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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Again, 80% of the people that have died in Minnesota have come from assisted living facilities, and they have taken great strides to protect them. What else do you propose to do?
  2. True, I just think Canada will find a way to have a season for their Major Junior teams, even with the hurdle of players and teams from both countries. I hope hockey is up and running all the way around, but the talk concerns me.
  3. I’m not so sure we have a season, at least not a full season, and if that is the case how many of these guys go play Major Junior. With all the talk of online classes before Christmas, I’m not sure how you can get all the Universities on the same page. UND is going forward with no roommates in dorms next year, and I can see people that can’t get dorms might just go online. If that is the wave of the future it could change college athletics, and hurt hockey more than other sports. I want to be optimistic, but the decision makers seem like they aren’t going to go forward with anything without a vaccine. I would hate to see it ruin a good thing we had going at UND.
  4. Who can honestly look in the mirror and say that they want their kids to have a better future than they had, when they won't have a future with all the debt the country is taking on. I guess for those living in fear, there isn't much to spend money on other than TV and a psychiatrist anyway.
  5. https://wccoradio.radio.com/articles/ap-news/osterholm-says-cloth-masks-wont-fully-protect-from-virus Wonder how long this guy will be allowed to speak out.
  6. I will add that it is also prevalent in the entertainment people watch and listen to. Johnny Carson was an equal opportunity mocker. You don’t see that these days. When you get a whole bunch of celebrities together with a campaign that “we really need to support this president” it only shows that it is all based on political viewpoint, not country.
  7. But if they come in and don't play, what good is having them that extra year, unless you fear your depth needs to be upgraded.
  8. So, what is your solution then, cryogenically freeze them and stuff them away somewhere until 2022. The people who are dying are the people that are being protected the most. Short of isolating them and have them fend for themselves, I don't know what else you propose to do.
  9. I couldn't agree more. And that is exactly what they are doing with Coronavirus when it pertains to North Dakota.
  10. ... and how long will people need to wear them? If we are still dealing with this in 2022 like some have projected, will they continue to wear them until then, and if they don't are they heartless?
  11. It isn't filtered, so your droplets aren't getting out. By the way, there have been studies on the negative effects of wearing masks, especially for kids.
  12. The professional grade masks are the ones that are really effective. If you really want to stop transmission put an oxygen mask over your face and carry around an oxygen tank. Are you prepared to do that, or don't you care about people? That's what I thought!
  13. Some were just coming out of their house for that, and now have to go back underground for this.
  14. Right, but you have no problem ruining their futures. When you look at the mortality rate of kids, you will have more kids that end up dying from despair and unintended consequences than the virus itself.
  15. If 80 percent of people are going to get this, at what point do you just let nature take it's course and get herd immunity. Even if people wear masks all the time, it can spread from someone touching something. With all the precautions we have taken to protect the vulnerable and all of the measures taken in assisted living facilities, we still have 70 percent of deaths coming from those facilities, so why is that? Perhaps all the measures taken don't work, including masks. What if there was a study that said wearing masks is making you more vulnerable for a second wave of this and the flu in the fall because people need to be exposed to germs to keep their immune system in tact. I guarantee that my immune system would not be near as good as it was a few months ago when I was going to the gym, thus eating better and getting out of the house. Add to the fact that so many people are so stressed about getting this, which only adds to immunity issues.
  16. You seem to have escaped the wrath of Mafia Man for some reason.
  17. I don't know all the circumstances, but I would assume if he didn't want him back it was because he has a team concept that needs everybody pulling the same direction, and if someone doesn't buy into it, it won't work. The overall talent of the team isn't such that we would have gotten as far as we did without pieces working together. Not saying Moody wasn't or isn't a team guy, but I don't think you get rid of a guy who can score unless there was something he was or wasn't doing that the coach wanted.
  18. Not dismissing progress, but I am not naive enough to think that people in those positions can't have an agenda.
  19. Gotta tell you, being denounced by a community that has gotten so much stuff wrong, might not be such a bad thing.
  20. Brink, Guttman and Stapley are pretty formidable though, and they will have some experience with the transfers they are bringing in. Tough hit for them though, especially when next year would have probably been the year he could have made a huge progression.
  21. https://www.geisinger.org/health-and-wellness/wellness-articles/2017/03/22/14/40/heres-why-you-should-cut-back-on-hand-sanitizer I haven't heard much about using too much hand sanitizer lately. In the past we were warned using too much could compromise your immune system, so one has to wonder with all this washing and sanitizing if we aren't going to be more vulnerable to other things in the future.
  22. "any other route"? What, are gerbils going to administer it?
  23. Believe me, that is the next big thing that will be touted out of this. We have already heard that the environment is that much cleaner because everybody is inside. No doubt someone will see that as an opportunity to restrict travel in the future, even with a devastated economy.
  24. If we have gone to great lengths to protect the vulnerable people, does anyone else find it concerning that over 70 percent of deaths in Minnesota happened in nursing or eldercare homes?
  25. Wait, researchers have an agenda? If that's true, scientists could too!
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