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Everything posted by sultan

  1. I guess we do have a differing opinion. I believe the bison and the Sioux are very even this year. I think either team is capable of beating the other. I think we would beat them at the Alerus and they could very well beat us in Fargo (although we do own the Fargodome). Therefore I also believe that we are capable of beating the Gophers too. This is once again contingent on the fact that the Gophers continue to play as bad as they have been playing.
  2. There are a lot of rational bison and Sioux fans who believe that their teams could beat the Gophers. The reason they beieve that is the Gophers are especially awful this year. It would not be a major upset or an upset at all to beat the Gophers this year. If the Gophers keep playing like they are the bison will beat them by at least 2 touchdowns.
  3. Rhett Bomar's team barely beat an unranked DII team right before they came to Fargo. It really is too bad that the Sioux aren't playing the bison. A lot of the bison fans would have a rude awakening when they found out that the Sioux would give them all they could handle and more. The two teams that the the Bison played at home and the one they played on the road would all have been victories for the the Sioux. The Sioux would have beaten the two Texas teams at home too. And obviously the Central Michigan was very ordinary and time will prove that out. This looks like another year where the bison schedule is way overrated. Remember last year when their schedule wasn't near as tough as they portrayed it too be. Go Sioux.
  4. Southern Utah was knocking at the door to score again as time expired against Southern Illinois. We dominated Southern Utah just as much or more than Southern Illinois did and they are the sixth ranked team in AA. I beleive Southern Utah lost more players to injury after our game and were even less at full strength against Southern Illinois. The score of that game could of easily been 50, 60 , or 70 to nothing if we had left our starters in. Above and beyond that we had 4 turnpovers and fumbled down by the goal.
  5. On the coaches show tonight Swyg said that the men's basketball team would be going from 12 to 14 scholarships next year when we go DI. What is the present level of scholarships for the men and women and how many scholarships will they both have next year? For some reason I was thinking they were both at 10 now. I think the women are going to 15 but I might be wrong. Doea anybody know?
  6. WDAY did their radio broadcast from Scheel's this morning. Scot Hennen was saying all morning to stop by and get your pair of free tickets to the Bison game. You might want to check with your Scheel's source again. But they sure were giving them away at the Fargo store.
  7. Kolpack made it sound like UND was going to start building tomorrow. Kolpack said we had better be selling out the Alerus for a few years before we talk about expansion. I do beleive UND said this is down the road if necessary. UND was implying that if attendance did grow in the next few years. I guess Kolpack is just trying to make up a story that makes UND look foolish. I see NDSU might sell out for the game tomorrow. I heard that if you stopped at Scheel's today you could get . 2 tickets free for their game tomorrow with no questions asked. That's one way of selling out. I don't think we will ever need 25,000 seats for future games but it would be nice if we could seat 18 or 20 thousand seats. I think our football team is definitely heading in the right direction.
  8. I forgot to mention that even though we are a smaller community that supports our teams great we have a sport that brings in over 200,00 people in attendance each year. That is Hockey, a sport that ndsu doesn't even have. Not a bad little add on over Fargo.
  9. The Bison fans have ben having a cow since Saturday's game(they really do have a cow at ndsu) because so many of their fans just sit on their hands and the fans that want to cheer are not allowed to by the Fargodome officials. I feel sorry for them. They better come to the Alerus to watch the Sioux. Everybody cheers at our games. I think the Alerus officials are cheering too. Yes ndsu could learn a lot about game atmosphere if they came at the Alerus. Of course it goes without saying that their tailgating atmosphere is in the minor leagues compared to UND. Our attendance is better for football games than theirs considering the Fargo Moorhead population is 3 to 4 times larger than Grand Forks. For the size of Grand Forks we support our athletic teams wonderfully. Oh yea!!! Our football team is better than theirs even with a lot fewer scholarships. I can't wait till we get a full complement of scholarships. Go Sioux!!!!
  10. The Sioux had turnovers tonight too. The Sioux were playing without their starting nose guard and one their starting linebackers too. When you look at who SFA played last week and who Southern Utah played last week and how they each played against those teams the Sioux win tonight was much more impressive that NDSU's. The Sioux were on the road and NDSU was at home tonight. Both NDSU and UND have good football teams this year. I just said from what it would appear to me is that UND might have the edge this year. Southern Utah might have been the worst team in the Great West recently but based on what they did against Montana last week and what SFA did against an unranked team inD2 it just seemed to me that UND is right there with NDSU and they just might be better than NDSU. Dale Lennon is a hell of a coach and a hell of a recruiter. Dale also said they are close to having 12 games on their schedule next year. All I know is if you give Dale a full allotment of scholarships the UND football program is going to do just fine. I once again would like to state that NDSU has a hell of a football team this year too. What a great game it would be between UND and NDSU, but let's NOT go there.
  11. What a performance by UND. To thoroughly dominate Southern Utah when the week before they gave Montana all they could handle is very exciting. NDSU had their hands full at home with SFA, and considering SFA lost to an unranked D2 team last week it makes the the UND one sided victory even more impressive. I don't care what level a team plays at, whether it is D2 or FCS, it would appear the best college football team in the state resides right here in Grand Forks. The future is very exciting.
