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Everything posted by homer

  1. The 2024 pandemic will be much larger than 2020 so no
  2. You obviously didn’t hear Biden say the transition is going smooth and Trumps team has been sincere. They won’t be as far behind on these things as he has stated so far. Even posted the CNN article for you but many others are out there https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/11/24/politics/biden-transition-trump-administration/index.html
  3. How can he take any credit unless he paints a dark picture? Really remarkable to think that a year ago we knew nothing about this virus. Now we have 3 vaccines, supplying ventilators to the world and much lower death rates (not where they want to be but not the 22,000 predicted by Walz).
  4. Meh.....Trump will hold a rally or two in Georgia before the election.
  5. Dad is former d coordinator at UMary and I believe went to NorthEastern with Rocky.
  6. Any pandemic that can get record amounts of votes for a personality like Joe Biden will for sure make a return in ‘22 and ‘24. Can’t waste it on a ‘21 model
  7. I know you peasants are locked up but I need money. Give it now before I raise your taxes https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/joe-biden-trump-transition-fund-plea-035507178.html
  8. Feel terrible for these kids. What a season. December signing day can’t get here soon enough.
  9. Make a decision and be confident with it. Changes his tune on everything or is a puppet for the flavor of the day Guy will get pushed around August- “I will shut it down” November- “I will not shut it down period” https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-election-2020-race-and-ethnicity-health-politics-a409028572b31ff1e1b198724a449c0f https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-says-not-pursue-national-223200519.html
  10. Calls for unity.......amazed no one answers.
  11. The sport that literally had zero physical contact with any other players? For cripes sake we had sanitized footballs sent in so frequently during flag football it was crazy. Great to see how many parents volunteered their time in the corner of an endzone spraying and wiping footballs so kids could play. Walz May be amazed at how many people would volunteer time to do the same for volleyball even if only for the optics of it would help. Who cares if the games take a little longer or there are zero fans, find a way.
  12. It’s very funny to read the bolded part coming from a dem. Replace Fox News with any other news outlet and it’s the playbook from the last 4 years of the democrats but now...... How many unnamed sources were quoted for “news” the last 4 years? Do I think any of this changes anything no? Is it odd the republicans really controlled the election yet lost he top ticket? Yep. Do I think Trump knows he needs to keep a base energized for Georgia elections and keep all eyes on how the votes are counted. Absolutely.
  13. I can understand why dems wouldn’t care for Graham’s request. Come out of this mess with a more transparent approval process for what will become a more popular way of voting moving forward “What I want to see happen all over the country, if we’re going to use mail-in voting ... is that when it comes to verifying signatures, that you have a process that’s bipartisan, where both sides can look at the signature. If there’s a dispute about whether or not you think it’s valid, you put it in some kind of appeal system.” https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/lindsey-graham-denies-pressuring-georgia-official-to-toss-ballots-003444228.html
  14. One administration ran on introducing more regulation and one spent 4 years removing regulation. Doubtful it would have been the same under any P But carry on.
  15. They didn’t take money to accelerate their development and bypass check points put in place for those that did take money. Also an investment play as gov’t likely won’t have a say in pricing. An agreement with the US to purchase some of the supply back in July likely didn’t hurt though
  16. A theme on the D side with politicians is do as I say, not as I do. https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-governor-went-party-violated-204247473.html
  17. They should start burning and looting, than you would find it acceptable. I wonder if that lady had the same hashtags when women were wearing vaginas in their heads for the anti trump march 4 years ago?
  18. Do as I say..... https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/gov-newsom-apologizes-attending-12-010514506.html How do the people in California not see through their leadership?
  19. FAA can not implement mask mandates from my understanding. They are not a health regulating authority.
  20. Those who have been listening to his every change of opinion likely need to hear him say it may not be a pandemic much longer than the ones who haven’t listened to him. One could argue that those that have questioned him vocally believed that it was not going to last long to begin with and saw this coming.......vaccine or no vaccine. Timing certainly is important as he could have stated this at the end of October when it was known a vaccine was coming by December or sooner. Certainly would have changed the “dark winter” theme
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