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Everything posted by homer

  1. Same with the throwback to the QB. They were crashing so hard on any short yardage play it was a very good adjustment by Danny.
  2. Vs SIU I saw a different QB come in and spark this team and than a starter make plays and make a game we were out of. Yesterday I saw two QBs do what they each do pretty well. We have two different offenses that I don’t think the other could run efficiently. There will likely come a time when one makes a mistake or two and people question or continue to question him but the last game and a three quarters it has worked.
  3. Both QBs played really well today
  4. #15 ranked kicker in the country on this site. https://www.nationalkickingrankings.com/2022-kickers
  5. Defense giving up two TD receptions that I may have been able to run in. special teams giving up a huge punt return in the first quarter. I will say NG okay was pretty solid yesterday all in all That’s about it.
  6. Three very winnable home games that need to be won big…..not sure we are able to do that. Two difficult road games that we need to find a way and play with some emotion from the start.
  7. Having a running back that puts a foot in the ground and gets up field to consistently make it 2nd and 5 or 6 is something we have not been able to do the last few weeks.
  8. We lack an identity and today when Smith got the touches we found that identity again.
  9. Staff needs to take a closer look at what talent are we evaluating on offense. I’ve seen Isaiah Smith play two full games now and he has been our best offensive player in both. Do we beat NDSU and/or USD if he gets a bulk of Skonkas carries and we find a different way to use Luke. Smith and Weah in the backfield would be hard to defend with how well Smith runs and catches the ball.
  10. Isaiah Smith is the best player in this game right now.
  11. Got conservative and it cost this team. If the offense does nothing here it’s over.
  12. I don’t think so. You have to play to win the game.
  13. Q has to throw one pretty soon. Zero respect when he comes in.
  14. If we can get a score and get up on this SIU defense they will self implode. Chippy after every play.
  15. Amazing what an offense getting points can do for emotion. Go for points
  16. Maybe it wakes up your starting QB because he’s been sleep walking the last few weeks.
  17. Right now it can’t be worse though. When something isn’t working, why continue to force the same thing over and over?
  18. Terrible tackling, poor fit ups on defense, penalties on offense. Same !@#$ as the last two weeks.
  19. I think there is much more talent on this roster than when this staff got here. The replacement would probably be pretty happy with what he inherited.
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