  12. Does anyone know why Dan Hammer is not doing the Sioux Football TV show this year? He did such a good job last year.
  13. I did not say the Sioux would beat the Bison. I said the Bison would have their hands full with our offense. If the two teams played the outcome would be very interesting. The Bison would probably have the edge for overall team strength.(I think) Could the Sioux win. Absolutely. The only way we will know for sure is if they play, and right now the Bison will not play us. NDSU always says "bring on the competition". Ndsu's slogan should be "bring on the competition sometimes". The bottom line is .... last year and this year the game would of have been spectacular. The Bison fans should stay on their board and keep their propaganda where it belongs.
  14. Also another one of the main reasons UNI didn't make the playoffs last year was their loss to UND put them on the bubble to make the playoffs. After watching our offense last night NDSU is lucky they were " afraid" to play us this year. They would of had a heck of a time trying to stop us.
  15. I could be wrong on this but wasn't UNI still ranked in the top 15 in some of the polls at the end of the year. The only reason they didn't make the playoffs was because of the number of automatic seeds that made the tournamment that resulted in some higher seeded teams not making the tournament. UNI was still a very good team. They beat SDSU and lost to Iowa State on like a last second play or drive. NDSU wasn't actually giving away the tickets but you could buy them for like 5 dollars. They were still very cheap. And of course on some of the call in shows in Fargo they were giving them away very generously. One Saturday morning Mc Feeley was giving away tickets and you could get as many as you wanted(no questions asked- no charge).
  16. NDSU fans probably shouldn't be making to big a deal about UND running ticket promotions since NDSU has basically been giving away tickets for years at Stop n Go or some convenience store. Yea that is right they have been doing it for years. The Fargodome has also been charging for parking for years to. And then of course NDSU has always had the reputation of fabricating their attendance figures for games . Remember when NDSU used to get 20,000 for home games when the stadium only held 10 or 12,000. NDSU fans shouldn't be pointing fingers at anybody.
  17. We still have heard nothing about how they are going to handle tailgating. My opinion is rather than over complicate it they should just treat a tailgating vehicle as any other car that comes to the game. They just charge the 5.00 per vehicle or more for a mobile home(maybe 10 or 15). They don't need to reserve spots for each vehicle. Just leave it the way it always is. It has worked fine the way it was. They sure don't need to double charge for tailgating vehicles. They don't need to penalize the real loyal Sioux fans. If they complicate it too much it will be a real mess and they will just get a lot of people P.. off.
  18. Since the very beginning of the Great West conference, Bison fans have said that the Great West is an unbeleivably strong conference. Since the Sioux and USD are better teams now than the Bison and SDSU were when they entered the Great West Conference, I'm sure Bison fans will really be singing the praises of the Great West now. The Great West must really a powerhouse now. And that's a fact Dan.
  19. Can we pick up "Beyond the Pond" radio show on the radio here in Grand Forks. You know PA and Dubay call in show. If so what channel is it on?
  20. Dan is right. NDSU is usually better in the other sports. Baseball has been back and forth. It is not that most fans from UND and NDSU don't care about those sports. It's just that nobody basically attends those games. Therefore they don't make money for the University. They are just a financial drain to the move to DI. So they do play a part in the move to DI. Let's face it the only sports that the majority of fans care about are football, men's basketball and women's basketball. And of course hockey at UND.
  21. For obvious reasons Amy wants nothing to do with the Lady Sioux. We could guarantee her a million dollars and she wouldn't play the Sioux. She has enough problems to deal with on her hands without having to get her butt kicked by Gene and the girls. I wonder how large of a guarantee she gets from Valley City every year. It must be large because she has them on her schedule every year. Remember when Amy used to have the attitude of "bring it on". That was a long time ago.
  22. This article is an example of the ultimate hypocrisy. He mentioned all the bad things about how the word Sioux is offensive. Yet he apparently forgot to mention he lives SIOUX Falls. Maybe he should write an article and start in his own back yard first before he starts pointing fingers. This joker needs to brought to task on this. We should actually thank him for reminded us about the double standards that are taking place in our society.
  23. I agree, when Taylor used the excuse that the other coachs would be mad it did come off sounding a little feeble. It's true they could play the Sioux in all sports next year if they wanted to. Therefore that excuse doesn't hold water. Believe me the other coachs wouldn't be telling Taylor to not play the Bison Sioux football game. Hopefully the other coachs would be more team players than that when it comes to doing whats best for the financial stability of their own athletic department. Also, I would think Taylor would be financially astute enough to not sacrifice the money that could be made on this game because a soccer coach didn't want the football team to play the Sioux before he did. They could double the price of that ticket and it would sell out the first day. I do believe they are a little spooked to play the Sioux right now. I think when the Sioux beat Northern Iowa last year it was like a wake up call to them. And that wake up call reminded them how good Sioux really were and reminded them of the domination we have had over them the last decade we played them. They are bascically afraid to play the Sioux because of the fear of losing. Let's get it on you big and powerful bison. Gosh the game would be on your turf. Oh that's right, we own the Fargodome. I almost forgot that. I'm sure you guys haven't forgot it though.
  24. I have been very impressed with the men's basketball team this year. With an over abundance of having to play with very limited numbers of players they have been very competitive. I have been very impressed with the new coach. He has made mistakes but he is a first year coach and has overall done a fine job. The future of Sioux Men's basketball looks very bright. I particularly like the integrity he seems to have for the team and the game. He is not afraid to make the tough decision. Go Sioux.
  25. And of course the Bison fans are going to do nothing but praise the Great West conference since they have always said what an unbelievable conference it is. The Sioux and USD will be better football teams entering the conference than NDSU and SDSU were when they entered the Great West. AT least we won't have to worry about Bison fans bad mouthing the Great West.
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