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Everything posted by homer

  1. The only thing he could do better is take it down from behind the pay firewall from the Forum/Herald. The hit piece written by the forum was as irresponsible as journalism gets and was written for one reason only. It would be responsible of them to clarify that UND could do nothing at the time and was actually in full compliance. I’ll be waiting for that effort involving anything in regards to NDSU football. That would involve taking the knee pads off and finding their way out from under Entz’s desk.
  2. There is pressure on college coaches to win??
  3. Black eye to follow the law?? What would you have done different?
  4. I stopped reading the article at the quote below…..zero fact in there. Only an opinion and it could be taken as affirming that if proper Title IX protocol was followed that the other depts would not have known details of the investigation. Do I think they knew….probably "I don't know that they would have been directly told, 'Hey, just so you know, there's an investigation going on,'" Dearth said. "But given who all the individuals were, I absolutely believe that the witnesses probably would have overlapped, and so even if they were never given an official notification of it, I'm sure probably people in the department would have found out about (in) some way."
  5. What is the point of having a press conference or releasing a statement if your not going into specifics. Looks worse to be honest. A statement was released for the article…. However, a university spokesman released a statement saying, "The University has followed all appropriate policies, as well as state and federal laws."
  6. Or they could say nothing and let the process play out the way it should/did in the correct lanes. They could take the Bison approach and say “it will be handled internally” and lock the media out of practices.
  7. I’m not sure how that works……
  8. Pretty tough to misinterpret. Cheap shot on the way out. Program did a lot for him. Hopefully he understands that.
  9. Will you feel the same way about NDSU if/when they start doing things the rest of the conference isn’t doing?
  10. It’s not stretching. Cause he comes in here all the time and talks !@#$ about how UND loses guys to the portal so things are falling apart, coaches leave so things are falling apart, making a recommendation that UND get on board with NIL for recruiting is desperate. Than the same thing happens in Fargo and it’s crickets. So it’s not a stretch. Its calling him on his simpleness.
  11. Are you saying the Bison will never, ever do this even when the rest of college athletics are going to?
  12. Great idea. It will be valuable on everything from snowblowers to heavy equipment. It’s coming whether everyone is ready for it or not.
  13. Agree with your first paragraph 100%. The girl that got us there also has two other guys she is seeing for other sports outside hockey. That is where UNDs growth potential is at for the athletic dept.
  14. Seeing how the portal has really benefited the top P5 programs I see this as an opportunity for the top NCAA programs to now be able to take in the top portal players and continue to sign the top signing day classes. The benefit for this is change is to the top schools/conferences and not the players or G5 or smaller schools.
  15. Here is your other quote when it was first announced. Still agree with it? ”The biggest is who can handle hockey almost every weekend KVLY won’t do tape delay broadcasting almost every weekend wday will be busy with ndsu basketball in winter so assuming midco will get it back probably cheaper then their first offsr stupid chaves”
  16. Would be a nice addition in a more up tempo offense.
  17. I think so. Have a huge loss on the OL but as a group i think the other 4 positions are better and we have in my mind one of our top position coaches with that group. Defensively, one of the two transfer safety’s need to pan out. Thin at CB but still think an option of moving Fort back to that position changes that if it’s needed based on play of the unknown players.
  18. ^^^^ that is a really good hire. A couple of good news items coming in for MBB today.
  19. Does anyone play defense in AAU?
  20. NDSU and about 7-10 other schools that are actually in states that appear on the map of the current conference.
  21. I can confirm from a recruit that was in Grand Forks last weekend for junior day that this was a topic of discussion for potential recruits and him and his family left very impressed with the plans for this and the plans for the west side grand stand that was just torn down.
  22. It’s not really about the players. If it was the NCAA would care more about the 30% plus that don’t end back up on rosters after entering the portal or they would do a better job posting the data.
  23. Started playing football late, has two years eligibility left. UND runs a different scheme than NDSU. Maybe it fits his style of play better. Clearly is athletic enough. What does UND have to lose?
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