his games and practice time on a sheet that he won't see at all in the NHL, or the correct size rink?
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