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Everything posted by homer

  1. Best thing for Rep’s is this lady stays on as speaker for 2 years. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pelosi-pins-house-losses-trump-174131983.html
  2. According to you Trump did not find common ground yet gained his minority support from 4 years ago. Hi name calling was mostly directed towards those that told him he was keeping the minority population back. That is irony.
  3. I don’t think people who voted for Obama were asked to defend their decision the same way as those who voted for Trump. I can vote for policy and not like the person. The side that doesn’t support Trump has caused just as much of the extremes you think you are witnessing as those that support him.
  4. Must repeat what’s on CNN and Jimmy Kimmel. You are predictable.
  5. Having a fantastic senior season. Singing day in less than one month. https://www.inforum.com/sports/football/6748882-Feeney-zips-6-touchdown-passes-in-first-half-as-Spuds-continue-aerial-success
  6. I think Buttgieg did his best at the end of the election to try and position himself for 2024 for the Dems His campaigning was for himself as much as Biden Very well spoken I don’t see anything wrong with Tim Scott in 2024. Justice reform following a year a republican candidate got 20% of the black male vote would likely get a lot of attention. I imagine TNN will be announced the day after Trump leaves office and will instantly become the most watched news channel in the US and have a following leading to 2024 Republican Party will be just as much on notice if they want to retain the minority vote
  7. So if Nevada gets called does Fox have to call the election? Even with Arizona back to a chance Trump pulls it out?
  8. I’ve had two kids get tested, both negative. Doing the responsible thing by keeping them home from school and they need a test to return. Not going to be that parent that works against the school and they make the decision to shut it down. I think other parents agree and it’s worked. Kids are in session full time. Others may be in the same boat where a test is needed to get back to work. Not everything is as reckless in ND as media wants us to believe and most people are pretty responsible and looking out for others.
  9. If I’m a restaurant owner in downtown Chicago and I find out all I needed was a $450 filter plus masks, I am a little upset.
  10. You can’t even make this up. They didn’t even pretend to hide it.
  11. You left out the important detail that the Supreme Court left open visiting it after the election because they did not want to expedite the case and did not have enough time before the election. That kind of sets the stage for where it is at right now. If I remember correctly the states corrupt AG even said they would keep all votes separated received before and after the deadline.
  12. Why Nevada even stopped counting ballots is beyond me. It’s a state that sent ballots to everyone, so there is no idea what is outstanding unless you assume everyone is going to return a ballot. The lawsuit in PA is asking for republicans to be able to view the votes being counted in PA. Doesn’t seem like an out of line request after the AG states before voting day that Biden would win the election if all votes are counted. Let both parties “observe” the ballots that are being counted. Not sure why that’s not done anyway.
  13. Common sense should have never allowed a police building to be offered in sacrifice when this whole thing started.
  14. In fairness to the federal gov’t, with the way Trump’s actions were scrutinized any nudging from them to change what was being done at the state level would have been front and center media and used against him as meddling in the election. I do not think it is unfair to ask laws on the current booms be followed. In the coming years state citizens can vote on changes to those laws.
  15. 2024 will be interesting for certain. The changing footprint of this country makes it fun to look at the strategy. As Sik mentioned earlier in this thread, Texas will be a battleground state in 2024.
  16. I do remember that. 3 to 1 is a huge advantage. Didn’t expect it to be that high. I don’t think they necessarily thought it was the devil, maybe just preferred to watch the votes get put in the machine. Plus it seems it’s easier to count them.
  17. 3 to 1 mail in vote advantage for Biden is crazy. Laws will have to be evaluated between now and the next pandemic in 2024 so how to handle that vote is clearly defined.
  18. Water break in Atlanta Hawks stadium to delay mail in ballots a day or two. Weird
  19. If Trump doesn’t win Texas.......good night. Just not a good sign for everywhere else
  20. I read it, that’s why I posted it. It goes completely against what the news media has been telling us will happen tonight. Trump gets the lead and declares himself winner has been the story for months. You want to trigger a fragile voting base and really muddy the waters, declare yourself a winner because a left leaning news station said you won. Try putting that cat back in the bag. You thought places like Minneapolis and Portland burned before. The strategy of the left. How come no one ever asked Biden if he would accept the election results?
  21. Wait......what??? This isn’t what the narrative has been for the last 2 months. I thought it was Trump that was going to try and cause confusion. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-planning-declare-victory-news-170346566.html
  22. It would be nice but the last thing I want in this day is for there to be a database that can be hacked to show who I voted for. Don’t need some triggered college professor showing up at my door asking me to explain my vote. I imagine lots of businesses out there would not want that either.
  23. Reversed how? Someone else in office? Based on all the facts does to us by dems and the media it, more republicans are supposedly voting in person today so they aren’t asking for any laws to “not be followed” and I don’t see any situation that would reverse that.
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