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Everything posted by tnt

  1. It's like someone else pointed out, that Fighting Irish is used by a local high school team in Indiana as well. Who knew?
  2. I have to laugh at how they think these names are funny, but they are a pest rodent that everyone wants to exterminate. In other words they are a bunch of gopher _'holes. See how that works. They may able to say Nodicks or Roughrider condoms, but their name can be messed with as well. And really, if they choose to stoop to the lowest common denominator, it is more of a reflection on them and their maturity level than us.
  3. We are not suggesting we become the University of North Dakota Roosevelts. We are suggesting Roughriders, which is a name that fits the Old West image of the state. The nickname of the regiment could very well have been "The Boxers" or something pertinent to what he was all about when he lived in the east, but the name originated because of the time he spent as a rancher in North Dakota. I think the name originating out of his North Dakota experience is a good tie. How many schools across the country are named after Presidents Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy, etc. as a means of honoring them, when they might have never stepped foot in the state? Nodak supporters say that the name is open ended and you can do what you want with a logo. Even if you perceive Roughriders as far removed from TR, it is consistent with the image of the Old West. If someone said their time at UND made them what they became, do you not think UND would be promoting that left and right. Even if they didn't say it, they would be drawing connections. Eddie Belfour and Phil Jackson are just a few that UND promotes as one of their own. Eddie Belfour was here one year. No, they are not trying to name a nickname after them, but we aren't trying to do that with Roughriders either, just the connection that resulted in the name being born.
  4. Don't believe I've called anyone stupid, or a racist, but yeah I've posted stuff to support my agenda. Personally, I wouldn't go to those lengths, but to each his own.
  5. No, not saying you falsified anything, just thinking it is hard to know the real pulse with a small sample size. I think I get a good inkling from a bunch of people I know, only to be surprised when I sample more of them. Some input from campus is better than none, no matter the sample size, especially for those of us that are completely out of touch with the mindset.
  6. Well I'm glad you can throw the racist card out there like Al Sharpton to further your agenda. Almost as bad as people calling people that supported the Fighting Sioux nickname racist when they knew it was a source of pride, not mockery! There may actually come a time where people will look back, much like people are with Roosevelt, and say what were those people thinking, using a Native American image as a logo.
  7. yeah, to the point of calling an American hero a racist, not taking the times he lived in into consideration. Heck, we should rename all of the schools in this nation named after Washington and Lincoln because of their racist views!
  8. I thought you said they already have switched to Nodaks. Seriously, I don't believe you or SiouxFan97 have a true pulse on what is going to happen.
  9. I would assume those that liked the "fighting" in Hawks could trend to Nodaks. I think it is completely up in the air. Just remember RR has other connotations and means for abuse as well.
  10. While not a fan of Nodaks, I could live with it under some conditions; "Fighting" as an adjective, and a serviceable logo. However, that is my problem with Nodaks, we are not certain either one of those can, or will happen.
  11. He came up with an incredible logo for Fighting Sioux, and what good is it now when weighed against a perceived slur?
  12. ... or none, which I am sure the hockey team would be pushing. If they did come up with a logo, and the hockey team said they wouldn't use it, then you know where the bread is buttered. If I were the administration, I would require a logo be made.
  13. Hoping with a week knowing he will be the guy he can take the next step. Cam had bigger issues his first few games, but frankly, neither inspires confidence right now, but I suppose that is to be expected after McIntyre. Was hoping Tomek would be ready, but Tim Hennessey said he has heard anywhere from the Wisconsin series until after Christmas. Puskarich and Shaw could make it tough on any goalie without experience on the road.
  14. Yes, and getting rid of the Sioux nickname as well. So you're a big fan of political correctness huh?
  15. Not me. Every shot they took made me nervous. Unless they play like they did 1st period against Bemidji last Friday, or he is over the jitters, I would be happy with a split this weekend.
  16. That is true, you can't lump everyone together with that statement. That said, there are those that were saying "seriously" to the thought of Nodaks to all in now. How did it all of a sudden become the "it" thing?
  17. I'm not buying that he was just doing what was best for the University. North Dakotans can just as easily protest NoDaks as a slur. Don't you think that they would begin by protesting the RoughRider award, or a National Park honoring him? The fact you have heard none of this and the fact that he was promoting his own choice, shows he was acting on his own, not for the benefit of the University. Nevermind the fact that Roughriders is open ended, you can tie it to TR or not.
  18. But you are basically asking him to define what a Nodak would be in that case. He knew what a portrait of a Sioux would be, but to throw him to the wolves with no sense of direction seems like it is putting it all on him.
  19. We'll see how it goes, but it is kind of funny how that blind devotion can sway people. I think that is how the NDSU football team can dismiss a lot of the things that went on. When I hear so much about "culture" by the top programs, and then I see some of the discipline or lack thereof that goes with actions, it leads me to believe that fan bases will be willing to excuse a lot of behavior in the namesake of winning. Guess we can look back on some of these threads and see people's top 5 choices and then how they evolved when the powers that be have spoken.
  20. Glad you have a mind of your own.
  21. I think when nobody has any concept at what is could be, it opens itself up to this interpretation. The other options you have some idea about a logo at least.
  22. You mean, kind of like Schlossman's disingenuous information about Teddy Rooosevelt. Remember when reporter's were supposed to report the news?
  23. I think if Nodaks comes down to the final two, they should have a logo drawn up, because if people are thinking it is going to just basically be North Dakota, and you end up having a figure like in Sicatoka's post, that is quite the eye opener. To me if they choose Nodak's, and don't have a logo, your marketing is going to be terrible. I do have to laugh at the students chanting "Sioux Forever", when some have never been on campus when it was the nickname.
  24. The process is coming to an end, but the Grand Forks Herald will keep this alive for the next 20 years.
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