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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Wait, I thought you were moving when Sioux was replaced.
  2. Even if any of us were on that committee, they would have found a way to get the consultant's choice to the final. Not for Sundogs, but at least it met some of the criteria. Now it's a matter of seeing the incredibly lame logo that the consultant will approve.
  3. Yeah, noticed they just tried to pitchfork his pads over the goal line. How about reviewing that. Was hoping we could get that 2 goal lead and get Wisconsin thinking "here we go again".
  4. It was a trap for the reason they came off a long road trip and were undefeated, all the while being told how bad Wisconsin is, which leads them to believe with home ice they shouldn't have a problem. Sounds like a definition of a "trap" to me. Yeah, it all comes down to effort, but that is what they mean by trap, not being fully into a game because of circumstances leading up to or after that game. Glad you could make money betting against the Sioux, but it makes me believe you don't believe your own opinions.
  5. Exactly! Whenever I hear how bad the other team is by media and fans, I cringe. I have seen upsets happen all too frequently in that scenario. Perhaps a little too much, "we're home now, things will come easy", and plenty of incentive for Wisconsin against the number one team after reading how bad they are. Back to work tomorrow.
  6. tnt

    Bye Week

    Yeah, the hypocrisy of the NCAA with their not allowing teams to host in their home arena in hockey, while giving higher bids more emphasis in football is bizarre. How about being consistent with your level playing field mantra.
  7. I agree, I have a gift certificate to the Sioux Shop and back in the day it would have been spent in a heartbeat. Now I look through everything and say maybe I'll wait to see if anything comes in that has the "Look". Can't say that I've seen anything with just North Dakota that has me thinking I have to get that. I do think any of the names that get selected could have logo potential if they go about it right, which means ditch the consultant needing to sign off on a logo.
  8. Wisconsin has some high end guys though in Besse and Kunin. Hopefully we limit chances like we have thus far, but if Besse has a chance to get his shot off in the slot, we will find out just how much Hyrinkiw has improved since his first game. If UND has the type of puck control they have had early in the season, that might not be a factor, but hopefully we don't find out. Wisconsin did tie Northern Michigan twice who beat and tied Bemidji State like we did. I know matching scores isn't much benefit, but it does give an idea if a team can be competitive in any given game.
  9. Have you seen this hit from many angles? I cannot see from the angle given whether he connected or not, but I did see him take his hand off the stick and bring his arm up. I don't know if it hit or not, but I can't see how everyone is so sure of themselves from that clip, when other people see it different. I guess at the very least, the league saw it different.
  10. I think the targeting aspect is very important when they are looking at things like this. He had no intention of gaining possession of the puck, just nailing the player, and he came in with his elbow high. Just like the NFL, you do that, and right or wrong, they will tend on the side of player protection.
  11. Similar hit as the Duluth player that got suspended for a game. Consistency, that is what we ask for all the time. I think this is a case where they are being consistent, so I have no problem with it.
  12. I guess I'm in the camp that Roughriders isn't a decidedly bad nickname. As I look at most people on here, it is the lesser of all the evils, but it seems like many of the Roughrider supporters are voting for something rather than against something. That speaks volumes. Lets face it, we were never going to get a consensus no matter which nickname we would pick, and the constant back and forth would be taking place with any names brought into the discussion. I do wish they would have left many of the names on the list they ruled out early so we could have debated some of the strengths and weaknesses of those, but I do think Roughriders has the potential once people get over their biases to other names.
  13. Think Hoff's dad is Geir, who played on the Michigan State team that lost to the Hrkac Circus in the 1987 Natinal Championship game.
  14. So let me get this straight, the same consultant company that pushed Fighting Hawks is also going to design the logo? Is that the case? The pushers of the generic name so nobody is offended will somehow come up with a unique and exciting logo? How about that word getting out! Oh, but we the people picked the name, so it all looks so legitimate!
  15. ...and we aren't sure yet about Vermont. Lost to us and Omaha but beat Minnesota, so the verdict is still out.
  16. Friday's tickets are sold. Saturday still available.
  17. Yeah, just exactly like it is a wait and see how good the team is until they play stiffer competition, I want to see the same from Hrynkiw. That said, they have both done everything they can do to this point, so the fact they can all be learning as they win is great for a young team with a goalie that is just getting his feet wet at this level. Keep it rolling against Wisconsin.
  18. True, we build people up way too high, and then look for every way possible to bring them down. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle between the myth and reality.
  19. Hey if the hawk and bird lovers out there want to get behind something, how about the fact that TR created several of the bird refuges in the state, and by executive order created a National Wildlife Refuge. So yeah, he actually has done a lot of things for North Dakota and the country because his conservation spirit was born here. Honor him for that alone in my eyes.
  20. Other than the fact that they would have never been named Rough Riders if not for North Dakota's influence. In fact there might not have been a volunteer unit period, and certainly not one involving TR.
  21. I hate the term experts as much as the next guy, but he did foretell us most likely moving toward that type of nickname.
  22. Yes, I guess that was an assumption. There are so many things in our history that we aren't proud of, but put us where we are today. Without Manifest Destiny our country doesn't look like it does today, and we wouldn't be having this conversation about UND. We can only hope we learn from those historical circumstances.
  23. ... and I assume you had no problems with the nickname Sioux, who scalped and brutalized people? This is the very reason we will end up getting a generic name like Fighting Hawks because you can find skeletons in everybody's closet. Romans 3:23 .
  24. The point being that he shouldn't have been?
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